Chapter 892 Michael Got Drunk

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Michael came up with a quick plan to earn some badass points and went straight to Aric. He grabbed Dillon's mug full of ale and poured it on himself, leaving Dillon puzzled about what he was up to. Michael then stood up and pretended to be slightly drunk as he made his way towards Tertis's table. Initially, the patrons in the tavern paid no attention to him as drunkenness was a common sight there. But as he approached the table where the proud mermons were dining, the servers and other patrons began to take notice.

"Hey, check out that guy stumbling around. Looks like he's had one too many drinks,"

"Yeah, I think he's trying to impress someone. Probably trying to get the attention of those mermons over there,"

"Well, it's not working. They don't seem to be paying him any attention,"

"I don't know, he's getting closer. Maybe he's going to do something crazy,"

"Oh boy, this could be entertaining. Let's see what he does,"

"Uh oh, he just poured his drink all over himself. What is he doing?"

"Maybe he's trying to prove that he's a tough guy. You know, like 'look at me, I can take a drink in the face and not even flinch,'"

"Well, whatever he's doing, it's certainly caught the attention of everyone in the tavern now,"

"He's walking straight towards the mermons. This is going to be interesting,"

"I don't think they're going to like this. They seem like a proud bunch,"

"Yeah, they're not going to take kindly to someone interrupting their dinner. Let's see how this plays out,"

The patrons in the tavern began to stir with excitement, their interest piqued by the sight of Michael pretending to be drunk and approaching Tertis and his group. Most of them were earthen and held no particular love for either Inferiors or Mermons. It didn't matter to them who would become the victim of the situation - as long as it was entertaining. Dillion, on the other hand, furrowed his brows at the scene unfolding before him. He had his own methods for approaching Tertis without ruffling any feathers. As Mutrad had said, he wasn't a warrior. In fact, he was more likely to vanish at the first sign of trouble. As Michael took each step closer to Tertis, Dillon found it increasingly difficult to resist the urge to bolt out of the tavern.

Tertis looked up from his plate and spotted Michael approaching them, swaying and stumbling as he made his way through the crowd.

One of Tertis's friends, a burly mermon with sharp tusks, sneered at Michael. "What do we have here? A drunken fool stumbling his way over to us."

Tertis's lips curled into a wicked grin. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered. "Looks like a little Inferior trying to make a name for himself. How amusing." His companions snickered and exchanged smug glances.

As Michael stumbled closer, Tertis crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "What do you want, Inferior?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "Do you think you can just waltz over here and demand our attention?"

The patrons in the tavern watched in stunned silence, their eyes flickering nervously between the two groups. A few muttered under their breath, casting nervous glances at the door. It was no secret that the Mermons looked down on the Inferiors, and few dared to challenge their authority.

As Michael got closer, the servers and other patrons in the tavern began to whisper and point. Some even laughed at the sight of him.

Michael stumbled up to their table, nearly knocking over a nearby chair. He slurred his words as he spoke. "Hey there, you guys look like you're havin' a good time. Mind if I join in?"

Tertis and his group exchanged disgusted looks as Michael stumbled towards them, swaying and belching. Tertis narrowed his eyes in anger, feeling insulted that an Inferior would even attempt to approach their table.

"Come on, guys, lighten up," Michael slurred, grinning foolishly. "I just wanted to have a little fun."

"Fun?" Tertis sneered. "You think this is fun? Trying to weasel your way into our company like some kind of pathetic stray?"

Michael's grin faded, replaced by a look of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You're an Inferior, boy," Tertis spat. "A lower being. We don't associate with your kind. Now leave before we make you."

The other Mermons at the table chuckled cruelly, and a few of them began to stand up. Michael's eyes widened in fear as he finally realized the gravity of the situation.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered, taking a step back. "I didn't mean any harm. I'll just go."

"You're damn right you will," Tertis growled, and the other Mermons advanced on Michael menacingly. "And if we catch you trying to pull any more stunts like this, you'll regret it."

Michael knew that causing this scene was just a small part of his plan to earn badass points and gain access to Aric. So he kept riling them up instead of leaving, maintaining his composure even under their insults.

"You're just afraid to let me join because you know I'll outdrink all of you," he slurred, slyly responding to their jeers.

The Mermons sneered and laughed at Michael's remark, but their disdain only fueled his determination. He needed to find a way to impress them and prove his worth, even if it meant playing the fool for a little while longer. Dillon muttered to himself, watching the fury grow in Tertis and his cronies' eyes. He knew that Mermons didn't need much of an excuse to punish an Inferior, and Michael's behavior could easily result in Tertis killing him right then and there. Dillon felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized that he had been seen with Michael, and his association with the drunken Inferior could put his own life in danger. He had agreed to help Mutrad for a favor, but he was beginning to regret it. There was no way Mutrad's favor was worth risking his life for.

Tertis could hardly hide his contempt as he looked at Michael's drunken form. He felt as though his mere presence was an affront to the Mermons' superiority. How dare an Inferior approach them, let alone cause such a scene? Tertis's disgust was palpable, and it seemed to grow with each passing moment.

"You must be insane," Tertis spat with a sneer, his hands clenched tightly. To him, Michael's behavior was nothing but a desperate attempt to earn respect from the Mermons. But Tertis knew that no amount of posturing or drunken antics could ever make an Inferior worthy of standing alongside a Mermon.

The sound of Michael's belch only added fuel to Tertis's disgust. He saw it as yet another sign of Inferiors' lack of decorum and refinement. How could Michael even think that he could be accepted into the Mermon fold with such crude behavior?

As the scene continued to escalate, Tertis's disdain for Inferiors grew even stronger. He saw Michael's actions as a direct challenge to his authority and superiority as a Mermon and would not stand for it. Tertis's anger and disgust burned like a flame within him, fueling his determination to assert his dominance and prove the inherent superiority of the Mermons over all Inferiors.

Finally, one of Tertis's minions had enough. He stood up and shoved Michael with eyes burning with fury. "Get out of here, Inferior!" he spat, his face twisted with anger. The force of the shove was enough to send a weak Inferior flying onto the walls several meters behind.

But to the minion's surprise, Michael didn't budge an inch. He remained standing, his expression unchanged. The minion felt like he had just pushed a small mountain, and it filled him with fear and awe.

"What are you doing?" Michael slurred, pretending to be still drunk. The minion's eyes widened in surprise as he tried to push Michael back harder, but Michael didn't even budge an inch. The patrons around them watched in shock, wondering how a drunken Inferior like Michael could withstand such force. To them, it seemed impossible.

Tertis and the other Mermons frowned as they saw their friend struggling to push down Michael. They couldn't believe that an Inferior could stand up to one of their own, especially one who appeared so weak and intoxicated. Tertis's disdain for Inferiors grew even stronger as he watched Michael mock his friend with ease.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tertis demanded, his voice laced with anger and frustration. He couldn't let an Inferior challenge their authority like this. It was unacceptable.

But Michael just smirked and continued to play along with his drunken act. He knew that his plan was working and that he was one step closer to gaining access to Aric.

"Oh, you're trying to push me back," Michael said, slurring his words for added effect. He could see the shock in the minion's eyes, and it only made him more determined to play the part. "If I was too drunk, I would have thought you were trying to feel my chest."

The minion gritted his teeth in frustration and pushed harder but to no avail. Michael didn't even flinch, let alone move. The patrons in the tavern watched in disbelief as the mermon struggled to push down a seemingly drunk Inferior. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Michael decided to show the mermon how it was done. "Let me show you how to push someone," he said, raising his hand. With just two fingers, he pushed the mermon with such force that the mermon went flying through the tables until he crashed into the wall.

"Ouch, I might have pushed too hard," Michael said, feigning concern. The tavern went completely silent, with everyone staring at Michael in shock and disbelief. They couldn't believe that a seemingly drunk Inferior could possess such strength.

Tertis and his group of Mermons were equally shocked and horrified. This was not supposed to happen. Inferiors were supposed to be weak and submissive, not strong enough to overpower a mermon. Tertis could feel his authority being challenged, and he didn't like it one bit.

The silence in the tavern was deafening, with everyone frozen in shock and disbelief at what had just happened. They knew that this would be a moment that they would never forget, one that would be talked about for years to come.

After snapping out of shock, Tertis immediately stood up like his chair was on fire. He raised his hand and barked at his minions.

"You're dead!" Tertis screamed, his minions quickly gathering around Michael with fists clenched and ready to beat him to a pulp. Their foolish minds still believed Michael to be an Inferior, with only basic Body Strengthening cultivation, and assumed that what had happened to their friend was merely a fluke. Little did they know that they were about to learn firsthand how powerful the Dark Lord truly was.

As the minion dashed towards Michael, he attempted to grab him from behind, but Michael was one step ahead. Without turning around, Michael quickly grabbed the minion's hand and pulled him forward. With a sudden movement, Michael head-butted the minion with a little force, breaking the mermon's cheekbone. Blood spurted out from the wound, splattering onto the nearby tables and floor.

The other minions were stunned at what they saw. They had never seen an Inferior with such strength before and began to question whether their assumptions about Michael were correct. Tertis himself was taken aback but quickly regained his composure and charged towards Michael, bellowing with rage.

Meanwhile, the patrons in the tavern were now in a state of panic. Some tried to flee, while others hid under tables or behind pillars, hoping to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. The sound of breaking glass and furniture filled the air as the fight between Michael and the mermons escalated.

As Tertis and his minions converged on Michael, he remained collected and composed. They may have outnumbered him but were unaware of his true strength. It was akin to a pack of rabbits encircling a lion and mistaking it for a common house cat.

Michael scanned the group of Mermons surrounding him, his eyes flickering with amusement. The one whose cheekbone he had broken was writhing on the ground, blood spurting out from the wound on his face. The minion who had tried to push Michael was struggling to get back up, his limbs weak and trembling.

The other Mermons looked at Michael with a mix of shock and fear. They had never seen an Inferior display such strength before. It was as if he was not an Inferior at all, but something else entirely. Their arrogance and superiority crumbled in the face of this unexpected challenge, and they hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

Michael took advantage of their momentary confusion and lunged forward, grabbing one of the Mermons by the arm and twisting it behind his back. The Mermon let out a cry of pain, but Michael showed no mercy. He continued to twist the arm until there was a sickening snap, and the Mermon collapsed to the ground in agony.

The other Mermons recoiled in horror, realizing too late that they had underestimated Michael's strength and cunning. They had never seen an Inferior fight like this before, and they were not prepared for the consequences of their arrogance.

As Michael twisted the mermon's hand, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the Mermons. Sure, they were racist and arrogant, but they just minded their own business before he instigated the fight. Unfortunately, he had to resort to violence to achieve his goal. Michael knew that he was the one who caused the commotion, and the Mermons were simply defending themselves. Michael's grip tightened around the mermon's hand, and he could feel the bones snapping under his grasp. He didn't intend to hurt them too badly, but the situation was escalating quickly. The other mermons were becoming increasingly agitated, and their fury was evident in their eyes. Michael could sense that the fight was about to become much more violent and dangerous.