Chapter 430: Sorting Ceremony I

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 430: Sorting Ceremony I

Finally, the train came to a halt. One by one, the compartment doors opened.

Michael waited for everyone to leave before he left the train last. When he came

to the door, the scenery before him took his breath away.

"Wow" Nightmare exclaimed,

Unlike Michael who meditated on his way, Nightmare was looking at

everything through the window still when he saw the place with nothing in

front of his eyes, the place looked a hundred times more stunning or more.

For Michael, the Mazeroth castle immediately reminded him of Hogwarts. Of

course, the castle was unique in its own way. Now that he stepped outside the

train, he was able to see more and more students who seemed to be of the same

age as him. He could see almost every fantasy race such as elves, dwarves,

humans, orcs, and beast-men. The elves were standing in a group away from

the other races while the dwarves seemed to be cursing at the elves for some


The tension between the two races was visible. Almost every single one of them

was familiar with them. The elves mostly carried a beautiful snowy owl in a

cage. Contrary to the elves, the dwarves were standing beside various breeds of

dogs. Michael smiled inside seeing dog breeds such as husky, german

shepherd, and bulldogs in this world. Some of the dogs however had wings and

pointy ears.

Taking his eyes o the dwarves, he noticed the growling faces of orcs and the

beast-men. Orcs were the bodybuilders of this world. Their bulky muscle

mountain physique itself terried many humans. Despite their terrifying look,

the orcs were a peace-loving race. Only a few tribes such as Dular's tribe

advocated war and violence. According to Gaya, the orcs preferred to live in

peace and prosper through trade routes with nearby kingdoms. The orcs were

the only powerful race in the world who did not have their own kingdom.

Almost all the orcs had a raccoon with a long bushy tail sitting on their


Among the humans, he was standing last beside the half-elf. Each and every

man and girl in the crowd carried an exotic rare familiar. The dragons were said

to be a rare race yet he could see a bunch of dragons ying around like ies.

Some of the dragons radiated a noble aura, their demeanor, the way they

looked at the others, the shininess of their scales, simply, those dragons stood


Edith and Victoria were standing in the front. Since Michael had no idea who

they were, he paid little attention to them. His full focus was on the half-elf and

the majestic castle in front of him.

"Why are we standing here?"

"Where is that giant?"

The elves began to show their discontent with waiting. Only the elves were

daring enough to be like this. The rest of them were glad to be a part of

Mazeroth, unlike the elves. The more he saw the elves, the more he realized the

assholeness of the elves. On top of being racists, they seemed to be lacking


Michael looked around his surroundings. They seemed to be in the training

grounds because the grass eld was neatly pruned and he could notice pitches

resembling cricket pitches.

The cultivation level of each individual surprised Michael. None of them was

stronger than him. Only one girl seemed to be on the same stage as him. With

the experience points he received from the reapers Gaya killed and the ninjas he

killed back in Hades, he was able to reach Core Strengthening stage level 4. He

was the strongest among them and the girl piqued his curiosity. However,

curiosity wasn't enough for him to go to the front and talk to the girl. He had

more pressing issues to take care of. In this world full of surprises, it was

logical for someone else to be stronger than him at this point in his life. It

would take him decades to be the strongest of them all.

"Silence" An authoritative voice sounded from above them. All the students

looked upward and saw a group of four descending. The leading gure was a

young man wearing square glasses, behind him were two girls and a youngster

who showed his chiseled body and magazine-worthy abs.

The gray-haired young man wearing glasses was in silver armor that t

perfectly on his body. He carried a heavy sword on his back. Just like Michael,

this youngster too had a short haircut. The blonde-haired girl behind the young

man looked cold, stern, and unsympathetic. The other girl whose black hair

ayed in the wind had a warm smile on her face. She seemed more friendly and

very approachable than the other girl.

Currently, the four of them slowly descended onto the ground. Unfortunately

for Michael, all of them were Core Formation level 10 cultivators. While he was

in the Akilan Realm, he did not want to stand out. The attraction would hurt his

search for the dark elf in the tree. He simply preferred anonymity in Akilan


He never expected that he would be the strongest among them. He could

however hide his cultivation level with the help of the system but that would

denitely raise red ags if someone tried to perceive his cultivation level,

especially the professors. The other option was to lower his cultivation except if

they used powerful arrays, his real cultivation would be exposed and result in

unnecessary complications. Therefore, Michael mingled with the crowd,

staying at last. Since the half-elf was a thief, he too naturally stayed behind.

Nightmare wrapped his tail around Michael's neck as he stared at the other

dragons in wonder. He had never met his species and he was curious about the

other dragons.

"Welcome to Mazeroth. I am Elliot Watson, the head prefect" the youngster

carrying the heavy sword proudly said. He adjusted his glass before continuing,

"Shall we? " Elliot looked over his shoulder at the tall bulky youngster behind


The students including Michael did not know what the four of them were

planning to do. Soon, he found out when a hot airbrushed past them. The heavy

sword which was in the sheath a second ago was now in his hand. Even Michael

failed to notice as the youngster moved too quickly, faster than blinking an eye.

"As expected," Elliot nodded. He then turned his gaze back at the new students,

"Listen to your prefects and don't taint the proud name of Mazeroth. If you do,

I will take care of the matter myself"

Then the four of them took o leaving the students confused. Only a few

students could guess why they came. The hot air brushed past them was

Celestial energy. Elliot checked if there was an imposter amidst them. Although

the odds of forging the teleportation scroll to Mazeroth were near zero and no

one had managed to do so, it was customary for the head prefect and the

student leaders of each specialization to conduct a search when the new

students arrived.

Michael felt a major deja vu looking at the disappearing gures of the four

students. It felt like yesterday he saw Alex, Adam, Celina, and Sadie at the

heaven's gate competition.

As he was looking at them, he felt the half-elf moving his hand through his

coat. The half-elf was daring to pickpocket Michael. He could tell the half-elf

was highly trained by the way he was moving his hands. Too bad the half-elf

was trying to pickpocket the earth's number one hitman and the deadliest man.

"Your trick won't work on me half-elf" Michael whispered to the half elf.

The half elf's face instantly became paler.

"You need ngers to break open those space rings you stole. Don't make me

break them" he whispered to the half-elf with a smile on his face. To others,

they were like friends having a nice chat. The half-elf shivered after he heard

Michael. He had no idea how the human next to him found out about his trick of

breaking the space rings. It took him years to come up with a rune hack to break

open the space rings.

"There is that giant"

"Someone should teach him the concept of time"

When everyone saw Gilrine walking out through the door in the courtyard, the

elves began to bitch.

"Welcome welcome to Mazeroth"

"Someone already said that, now lead us to the sorting pillars without wasting

our time anymore" one of the elves rolled his eyes. His arrogant demeanor

drew everyone's attention including Michael's. He was one of the elves who

beat the half-elf earlier on the train.

Gilrine's grin shrunk,

"Sorry, now if you follow me," Gilrine said, clearing his throat to disguise the

embarrassed look on his face. Despite his look, Gilrine seemed to be a soft-

hearted man.

The elves followed Gilrine rst as the others followed them behind. The half-elf

tried to speed up his steps,

"Try to escape and ill tell the elves what you did to their stu"

— Locked Chapter —


— New chapter is coming soon —

His words stopped the half elf in his way.

"I don't know what you are talking about," said the half elf.

"Nightmare" Michael gently nudged Nightmare's chin as he leaped onto the

half elf's shoulder. The half-elf almost shouted and swatted away Nightmare

but Nightmare's razor-sharp teeth stopped him from doing so.

"Walk with me," said Michael following the crowd.

The half-elf realized he had no choice but to follow him because the man

walking in front of him was the strongest of them all. He made an amateur

mistake by not checking his cultivation before trying to pickpocket him.

However, he did not have to worry for long as the professors would strip away

their cultivation after the sorting ceremonies. The students would only be

allowed to use their cultivation during certain tasks and assignments.

"Hey, little dragon" the half-elf smiled at Nightmare,

"You're either extremely lucky or unlucky" the half-elf couldn't guess whether

to laugh or cry hearing the dragon.

"What's your name by the way?" asked Nightmare,


The half-elf sighed, giving the dragon one of his aliases.

Chapter 431: Sorting Ceremony II

Michael followed Gilrine while keeping an eye on the half-elf. The walls above

the corridors were lled with dancing plants and talking portraits. The closer

he got to the oak door at the end of the corridor, the louder the students began

to chit chat. They were clearly more excited than Michael.

Under dierent circumstances, Michael would have enjoyed spending his time

on Mazeroth. The third persona problem of his prevented him from

appreciating the life around him.


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