Chapter 870 Gaya Vs Xanali

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Somewhere else in the Fire realm, Gaya and Xanali landed on a barren land. There was nothing except a few boulders as far as they could see. Gaya picked herself up and brushed off the red sand from her black dress. When she saw Xanali a few meters away, she let out a devilish grin. Gaya clenched her fist as the APD injected a healing potion into her bloodstream, lessening the pain of hitting the ground hard. She didn't worry about Michael because she knew he could take care of himself. Besides, she was too focused on Xanali to think about anything else. This was a golden opportunity. They hadn't been alone since Xanali was six years old. At that time, Gaya tried to smother Xanali to death with the pillow. She would have succeeded if it wasn't for a maid who managed to stop Gaya at the wrong time. Since then, they had never let Xanali alone with Gaya.

Xanali growled and slowly stood up to her feet. Her brows creased as she realized where she was. However, her creased brows froze on her face when she noticed Gaya walking toward her. Xanali's instincts screamed at her as she prepared herself to fight Gaya. Anyone with a single brain cell could tell there was no way Xanali could defeat Gaya, no matter how many legendary spells she had in her arsenal. Gaya was at the Half Immortal stage level 4, while Xanali was just at the Soul Refining stage. Gaya could kill Xanali without breaking a sweat. However, killing Xanali quickly was not Gaya's plan.

"It's you and me alone," Gaya said with her hands behind her back. She slowly circled around Xanali like a predator stalking its prey.

"What a poor kitty kitty? It seems like no one is coming to save your ass," Gaya ridiculed Xanali. Although Gaya was a princess just like Xanali, nothing was ever handed down to Gaya. She had to fight for every single thing in her life against her own family. But Xanali, on the other hand, never suffered a day in her life. While she was in Nagaland, Salesi and the kingdom had her back, and when she joined the Guardian Guild, Peyton was there to take care of her. Even after Peyton died, Noah took her under his wings and fell in love with her.

All these emotions Gaya had turned into an absolute hatred and rage toward Xanali. Hence, Gaya wanted this fight to last long.

"I don't need anyone to save me," Xanali tried to remain calm.

"Bitch, you kidding me?" Gaya broke into laughter. The sound of her laughter swept across the barren lands.

"You always had someone to look after you. Salesi, Castien, Noah, Peyton-"

"Do not speak her name," Xanali stomped the ground when she heard Gaya speak Peyton's name. Her eyes immediately turned bloodshot, burning in rage.

"You and Ghost will pay for what you did to her," Xanali growled as Gaya continued to circle around Xanali.

"No, we won't," Gaya chuckled.

"Even your precious Supreme Guardian had to come to us, to save his own father. If it wasn't for the Dark Lord, your Noah wouldn't have a family right now. He saved Diana from an assassin in her own home. He saved Sabrina from being tortured and turned into a vampire. And now he saved Ethan, who apparently got stabbed in front of all his family. You'd be a fool to think Noah could protect anyone when he can't even protect his own," Gaya spoke slowly as every single word came out loud and clear.

"When the sun rises tomorrow. The entire world will know how the Supreme Guardian begged for the Dark Lord's help to save his father," Gaya grinned.

"That's your whole plan, isn't it? I knew you didn't help him out of the goodness in your heart. There is no kindness in your black heart, Gaya. I can't believe we share the same blood as our father," Xanali snickered. Surprisingly, Xanali's eyes glistened with a bit of sadness. Despite how Gaya tried to kill her when she was little, Xanali used to look up to her big sister and love her with all her heart.

Xanali lost count of how many times she talked her father out of punishing Gaya for all the crimes she committed throughout the kingdom. But Xanali realized how wrong she was to believe Gaya would change when she raised a prison filled with almost two thousand prisoners to the ground, burning every single one alive. Xanali would give anything to go back to that day and stop Gaya from slaughtering all those people who deserved a second chance in their lives.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Xanali. You and I are not sisters,"

"You think so," Xanali snickered without realizing the true meaning of Gaya's words.

"We stopped being sisters the moment you burned those prisoners alive," Xanali growled as the images of the burning prison flashed across her eyes. Everyone in Nagaland knew Gaya was cold and cruel like her mother, but no one imagined she would be heartless enough to burn defenseless prisoners alive. What shocked them more was Gaya never regretted her actions. Xanali still vividly remembered the moment they captured Gaya and brought her before the king.

"You better kill me now, father. Screw this up, and you will pay with your life," Xanali heard Gaya's vengeful words she spoke to her moments before Castien broke her meridians, crippling her for life.

"You failed to grasp the meaning just as always," Gaya shook her head and decided to simplify her words to Xanali.

"Castien is not my father. He is just a puppet my mother put on the throne. I don't have a single drop of Castien's blood in me,"

Xanali's mind went blank as Gaya continued.

"I always had a feeling how this spineless bitch could be my father. So imagine how glad I was when I learned he is not my father,"

"No…you're lying…" Xanali muttered.

"But don't worry, he is definitely your father. You inherited his absolute stupidity," Gaya laughed once again as she loved seeing the dumb look on Xanali's face.

"Since he is not my father, I won't feel a bit of remorse for what I am going to do to him," Gaya finally stopped circling around Xanali. She looked Xanali in the eyes with a devilish grin.

"I won't let you hurt him," Xanali clenched her fist.

"I don't make threats. I make promises. So listen to me carefully. One day I will walk into the throne hall, put an arrow through his heart, and throw his bleeding body out of my throne. If you want to stop that, you just have to kill me,"  Gaya opened her arms and motioned for Xanali to attack her.

"Let's end this right here, right now," Xanali stepped forward with her clenched fist. As much as Xanali was shocked to hear Gaya was not her sister, she cared for her father more and lost her sanity when Gaya threatened to kill Castien. She didn't even care that Gaya was a Half Immortal who could kill her with a snap of her fingers. At that moment, Xanali wanted to take down Gaya one way or another.

Because of Gaya's overwhelming hatred for Xanali, she broke her own rule of capitalizing on cultivation power and decided to beat the hell out of Xanali. This was a fight with no cultivation, no spells, and no tricks.

"Come on bitch. You and me," Gaya motioned her to make the first move and stood still. When Xanali reached an arm's distance from Gaya, she punched Gaya with all her strength. Instead of blocking or evading the punch, Gaya stood there and took the punch without moving an inch. Xanali's hand went numb as she felt like she had punched a stone wall. Despite the numbed hand, Xanali repeatedly punched Gaya in the face. When Xanali punched Gaya for the fiftieth time, a tiny drop of blood trickled down the corner of Gaya's mouth.

Xanali stopped punching to take a breath as Gaya spat the blood out and wiped off her mouth.

"My turn," said Gaya before uppercutting Xanali in the jaw. The sheer power behind Gaya's punch sent Xanali flying into the air.  Five meters….ten meters…. twenty meteors….she flew higher and higher from the ground until Gaya leaped into the air and punched Xanali again mid-air. Another shock wave exploded upon Gaya's fist, hitting Xanali's face. Blood sprayed out of Xanali's mouth as she soared down to the ground and hit the ground, forming a small crater around her.

Gaya dived down like a rocket, aiming to land directly on Xanali's chest. But Xanali managed to roll around just in time. Her ribs would have shattered if she was a split second late to react. Cultivation power or not, Gaya trained her body to fight head-to-head with Michael himself. She was strong enough to lift half a ton of marble without even using arch energy. In other words, she was a monster with or without cultivation power. Xanali stood no chance against her. After she rolled away, Gaya landed in the crater as the ground cracked open.

Xanali jumped back to her feet and threw her fist, only to see Gaya evade the punch and spartan kick her in the chest. The kick made Xanali cough up blood while flinging backward like a kite without an anchor. Xanali slid through the ground, leaving a dusty trail. Every bone in Xanali's body ached as blood trickled down from her nose and mouth. Despite the pain, Xanali picked herself up to fight Gaya.

"You must be a special kind of idiot to think you can win this fight," Gaya said, cracking her fists.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog," Xanali wiped off the blood from her mouth and said.

"You fight to kill. I fight to save. There is a difference," said Xanali.

"My stupid sister," Gaya shook her head, disappointed with Xanali.

"Will and purpose do not matter when you are an ant trying to move a mountain,"  said Gaya.

"Come on then," Xanali slowly raised her hand and taunted Gaya to come at her.