Chapter 972 Michael Vs Alicia II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:

Alicia's sword glinted in the crystal light as she lunged forward, her eyes focused and determination etched on her face. With a swift, fluid motion, she aimed a powerful strike toward Michael's chest. But to her astonishment, Michael effortlessly sidestepped the attack, his blindfolded eyes seemingly seeing every move.

As Alicia's sword sliced through the air, Michael smoothly evaded each subsequent slash with a series of agile movements. His body seemed to flow with the rhythm of the battle, his reflexes honed to perfection. With remarkable precision, he relied on his heightened senses and intuition to predict Alicia's every move.

Using only his legs, Michael executed acrobatic flips and twists, avoiding Alicia's strikes with an ethereal grace. He moved with such fluidity that it appeared as if he were dancing in mid-air. Alicia's frustration grew as her attacks were effortlessly evaded, unable to land a single blow on her elusive opponent.

In one particular moment, as Alicia aimed a diagonal slash towards Michael's exposed flank, he swiftly twisted his body, dodging the attack with a hair's breadth. In that split second, he countered with a lightning-fast kick, propelling himself backward and catching Alicia off guard. His foot connected with her abdomen, launching her backward through the air.

Undeterred, Alicia quickly regained her composure and resumed her assault. She unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes, her sword a blur in the night sky. Yet, no matter how relentless her onslaught, Michael's evasion remained flawless. With every step, twist, and turn, he seemed to anticipate her moves, leaving her sword to slice through empty air.

Michael's agility was matched only by his extraordinary speed. At one moment, as Alicia attempted a surprise attack from above, he smoothly flipped backward, his body arcing in a seamless motion. In mid-air, he extended his leg and delivered a powerful kick directly to Alicia's chest, sending her hurtling downwards.

The aerial duel continued, the clash of wills and skills playing out in the vast expanse of the sky. Michael's movements were a captivating display of grace and mastery, each evasion and counterattack executed with precision and finesse. Despite the blindfold obscuring his vision and the handicap of using only one hand and his legs, he seemed to possess an otherworldly awareness, effortlessly outmaneuvering Alicia at every turn.

The battle raged on, the sky serving as the backdrop for this extraordinary display of combat prowess. Each move, each evasion, and each counterattack showcased Michael's dominance over his opponent, leaving no doubt as to the vast gap in their skills. As the clash continued, the outcome of this epic confrontation hung in the balance, the fate of the Guardian Guild itself resting on the outcome of this fateful battle in the heavens.

As Alicia realized that her sword strikes were proving ineffective, she decided to switch tactics. Channeling her magical energy, she summoned a chilling breeze around her, creating an aura of frost. With a determined expression, she cast a spell, sending shards of ice hurtling toward Michael.

But Michael was ready. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed his Doombringer high into the air, allowing it to spin gracefully. In that brief moment, he swiftly summoned his black shield with his free hand, the shield retracting on his forearm in a blink of an eye. As the shards of ice approached, Michael expertly maneuvered the shield, blocking and deflecting each projectile effortlessly.

He taunted Alicia with a sly smile, his voice carrying through the wind. "Is that the best you can do, Alicia? Casting your frosty spells, hoping for a lucky hit? I must say, your attempts are rather feeble. I expected more from the mighty Alicia Winston."

With a swift motion, Michael caught his Doombringer as it descended from above. He twirled the war hammer in his hand, the runes etched upon it shimmering ominously. "You couldn't even land a single hit on me, blindfolded and fighting with one hand. It's truly a pitiful sight."

Alicia gritted her teeth, her determination intensifying. She unleashed a torrent of icy projectiles, hoping to overwhelm Michael's defenses. But each time, he blocked her spells with precise timing and graceful movements. His black shield seemed impenetrable, absorbing the impact of the ice shards without faltering.

With every blocked spell, Michael continued to taunt Alicia. "Is this all you've got, Alicia? I expected a more formidable challenge. Perhaps you should consider giving up and saving yourself the embarrassment."

His mocking words echoed through the air, fueling Alicia's determination even further. She refused to be discouraged by his taunts, pushing her magical abilities to the limit. Yet, no matter how relentless her assault became, Michael's defenses remained unyielding.

The fight continued in a mesmerizing display of skill and defiance. Michael effortlessly deflected Alicia's frosty spells, his movements fluid and stylish. He danced with his shield and his Doombringer, a symphony of agility and power. Each block, each parry, was executed with finesse and precision, mocking Alicia's attempts at victory.

As Alicia unleashed a flurry of spells, Michael deftly blocked and evaded each one with his black shield, his movements seamless and precise. With his blindfold still in place, he relied on his heightened senses and instinct to anticipate Alicia's attacks.

In between deflecting spells, Michael closed the distance between them with lightning speed. He unleashed a series of swift kicks, aiming for vulnerable points. His strikes were accurate and powerful, sending shockwaves through the air. Alicia tried her best to evade, but Michael's agility and speed made it nearly impossible.

Occasionally, Michael would incorporate his Doombringer into his attacks, swinging it with tremendous force. Each strike was calculated and devastating, making Alicia's defenses crumble. The sheer impact of his blows sent her flying backward, her body spinning uncontrollably through the sky.

With a final, forceful kick, Michael sent Alicia hurtling toward the hovering warships. She crashed onto one of the vessels, her body skidding across its surface. The impact was fierce, leaving her gasping for breath and coughing up blood.

Michael hovered in the air, a sinister smirk spreading across his face. "Is that all you have, Alicia? Your feeble attempts are nothing compared to my power. You are outmatched and outclassed."

He slowly descended towards Alicia's location, his Doombringer hanging loosely by his side. The wind whispered around them, carrying his mocking words. "You thought you could avenge your brother? You thought you could defeat me? How pathetic."

Alicia struggled to rise, her body bruised and battered. She glared up at Michael, defiance flickering in her eyes. Despite the pain, she summoned the last vestiges of her strength. "I won't... give up... I will... make you pay..."

Michael's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Alicia's spine. "Oh, Alicia, your determination is admirable. But it's futile. This battle is already decided. You cannot defeat me."

With Alicia struggling to regain her footing, Michael seized the opportunity to unleash a relentless assault. He no longer held back, his every move executed with lethal precision. The blindfold that covered his eyes seemed inconsequential as he effortlessly anticipated Alicia's feeble attempts to defend herself.

His movements were a blur as he closed in on her, striking with lightning speed. A barrage of punches and kicks rained down upon Alicia, each blow infused with a chilling aura. She could barely react as the force of his attacks sent her reeling, her body battered and bruised.

Michael's strikes were relentless, his ferocity unmatched. He seemed to possess an otherworldly grace as he weaved through the air, striking with calculated accuracy. His Doombringer, momentarily forgotten, hung silently by his side, as his bare hands proved to be more than sufficient.

No longer mocking, Michael's voice turned cold and menacing. "Did you really think you stood a chance against me, Alicia? You're nothing more than an annoyance."

Each blow from Michael sent Alicia spiraling further into despair. She gasped for air, pain coursing through her body with every movement. Desperation fueled her resolve as she tried desperately to muster a counterattack, but her efforts were in vain. Michael's onslaught continued unabated, leaving her defenseless.

As Alicia's strength waned, Michael's sadistic laughter filled the air. "Pathetic. You cannot defeat me. Your struggle only makes me laugh," His voice dripped with a cruel satisfaction, relishing in the torment he inflicted upon her.

With one final devastating strike, Michael sent Alicia hurtling backward, her body crashing into the remnants of a shattered warship. The impact reverberated through the air, leaving Alicia motionless and battered, her will to fight shattered.

Michael hovered above her, a triumphant smirk etched upon his face. "This is your fate, Alicia Winston. Remember it as the price you pay for standing against me."

The battlefield fell silent, save for Alicia's labored breaths. The Dark Lord had proven his dominance, leaving Alicia and the Guardian Guild in a state of helplessness.

As Alicia summoned the last remnants of her strength, a flicker of desperation gleamed in her eyes. With a resolute determination, she channeled her life force into a forbidden spell, a powerful surge of frost gathering in her outstretched hands. The temperature plummeted as the air around her crackled with raw energy.

But Michael only snickered in response, his amusement apparent. He raised his Doombringer, the ancient ice core within resonating with his command. In an instant, a formidable stream of frost surged forth, meeting Alicia's spell head-on. The clash was cataclysmic, a clash of elemental powers that chilled everything around them.

The streams of frost clashed in the middle of the sky, creating a swirling vortex of icy energy. The intense cold permeated the air, causing even the bravest warriors to shiver. Alicia strained against the overwhelming force, her spell beginning to falter under the weight of Michael's power.

With each passing moment, Michael's frost gained ground, inching closer to Alicia. The power within his attack overwhelmed her, extinguishing her desperate attempt to turn the tide. His mastery over ice and cold proved to be far superior, leaving Alicia defenseless against his relentless onslaught.

Alicia's expression twisted with a mixture of determination and despair as she fought to hold back Michael's frost. The strain was evident in her weary eyes, her life force depleting with every passing second. Yet, she refused to yield, clinging to the faint hope that she could somehow emerge victorious.

But Michael's grin widened, his eyes glinting with a mixture of malice and satisfaction. He relished in her futile struggle, knowing that her efforts were in vain. The power of his frost grew stronger, a relentless force that overwhelmed Alicia's fading spell.

As Michael's frost inched closer, Alicia's resistance waned. Her spell faltered, weakened by the sheer magnitude of Michael's power. The frost enveloped her, freezing her movements, draining her life force with each passing second.

In a final display of dominance, Michael's frost consumed Alicia completely, encasing her in a crystalline prison. Her body stood frozen, a monument to her valiant yet futile resistance. Michael descended slowly, his eyes fixed upon the frozen figure before him.

The guardians and onlookers stood in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. They had witnessed the battle unfold before them, their hopes dwindling with each passing moment. Despite Alicia's unwavering determination, it became painfully apparent that she couldn't land a single hit on the Dark Lord, even with his blindfolded eyes and one hand behind his back.

Whispers of disbelief rippled through the crowd as they struggled to comprehend the magnitude of Michael's power. They had known he was formidable, but to witness his effortless evasion and domination over Alicia, their esteemed leader, left them shaken to the core. The reality of their situation began to sink in, overshadowing their earlier courage and resolve.

The onlookers exchanged glances, their faces etched with a mix of fear and awe. They had placed their faith in Alicia, hoping that she would be the one to stand against the Dark Lord and lead them to victory. But now, their hopes were shattered, replaced by a grim understanding of the immense gap in power between them.

Whispers turned into hushed murmurs as they struggled to comprehend the extent of Michael's skill. How could someone fight with such finesse, with such mastery over their own body and the battlefield? The guardians questioned their own abilities, their own worth in the face of such overwhelming superiority.

All eyes were fixated on the Dark Lord, Michael, and Alicia, who was trapped within the crystalline prison. The onlookers held their breath, unsure of what would unfold next. They were aware of the deep-seated animosity between Michael and Alicia, yet they couldn't help but wonder how this complicated dynamic would play out.

Despite their shared history and the enmity between them, Alicia was Noah's wife which made Alicia the Dark Lord's sister in law, and that fact added an unexpected layer of uncertainty to the situation. The crowd was left to speculate about the Dark Lord's intentions. Would he strike down Alicia with ruthless indifference, disregarding the connection? Or would some remnant of compassion and familial bond sway his actions?