Chapter 955 The Hardest Timeline

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:

(New AHSS Chapter is out. Please read it and let me know your thoughts in the comments)

As Michael made his triumphant return to Dagon's castle, the air crackled with tension in the throne hall. Dagon sat upon his grand throne, an embodiment of darkness and power, his piercing gaze surveying the scene before him. With an air of nonchalance, he rested his head upon his hand, seemingly unfazed by the impending confrontation.

Without a moment's hesitation, Michael hurled the severed head of the fearsome Orc directly into Dagon's lap, the gruesome trophy landing with a sickening thud. The act was a bold display of defiance, a statement that Michael had fulfilled his end of the bargain and expected nothing less in return.

With an unwavering gaze, Michael stood tall, his voice cutting through the heavy silence. "I held up my end of the bargain. Now, it is time for you to honor your part. Return Nightmare's soul to us."

Buzz, standing by Michael's side, trembled at the audacity and fearlessness displayed by the enigmatic human. Though a creature of the realm of hell, even he felt a pang of unease in the presence of Dagon. He contemplated making a swift exit, but to his surprise, Dagon remained eerily composed, an enigmatic smile playing upon his lips.

Dagon's voice, smooth as silk and laced with an underlying darkness, filled the throne hall. "Ah, Michael, you do have a way with theatrics,"

Buzz marveled at the unfolding scene, realizing that Michael possessed a hidden strength that surpassed his initial assumptions. The power dynamics of the encounter were shifting, and he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the exchange between these formidable beings.

"Isn't it really funny that you made a deal with the devil?" Dagon amused.

A smug grin played upon Dagon's lips as he observed the reaction from Michael, his brows furrowing in a mixture of annoyance and suspicion. The devilish ruler of hell found great amusement in the situation, reveling in the irony of making a deal with the very embodiment of darkness.

Before tensions could escalate further, Gaya, fueled by her own righteous anger, stepped forward, ready to demand the return of Nightmare's soul. However, Michael's firm grip on her hand held her back, a silent reminder of the precarious nature of their situation. Though his desire burned within him, Michael understood the delicate balance they treaded. To challenge Dagon now would be to invite calamity upon themselves. Yet, a silent promise formed in his mind—a vow to bring hell to Dagon's doorstep if ever the need arose.

However, to Michael's surprise, Dagon did not retract his promise. With a mere snap of his fingers, the entire castle quaked, its very foundations trembling beneath their feet. The ground cracked and fissured before Michael, eliciting a cautious step back. From the depths of the fractures, a radiant ball of light emerged, pulsating with the essence of Nightmare's soul.

A moment of silence enveloped the chamber as Michael and Gaya locked eyes with the ethereal manifestation of what they sought. It was a testament to the power and authority Dagon wielded, even in the realm of hell. The ball of light, once trapped within the confines of Nightmare's being, now floated before them, a symbol of their triumph.

As Gaya reached out for the ethereal essence of Nightmare's soul, a flicker of uncertainty passed across Michael's face, his brows furrowing in contemplation. The weight of the question lingered in his mind, overshadowing the triumph of their victory. How could they safely transport the soul back to their world, evading the clutches of the treacherous realm they found themselves in?

"How do we ensure the safe passage of the soul and escape this realm?" Michael's voice held a note of determination, his gaze fixed upon Dagon, who now stood upright, holding the severed head of the orc.

Dagon's response came in the form of a snide remark, his laughter echoing through the chamber. The devilish ruler displayed no intention of offering a straightforward answer, leaving Michael to wrestle with the weight of their predicament. But before Michael could utter another word, Dagon vanished into thin air, leaving them with unanswered questions.

In an instant, a powerful force enveloped them, whisking them away from Dagon's castle. The world shifted and twisted before Michael's eyes, transforming into a solitary mountain peak. From this vantage point, the entirety of the hellish realm sprawled before him, a breathtaking yet foreboding sight.

The winds howled around him, carrying with them the whispers of ancient souls and the lingering scent of brimstone. Michael's gaze scanned the jagged landscape, the tumultuous depths of the abyss, and the swirling storms that painted the horizon with an ominous hue. It was a sight that both captivated and unnerved him, a constant reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead.

A sharp cry pierced the air, breaking the stillness of the moment. Michael swiftly turned his attention to Gaya, his eyes widening in alarm as he saw blood trickling from her hand. Her attempt to touch Nightmare's soul had elicited a powerful surge of electricity that seared through her flesh, leaving behind a painful wound.

"Fucking hell," Gaya hissed through gritted teeth, her hand trembling from the shock. The sharp pang of pain mingled with frustration, and her choice of words reflected her exasperation.

Buzz, unable to contain himself, let out a chuckle at Gaya's reaction. His comical nature seemed to find amusement in the clash of Gaya's fiery spirit and her sharp tongue.

"Nasty mouth for a pretty girl," Buzz remarked, a mischievous glint in his multifaceted eyes.

Gaya's fury flared at the insect's taunting words, her eyes narrowing as she locked her gaze on Buzz.

"I will tear your limbs apart, insect," Gaya growled, her tone laced with a lethal promise.

With utmost care, Michael cradled Gaya's injured hand in his own, his touch gentle yet firm. Retrieving a vial of healing potion from his space ring, he poured its soothing contents over the wound, allowing its restorative magic to take effect. As he tended to her, a profound change occurred in the sky above. The once eerie crimson hue of the hellish realm shifted to a foreboding black, casting an unsettling pall over the surroundings. Buzz's frantic gaze darted about, his fear mounting as the atmosphere transformed before his eyes. Thunder resounded with an ominous rumble, and jagged streaks of black lightning sliced through the dark gray clouds above. The disconcerting sight intensified, shrouding the area in an eerie darkness that seemed to pulsate with overwhelming power.

Amidst this unsettling ambiance, the ethereal form of the Previous Dark Lord materialized before Michael, his presence stunning everyone in their tracks. His spectral figure exuded a palpable aura of ancient wisdom and indomitable power as if the very fabric of the realm acknowledged his arrival.

Buzz's insect body quivered with fear as he beheld the overwhelming power emanating from the ethereal form of the Previous Dark Lord. His bulbous eyes widened in terror, the fear gripping his heart so tight that it felt as if his wings would fail him. Trembling legs threatened to give way beneath him, but he mustered every ounce of courage to stay rooted in place. The sheer magnitude of the Dark Lord's presence seemed to dwarf Buzz's own existence, and the weight of that realization sent a shiver down his spine. It was as if the very essence of darkness and might had coalesced into a formidable entity standing before him, and the depths of Buzz's soul quivered in response to its profound power. His wings twitched involuntarily, his breath caught in his throat, and he could only pray that he would not be the target of this being's attention. In that moment, Buzz felt the insignificance of his comical bravado and realized the true terror that lay within the presence of one who had mastered the forces of darkness.

As the Previous Dark Lord fixed his gaze upon Gaya, a tender mixture of love, sadness, and joy flickered in his ethereal eyes. His gaze held a depth of emotion that transcended time itself, for he saw before him the very essence of his beloved Gaya, the woman he cherished with every fiber of his being. Though her appearance mirrored that of his current self's Gaya, he knew the weight of her destiny, the curse that plagued her existence in his timeline.

In that fleeting moment, the Previous Dark Lord's heart swelled with love, his sadness stemming from the knowledge of what awaited her. Yet, intertwined with his sorrow was a profound joy, a bittersweet celebration of this unexpected encounter. 

With a gentle smile, the Previous Dark Lord extended a spectral hand toward Gaya, a silent acknowledgment of their shared connection across the dimensions. Though their time together was fleeting, his love for her transcended the boundaries of existence. It was a love that defied the limitations imposed by destiny, a love that burned eternal within his immortal soul.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Gaya found herself irresistibly drawn to the ethereal hand extended before her. Her own hand trembled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty as if guided by an invisible force. In that moment, the weight of her own existence and the connection she shared with the Previous Dark Lord collided within her being.

With a mixture of curiosity and longing, Gaya extended her hand, her fingertips hovering just inches away from the incorporeal form of the Previous Dark Lord. Time seemed to stand still as her thoughts swirled in a vortex of questions and unspoken words. She yearned to feel the touch of his hand, to bridge the gap between their two worlds and grasp a fleeting moment of connection.

As Gaya's fingertips made contact with the ethereal hand of the Previous Dark Lord, a serene smile graced his lips. His gaze, filled with a mix of love, sadness, and joy, shifted towards Michael, his current self. However, before any words were spoken, a mere wave of his hand sufficed to halt time itself, casting an encompassing darkness that froze the world around them. Amidst this temporal suspension, Michael stood as the sole exception, unaffected by the shroud that enveloped them. The Previous Dark Lord drew a deep breath, his eyes meeting Michael's, signaling the beginning of their profound encounter. In that suspended moment, an air of anticipation hung heavy as Michael's mind brimmed with countless questions for his enigmatic past self.

Michael's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and confusion as he confronted his previous self with a torrent of questions. "Did you know Diana was our mother?" he inquired, his words laced with a hint of accusation.

The Previous Dark Lord met Michael's gaze steadily, his expression calm and unwavering. "Yes," he replied simply, acknowledging the truth.

Michael's voice grew more impassioned as he pressed for answers. "Then why, in all the times we've met before, did you keep it from me? Why didn't you provide a single clue or leave behind a recording revealing the truth about our family? And why, above all, did you keep Noah's identity as my brother concealed?"

The air around them grew heavy with the weight of unspoken secrets as Michael sought answers from the depths of his own past.

"Consider this, Michael," the Previous Dark Lord replied, his voice filled with a tinge of sadness and hidden anger, his brows furrowed with deep contemplation. "Do you honestly believe that I would choose to reset the entire universe and erase my own existence without exhausting every other possibility? With the aid of the system, I have witnessed countless timelines, and in each one, I have observed that the only timeline in which Gaya survives is the very timeline you currently reside in."

The weight of his words hung in the air, carrying the weight of immense grief and the burden of a fate that had been carefully navigated. The Previous Dark Lord's eyes held a mixture of determination and regret as he sought to convey the complexity of his choices to his current self.

"Any alterations made to this very timeline would result in the loss of the love of your life, Gaya, forever. The system has its own adversaries, powerful enemies even I, at the height of my power, struggled to confront. To safeguard you and the system, I deliberately weakened its capabilities, ensuring the omegas would be unable to trace its location or your existence."

His words echoed with a sense of urgency, emphasizing the dire consequences that tampering with the delicate balance of the timeline could bring. The Previous Dark Lord's eyes bore a mixture of wisdom and a deep understanding of the risks involved as he sought to impress upon Michael the gravity of their situation.

"I understand your desire for answers, Michael, but the entire point of resetting the universe was to give you a different life, separate from mine," the Previous Dark Lord explained, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. 

"As beings like us, we are taught to maintain emotional control in all circumstances. However, witnessing the deaths of countless loved ones and the painful task of burying their remains will gradually erode your very soul,"

His words conveyed the weight of the burden he had carried, understanding the toll it took on his own heart. The Previous Dark Lord's eyes held a mix of empathy and the wisdom gained from his own experiences, recognizing the inner struggles Michael would face along his journey.

"Even when my Gaya was cursed, She tried to retain her spirited nature, her snarky remarks aimed at making me laugh," the Previous Dark Lord's voice carried a heavy sadness. "But with every attempt, she would falter and collapse, writhing in pain. In those moments, no amount of victories or the grandeur of ruling the universe held any meaning, Michael. It was an empty existence, overshadowed by the agony she endured."

The weight of his words conveyed the deep sorrow and helplessness that came with witnessing his beloved suffer. Despite all the power and control he held, the pain of seeing Gaya in such a state overshadowed any sense of accomplishment or fulfillment. It was a testament to the depth of their connection and the profound impact her suffering had on him.

The current Michael's eyes shimmered with a mixture of sadness and determination, transforming into a steely resolve. A confident smile curved his lips, radiating an air of unyielding determination.

"The tragedy that befell your Gaya will not be in vain," he declared, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction. "No matter the gods or forces that dare come after her, I will slaughter them all. This timeline is mine to rule, and it is in this very timeline that she thrives. When I depart from this realm, I will not only marry her, but I will show you what it means to be a fucking husband, a protector who defies fate itself."

His words echoed through the chamber, each syllable brimming with an electrifying presence. The current Michael exuded an unwavering confidence, the embodiment of a warrior who had embraced his destiny and was prepared to face any challenge head-on. In that moment, he stood tall, a force to be reckoned with, ready to defy the odds and carve his own path to ensure the safety and happiness of the woman he loved.