Chapter 421: Gruesome Massacre

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 421: Gruesome Massacre

Gruesome Massacre

Michael could hear the sound of battle outside. But more than the sound of

spells, the sound of arrows shattering glass and utensils rolling on the ground

could be heard louder. He was surrounded by fteen Body Strengthening stage

level 10 cultivators. At the moment, they all looked like dead bodies to Michael

because they would soon be.

"Chop him to pieces" one of the ninjas ordered the others as they dashed at

him. Michael on the other hand did not unsheath his words or cast any spells.

Instead, he grabbed the kitchen knives from the nearby table where the soup

was boiling in the pan.

The ninjas zig-zagged towards him. Surprisingly Michael did not hear them

casting any spells. Michael couldn't care less how they managed to perform

chantless spell casting.

Some of the ninjas stayed behind and red arrows made of black energy.

Those ninjas who dashed at him swung their daggers at Michael. The

responsive shield spell formed a transparent blue bubble around him. When the

arrows hit the bubble, they just disappeared. In a blink of an eye, Michael

grabbed the ninjas by their hands before they could cut him.





He stabbed both the ninjas in their chests violently. The blood kept splashing

out of their bodies.


He threw the two ninjas onto the others. The ninjas had lightning-quick

reexes so they avoided the two dead ninjas. He did not stop at that as he

grabbed the soup bowl and threw the bubbling hot soup onto the ninja dashing

towards him.


One unfortunate ninja's skin was completely burnt by the soup because the

ninja did not have any defense spell cast on him like the rest of them.

"Ring of Fire" he raised both his hands at the ninja who was screaming in

agony. Out of his hands, a scorching hot stream of re came out. The re

burned the ninja into a pile of dust within a few seconds.

Surprisingly the ninjas did not back o. Instead, they dashed at him more

furiously. Michael showed no mercy to them. He grabbed one ninja by his hand,

slamming him onto the table where Raylene used to cut meats.

This time the ninjas threw star shaped shurikens at him. Countless shurikens

glowing in crimson red ew towards him. Yet all of them burnt to a crisp when

they came to contact with the responsive shield.

He grabbed the cleaver on the table as the ninja on the table squirmed

frantically. Three ninjas leaped at him to save the ninja on the table.

"Ignitia" holding the meat cleaver in one hand, sent bolts of lightning at the

ninjas approaching him with the other.






The lightning bolts hit their target with deadly accuracy. The ninjas dropped

dead to the ground and all of them had a hold right between their eyes.


This time, an ear piercing squeal came out from under the table. It was Gloria

who witnessed Michael chopping the ninja on the table to pieces with the meat

cleaver. She couldn't hold back her scream. In her life, she had never seen such

a gruesome killing.

Until now, she was looking at him killing the other ninjas and keeping her

mouth shut. But when she saw him chopping the ninja into pieces, she couldn't

hold back.

The ninjas did not change their target. Even after seeing their friend getting

chopped to death, they still rushed toward Michael without a sliver of fear for

their lives in their eyes.

Outside the kitchen, everyone was still pinned down by the rain of arrows.

Somehow the arrows pierced all their defensive spells. Fortunately, the arrows

were still weak against physical objects. Those who survived hid under the

tables. They could not see where the arrows were coming from. Hence, they

couldn't ght back




All of a sudden, the ceiling above them exploded. Several gures jumped

through the ceiling after the dust cleared. The crumbled pieces fell down from

the ceiling, hit several waiters and opened up their heads.

The gures who jumped through the roof looked dierent than the ninjas in

the kitchen. These gures wore thin plate armor covering their chests,

shoulders, and arms. Silver metal covered the rest of their bodies.

Gaya looked over the table to see their faces. All of them wrapped white cloth

around their head to hide their faces.

Gaya counted at least twenty armored gures. She wasn't sure if they were

humans or elves or demihumans behind the cloth.

"I'm sick of this!"

Gaya was just about to leave the cover of the table when all the gures raised

their hands up. The very next second, a gigantic chakra materialized above


She expected the chakra to do something other than glowing brighter and

brighter and rotate in the air. The chakra faded away into thin air after a few

seconds. A faint vibrating sound was still ringing in their head. It took these

ambushers only a couple of minutes to turn Hades into a ruin. At the moment,

people were hiding under the tables for their lives. Many waiters and waitresses

lay on the ground in their own pool of blood.

Noah saved as many people as he could. Although Gaya hated Noah, if it wasn't

for him, the casualties would have been much higher.

"I can't feel" suddenly Xanali mumbled,

"What's happening?" followed by Xanali, Peyton also looked horried.

"I can't feel my Arch energy" Peyton started to breathe heavily.

Not only Peyton and Xanali but every single one of them except for Diana

looked terried. They tried to cast spells yet no matter how hard they tried,

they could even cast a basic spell.

However, Gaya could feel Arch energy running through her veins just ne. She

wanted to use this opportunity to end Xanali's life. It was obvious the chakra

made them temporarily unable to use Arch energy.

Peyton read something about spells that would block arch energy ow in an

area, making the place void of Arch energy. However, she had never seen the

spell before. It felt as though she was teleported to the Southern continent

where she would feel the same way as she's feeling at the moment,


Suddenly, one of the gures standing in the circle dropped to the ground.

Everyone looked up and saw a spear made of glowing energy sticking out of the

gure's leg.

All the gures looked in the direction where the spear came ying to see Noah

standing a couple of meters away from them with a sword in each hand. A

glowing shield formed around him which prevented the arrows from piercing

through his body.

Gaya was not going to let Noah be the savior of them and steal the show.

Besides, she knew about Michael's problem. She wanted to rush to the kitchen

and help Michael before he lost control again.

"Don't move my lady"

Just as she was about to stand up, Gaya heard Azazel's voice in her head,

"I have located the archers. If you use your arch energy, the guardians will

suspect you and Lord Lucifer. I will deal with the archers from here"

Since Azazel lacked a physical body and he couldn't leave the dark forest

without Michael's help, he was unable to kill the archers hiding in the woods.

He located them using drones and Spycams. It was either the ninjas were lucky

or the ninjas were too skillful to pick a place in the woods that wasn't covered

by any of the Spycams.

Azazel could count fty to seventy archers surrounding the hades. They were

rapidly ring arrow after arrow to pin everyone down. Azazel moved all the

Spycams in the nearby area towards the archers. Each Spycam was made with

stingers and poison. If Azazel could inject poison into the archers, he could put

a stop to the rain of arrows.

"Fuck it"

Gaya was not going to stay still while Michael was losing control of himself.

"I can't use Arch energy ne, I will still reach him" Gaya mumbled under her


"What are you going to do?" Peyton saw Gaya preparing to move out of the





On the other hand, Noah was swinging his sword, cutting the reballs red at

him by the armored gures. Noah was on the defensive but he was gradually

moving towards them.

"Aelia wait,"

Diana tried to stop Gaya but it was too late as she leaped out of the cover.




The arrows and reballs brushed past Gaya. Several reballs blasted the wall

behind her.

"Argh!" one arrow stuck her in the arm when she leaped into the air to reach

the kitchen.

"What the?"

When she reached the kitchen, she felt a cold chill running through her spine.

Her face turned pale. What she saw was a gruesome massacre.

Limbs, chunks of meat, severed heads, and burned pieces of cloth were

everywhere. The oor was completely drenched in blood.

"Ghost" She uttered the word. Fear had suppressed her voice. She saw his back

as he was holding a ninja by his neck against the wall.

As she approached him, she couldn't help feeling dread in her core. The air in

the kitchen felt chilly and the ickering orbs of light gave an eerie feeling to the


The closer she got to him, the faster her heart started to beat.



The ninja in his hand squirmed but soon, his entire body got ripped in half by

Michael. Blood and organs splashed across the oor and walls. Throwing the

two halves of the body to the corner where she saw a pile of mutilated bodies,

he turned back to look at her.

Gaya stepped back in fear. His eyes were blood red, they were glowing as

though someone lit a re inside his eyeballs,

"I can control him but not for long" His voice terried her. It was like his

normal voice and Lucifer's voice had a baby together. The glowing red eyes

were ickering as he talked

"We have to burn this place to the ground" Gaya conjured a ball of re. They

must not let anyone see what has happened here.


Hi my wonderful readers,

Yes yes, I know you don't like Michael losing control over himself. It was part of

the story and stay tuned to see how he is going to handle it.

P.S => The nal battle between Noah and Ghost will happen. No changing that.