Chapter 1017 Serpent King's Love Is Michael's Subordinate?

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:

The Serpent King lunged forward with incredible speed, his massive form surging through the air towards Evan. In a swift motion, he coiled his serpentine tail around Evan's body, constricting him tightly. Evan struggled against the powerful grip, his muscles straining as he attempted to break free.

With his cobra head hovering mere inches away from Evan's face, the Serpent King hissed with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "There's something peculiar about your grace, human. It feels... different, tainted somehow."

Evan gritted his teeth, his determination evident despite his predicament. "You know nothing! My grace is my own, and I will not be stopped by the likes of you!"

The Serpent King chuckled, his voice echoing with a hint of amusement. "We shall see, human. We shall see."

As Evan continued to struggle against the constricting coils of the Serpent King's tail, Michael observed the scene in silence from his hidden vantage point. He could sense the immense power emanating from the Serpent King and understood the danger that Evan was facing. However, he saw an opportunity amidst the chaos.

While the Serpent King was focused on his confrontation with Evan, Michael formulated a plan to infiltrate the castle. He knew he had to seize this moment to make his move, utilizing the distraction to navigate through the Serpent King's domain undetected.

As the Serpent King poised his fangs to strike, Evan's eyes blazed with golden energy. With a mighty roar, he summoned forth his own power, surging with a raw force that shattered the coils of the Serpent King's tail. Freed from the constricting grip, Evan launched himself forward, delivering a powerful punch that connected with the Serpent King's scaled jaw.

However, the Serpent King was not so easily defeated. With a swift swing of his powerful tail, he sent Evan hurtling through the air, crashing into the nearby structures. The impact shook the ground beneath them, causing debris to scatter in all directions.

Unfurling his majestic wings, the Serpent King soared higher into the sky, his snake-like body morphing to accommodate a humanoid hand. The crimson-red trident flew into his hand, gleaming with malevolent intent. With a swift motion, he thrust the trident towards Evan, aiming to impale him upon its deadly prongs.

But Evan was prepared. As the trident descended, he channeled his energy, creating a shimmering golden chakra that formed a defensive barrier around him. The clash between the trident and the golden shield sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the barrier to flicker and shimmer.

Their fierce battle took them beyond the confines of the balcony and into the open ocean outside the city. Breaking through the energy dome that protected the city, they continued their airborne struggle amidst the vast expanse of water. The barrier of the dome crackled and shimmered as they passed through, the protective magic being tested to its limits.

Surrounded by the shimmering waters, Evan and the Serpent King engaged in a high-stakes confrontation. Their powerful forms clashed, creating ripples and waves that cascaded through the ocean.

"Thank you, Evan," Michael whispered under his breath, his voice carried away by the turbulent waters. With a determined resolve, he set his sights on the castle and began making his way towards it, navigating through the swirling currents caused by the ongoing battle between Evan and the Serpent King.

The ripples in the water distorted Michael's vision, making it challenging to move in a straight line. But he relied on his instincts and honed reflexes, darting through the chaotic underwater environment with lightning speed. He deftly avoided the guards who were caught up in the spectacle of the battle, their attention completely focused on the epic struggle unfolding before them.

As Michael neared the castle, he observed the soldiers exchanging awe-filled remarks about the Serpent King's formidable moves and devastating attacks. Their voices were muffled by the water, but their words carried a mix of admiration and fear.

"Did you see how he coiled around Evan like a true serpent?" one soldier exclaimed.

"That strike with his fangs was quick as lightning," another soldier added.

"He's relentless! The Serpent King's power is unmatched!"

While the soldiers were engrossed in discussing the Serpent King's prowess, Michael seized the opportunity to slip past them unnoticed. He swiftly made his way to the same balcony where the Serpent King had made his first appearance.

Without hesitation, Michael stepped onto the balcony, his figure shrouded in shadows. The soldiers, still caught up in their conversation about the ongoing battle, failed to notice his presence. In the midst of their discussions, they were oblivious to the infiltrator moving with purpose towards the heart of the castle.

As Michael landed inside the castle through the balcony, he swiftly scanned his surroundings. The dimly lit hallway stretched before him, adorned with elegant tapestries and intricate carvings. But his attention was quickly drawn to the sound of approaching footsteps.

A group of soldiers rounded the corner, their armor clinking with each step. They caught sight of Michael standing in the hallway, and their eyes widened in alarm.

"Intruder!" one soldier shouted, his voice echoing through the corridor. The others reacted with instinctive aggression, drawing their weapons and lunging towards Michael.

Clad in his full Dark Lord armor, Michael remained calm and composed. He covered his face with his skull mask, its intimidating presence instilling fear in the hearts of his enemies. The soldiers, however, were little too late to realize the true extent of Michael's power.I think you should take a look at

With a burst of speed, Michael utilized his Lightning Dash spell, which allowed him to move with blinding swiftness. He closed the distance between himself and the group of soldiers in an instant.

His dark sword gleamed ominously as it sliced through the air. One by one, the soldiers fell before him, their bodies unable to withstand the devastating power of his strikes. Blood splattered on the walls, and their screams were muffled by the dark aura that enveloped Michael's sword.

The clash was over in mere moments, leaving only one soldier standing. He trembled in fear, witnessing the merciless efficiency with which Michael dispatched his comrades.

Michael stared at the lone soldier, his voice carrying a chilling undertone. "Tell me where I can find the Wind tunnel."

The remaining soldier trembled under Michael's intense gaze, sweat trickling down his forehead. He stuttered, struggling to form coherent words. "I... I don't know... please..."

Without warning, Michael tightened his grip on the soldier's shoulder, his fingers digging into the flesh. The soldier winced in pain as the pressure began to break his shoulder, his cries filling the corridor.

"Tell me," Michael growled, his voice dripping with menace. "Where can I find the wind tunnel?"

Tears streamed down the soldier's face as he whimpered in agony. "It... it might be in the Serpent King's chamber. He... he keeps many secrets there."

Satisfied with the answer, Michael released his hold on the soldier, who collapsed to the ground, clutching his injured shoulder. The soldier looked up at Michael with pleading eyes, silently begging for mercy. But Michael was not the one to grant mercy to his foes. Instead of granting mercy, Michael fired the dark beams out of his eyes, turning the soldier's head into a bloody pulp.

As Michael moved swiftly through the castle, his X-ray eyes granted him the ability to see through the walls, revealing the secrets hidden within. His gaze pierced through the stone, revealing a hidden chamber beyond. Inside, he observed four imposing figures clad in armor, radiating a powerful aura. These were no ordinary guards—they were Immortal stage warriors, guardians of great strength and skill.

Michael's instincts told him that whatever lay behind the guarded door must hold significant importance for the Serpent King. This could very well be the entrance to the Serpent King's chamber, the heart of his power and secrets.

"What's happening out there?" one of the guards at the Immortal stage asked. They were dressed in crimson red scales, resembling the scales of the Serpent King himself.

"Shouldn't we go and investigate?" another guard questioned, concern evident in his voice.

"No," replied a third guard firmly. "His majesty has given us strict orders to remain at our posts. Whatever is happening outside, we can trust that our fellow guards can handle it."

The conversation turned to the whereabouts of the Serpent King, who had gone to the balcony and had yet to return. Speculation arose among the guards as to whether their king was engaged in battle.

"Perhaps his majesty is fighting," one guard pondered aloud.

"If that's the case, I pity whoever he's facing," another guard chuckled, their confidence in their own strength apparent. To the guards, reaching the Immortal stage was seen as the ultimate achievement of power. They believed that once they had attained this level, no one could pose a threat to them. And in truth, there were only a select few beings in the world who had achieved immortality.

However, what they failed to realize was that there was one being who had surpassed the Immortal stage and ascended to an even higher realm of power. The Dark Lord, having transcended immortality and reached the elusive realm of Half Celestial, was preparing to unleash his wrath upon them. Soon, they would come face to face with the undeniable truth that their perceived invincibility was nothing more than a fragile illusion in the presence of such formidable might.

The guards' ears perked up as they caught the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. Their eyes widened in fear as they turned their gazes toward the left. Emerging from around the corner was a figure shrouded in complete black armor, donning a menacing skull mask and a billowing black cape. Their hearts pounded with dread, and an overwhelming sense of fear gripped their beings. Unbeknownst to them, Michael had released a potent fear toxin into the air from his suit of armor, further intensifying their terror and rendering them weak.

Before the guards could react, Michael raised his hand, unleashing a wave of dark flames that surged forth. Initially, their armor resisted the dark flames, but the second and third waves proved too powerful, melting the soldiers' armor and consuming them within its fiery embrace.

The agonizing screams of the soldiers echoed through the hallway, sending shivers down Michael's spine. As he heard more footsteps approaching, he swiftly kicked open the door that the guards had been protecting, entering the chamber where the Serpent King awaited. However, upon stepping into the chamber, he was taken aback by a portrait hanging on the wall above a magnificent bed. It depicted a young woman with flowing black hair, and without a shadow of a doubt, Michael recognized her despite only knowing her face from a younger age.

"Cindy?" Michael whispered, his voice filled with surprise and confusion.