Chapter 816

Name:His Silent Wife Author:砂糖
In such a large study, the potted green plants are lush and full of vitality.

Li Chenxi saw the dignified look on her face and felt the heaviness of the topic. He meditated a little, paced aside, sat down on the chair, his slender legs overlapped gracefully, lit a cigarette, and opened his lips with the slow exit of the smoke, "OK, talk."

Shu Yao also tried to calm herself down and looked at him again, "why did that happen more than two years ago, do you remember?"

He nodded. "Remember."

He remembered everything that had happened and could be said to remember it clearly.

Shu Yu was shot and fell in a pool of blood, and an Jiayan hurt him again. Li Chenxi completely watched his woman taken away. He had never experienced that feeling of powerlessness in his life. Because of that thing, he understood that he was not strong enough and did not have enough ability to protect the people he wanted to protect.

People grow up or mature suddenly after experiencing something. This is true for people of any age and identity.

Even if power and wealth are all in his hands, Li Chenxi, who has a high status, is no exception.

Shu Yao thought and said again, "at that time, Pei Yujie was still alive, and an Jiayan was not a real joke. He came under orders to take lin'er away."

At that time, lin'er didn't have a formal name, just Didi. He was only a few years old, but he had an extraordinary IQ and great potential.

"But at that time, I didn't know lin'er was my child. I just thought that since I was adopted, I would be responsible to the end. Moreover, after being taken away, the child will grow up around them and will certainly become an unforgivable person in the future. I didn't want the child to experience these, so I made an exchange with myself and let them let lin'er go temporarily."

Shu Yao took a deep breath and looked at his eyes a little deeper and deeper. "I thought it would be over. I didn't expect that it would happen again more than two years later. Now, I feel and speculate that an Jiayan may still have an evil intention to touch lin'er."

She always felt that Shu Yuan was not the only one behind Li Lin's sudden illness. In particular, after the whole incident was exposed, Shu Yuan suddenly died in a "car accident". It was completely dead without proof. It was too much like what an Jiayan did. She killed her mouth in time and left no future trouble.

She added, "lin'er's infection may also be related to an Jiayan."

After all, the source of Yersinia germs has not been found so far. It is too difficult to get samples of such germs just by virtue of Shu Yuan's personal ability and social networking. It is impossible to do so without the help of someone behind her.

Although Lin Jue has repeatedly denied that he knows about this matter, based on Shu Yi's understanding of an Jiayan, he is also suspicious of people. It is likely that Lin Jue will give instructions without an intermediary. After all, Lin Jue is not the only subordinate under him.

"I always feel insecure. Lin'er's infection was discovered in time. What if this is also a trap set by an Jiayan? What if he just wants us to pick up the child and do something secretly, lin'er..."

Shu Yao didn't dare to think any more. The excessive panic made her nerves highly tense. She helplessly raised her hand and held her forehead, and her breathing became a lot faster.

Li Chenxi timely put out the smoke in his hand, stepped forward and comforted her. After sitting down, he hugged her in his arms, let her sit on his legs and pat her back. "Don't do this, don't think about it any more. I've already sent someone to the hospital. Lin'er will be fine."

He had long felt that it was not simple. Although Shu Yao told him about Shu Yuan last night, Li Chenxi was also deeply suspicious. Early this morning, he asked Huang Yi to arrange more security personnel to secretly dress up outside his son's ward and stand by at any time to ensure the safety of the child during treatment.

Shu Yao took a deep breath, tried to force herself to calm down, and then looked at him, "do you think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and I've reached the point where all grass and trees are soldiers?"

She feels that she may be suffering from anxiety. It may be a very simple thing, but she is habitually thinking deeply

Li Chenxi shook his head slightly, his bright star eyes were deep, "what you think is right, what you worry about is also necessary, now this time..."

He slightly lengthened his voice and then said, "as long as ANGA Yan is still one day, we should attach great importance to anything, even if it is only a small matter."

Li Chenxi doesn't want to let that thing happen again two years ago. It's what he should do to protect his women and children. At this time, looking at Shu Yao like this, he has a deep resentment in his heart.

The fire is not to her, but to yourself.

Can let a woman, in order to protect her children, sacrifice so much, but also be cautious all the time, torture her almost to the point of neuroticism, what does he do as a man, the child's father?!

These should be considered and faced by him!

Li Chenxi's handsome face slowly showed a cold feeling, and the eye line was more cautious. He held her arm slightly tight. "Really don't think about it again. You're too tired and need a good rest. Don't worry about these things. I'll solve them."

Shu Yao looked at him and frowned hesitantly, "even if you say so, I can't completely let go, you know? I've been in-depth since two years ago. The biggest purpose of an Jiayan is me except lin'er."

How can she really stand by while she is the party?!

Li Chenxi raised his hand and rubbed her head, pressed her small head into his chest, let her lean on it for a rest, and said softly, "I know, I know, but as long as I'm here one day, I won't let him succeed!"

He took her little hand, "fair and fair, I may be very busy these days. I arrange others to protect you and travel. You must be very careful. There is lin'er. When the child's situation improves these days, you can accompany him."

It's time to start a real war with an Jiayan. If you let him go, Shu Yao and the children will be in danger!

But this is also destined to be a tough battle. Every step in the future will be full of danger. Be very careful.

Shu Yao lowered her head. "I'll help you. However, I just asked you to find something late. Among the nurses taking care of lin'er, one named Fang Wei must be careful. If you can, send someone to check more."

Although there is no clear evidence to show anything, the suspicious points have come out, which is also in line with the track of an Jiayan. Fang Wei is really suspicious.

Li Chenxi nodded seriously, "I know, give it to me."

Now, the only person Shu Yao can trust wholeheartedly is Li Chenxi. I hope everything is caused by her over vigilance!

That night, Li Chenxi was busy in his study until the second midnight. Although he urged Shu Yao to have a rest countless times, and even took her back to the bedroom, in a moment, she would come to him again with a cup of tranquility tea.

She really couldn't sleep. She had trouble sleeping and eating when she thought that someone was peeping at her children and that lin'er might fall into the devil's net at any time and be taken away by the devil of an Jiayan.

"Lin'er was stolen as soon as he was born. He went to many orphanages and was adopted and abandoned many times. The child has been wandering outside for five years at a young age. He has suffered too much and finally returned to us. I really don't want anything to happen to the child..."

Shu Yao lay on his side on the sofa, pillowed his long legs and couldn't help muttering to himself. Suddenly, he looked a little moved and hurriedly bounced up, "where's Zheng ER and Xi Xi? Are they safe now? Will they..."

Without letting her go on at all, Li Chenxi stretched out his hand and pressed her shoulder. He laid her down again. His slender big hand gently traced her cheek. "Children have me. Don't worry, close your eyes and go to sleep."