Chapter 857

Name:His Silent Wife Author:砂糖
"What you've done is ridiculous! I should have stopped you as soon as I knew this!"

Mo Wan was anxious and helpless. Her face was complex and brought out anger. She looked at her angrily. Before, she was in the police station. Because she had nothing to do with the case and had children, she was not allowed to enter the room to accompany Shu Yu. Everything was heard later.

She really couldn't figure it out. "Although Pei Shaoling came to you and said something, I didn't hear it, but he will never let you erase your name and replace it with Chenxi!"

Mo Wan knows Pei Shaoling's personality very well. He has been in contact with him for so many years. Pei Shaoling is devoted to only Shu Yao and never cares about others. He will kindly remind Shu Yao and change the Party of all evidence into Li Chenxi?!

In this way, when the police thoroughly investigated and found oolong, they also found the fact that Li Chenxi used the tellurium gold mine project to cover all illegal activities such as double a money laundering and smuggling. Further investigation will find out that Li Chenxi was only "used" by others, so as to wash away the suspicion and completely get rid of the relationship with the case.

But what about Shu Yu then?

She also has an identity that she will never get rid of. At least she can't get rid of it now. The three words an Wanqing will become the most wanted arrest like an Jiayan and the culprit of the whole event. At that time, everything will be inexhaustible!

"I still wonder how the police would let you back. It turned out that you secretly erased your name. They thought you were an insider and of course they would let you go!" Mo Wan's angry voice brought out anger. He looked at Shu Yao driving, "what do you think?"

"Do you have to bear the blame of this scapegoat? What did you make Chenxi do?"

Listening to Mo's vent like a question, Shu Yao sighed helplessly. She chose a quiet section and pulled over.

Then he unfastened his seat belt and looked sideways at her, "what if it were you? You know that everything Shaoling did was for you. In the end, you can get away safely, but he will be deeply trapped and may sit in prison. What would you do?"

"I..." Mo Wan was completely asked by her. For a moment, she looked stunned and couldn't answer a word.

"Now things are like this. The worst direction is that Chenxi has failed. At that time, an Jiayan will not let him go or me, including Zheng ER and Xi Xi. He will never leave room for anything and will certainly eliminate the roots. Maybe you and Shaoling will be in danger."

This is the worst possible, and what about a slightly better result?

"There's another kind. It may be better, and it's the only thing we expect now. Chenxi succeeded and completely tripped an Jiayan, but what's the result? The case is too big and there are too many charges. An Jiayan won't go to hell alone. He will always take others as a cushion. If this person is not me, it's Chenxi."

"If, when all the dust is settled, Chenxi wants to replace those unwarranted charges and be sentenced to decades of imprisonment, what do you think I will do?"

Mo Wan completely understood, "you really love him too much..."

"Maybe!" Shu Yao closed his eyes powerlessly. "Maybe from the moment I first saw him when I was a child, he has been an unforgettable man in my heart all my life. He is very important to me. If there is no him in my future life, everything will be meaningless."

Shu Yao reaches out and holds Mo wanwan. "We are all women. You should understand me? Chenxi is for me, but I can't let him risk alone."

If there is always someone to accompany ANGA Yan to hell, she hopes that person is her.

If she had to let all the chaos settle down completely, she hoped that all the storms would disappear completely because of her departure.

This is the only tenderness she can leave him.

She loved him, hated him, complained about him, hated him, rejected him, and refused, but in any case, she could not change her original intention and intention, that is, she loved him.

I also thank him for the emotional entanglements he has given her in the past ten years, whether bitter or sweet, because of him, this life road is extremely wonderful.

It was painful enough for her to watch her son die. She couldn't bear another accident. It was better for her to sacrifice than herself.

Mo Wan was silent for a long time. His face was complex and unspeakable. He thought for a long time and sighed, "you and Chenxi want to pay for each other. It is estimated that this is the result that an Jiayan wants to see most!"

"He controls everything in his hands and controls others. Now he is finally satisfied. He sees you struggling and tangled, but what's the difference between this kind of person and the devil?"

Shu Yao patted Mo wanwan on the back of his hand, "people, not everyone is human. Some people are not human at all."

"Well, don't talk about this. I may not have much time left. Late, let's go home!" Shu Yao said, turned around, fastened his seat belt again, and started the car on the road.

On the way, the child suddenly cried. Mo moved and picked up his son from the back seat. After coaxing, she found that the child's diaper needed to be replaced. However, she was too anxious when she went out. She only brought one piece and had used it before.

Shu Yao chose a convenience store, pulled over, stayed in the car to take care of the children, and got off to buy things every night.

A moment later, Mo came out with a large bag of diapers and two bottles of drinks. After getting on the bus, he changed the diapers for the child. As soon as he unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Shu Yao, he didn't wait to say anything. The window beside him was knocked by outsiders.

The sound of "kowtow kowtow" was not loud. It was an elderly man wearing a thick coat and scarf. When talking, he tightened his tight coat, "did you pay the parking fee?"

Shu Yao was slightly stunned. She remembered that she needed to pay for parking here. She subconsciously took out her wallet, opened the door and got out of the car.

"How much is it, please?" She opened her wallet as she said. Without paying any attention, something butted her back near her waist.

Her tight body suddenly froze, subconsciously stopped the action in her hand, and looked coldly at the old man on her side, "who are you?"

The old man just smiled at her, "it doesn't matter who I am, but a gentleman wants to invite you to meet him. Miss an, shouldn't he refuse?"

Shu Yao noticed that the old man called her "miss an". There was no need to guess. She knew that this man must have been sent by an Jiayan.

She knew what he would do sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to be now.

Shu Yao took a deep breath. Yu Guang glanced at the direction in the car. There was a voice in the car, "what's the matter? I didn't bring any change?"

She shook her head and then looked at the old man, "I can go with you, but my friend has nothing to do with this. Please let her and the child go first, can you?"

The old man shook his head, "miss an, the news I received is not like this. Your friend's surname is Mo? He's also the one Mr. wants. Please let her get off!"

Shu Yao's heart trembled. In the hesitation, the old man tightened the muzzle of the gun against her waist and lowered his voice, "hurry up! Miss, don't want your friend to splash blood on the spot?"

As soon as she said this, Shu Yao didn't dare to delay any longer. She slowly turned and looked into the car. Mo wanwan had already noticed the abnormality outside and got out of the car with her child.

As soon as she got off the bus, a man sprang out of the rear. He swung something unexpectedly and knocked hard at Mo wanwan's neck. Then he pulled her and her child into his arms very quickly and forcibly dragged her onto the van parked in the rear.

Everything came so fast that Shu Yao's stunned eyes tightened, and the old man said, "miss an, you can get on the bus with us!"