Chapter 1071 Shocking turn of events

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1071 Shocking turn of events

Eight angels encircled Michael, their weapons drawn in a synchronized display of deadly intent. The glint of swords, spears, and maces punctuated the charged atmosphere. In the face of this formidable assembly, Michael kept his composure, his posture poised for whatever would unfold.

"What happened to Marli?" Michael's voice was resolute, his eyes locked onto the elf who had revealed his identity. He needed answers, and the presence of these angels boded ill for the goddess he sought.

The elven angel's lips curled into a taunting smile. "You needn't worry about Marli," he said, his tone edged with malice. The reply was cryptic, unsettling Michael further.

As the tension escalated, the angels tightened their formation, readying for conflict. Their elemental weapons gleamed ominously, exuding a premonition of the impending battle. Michael's instincts surged, a testament to his honed skills as an assassin, and his fingers flexed around the hilts of his dark swords.

It was then that the elven angel spoke again, his voice dripping with mockery. "You really thought you can waltz into our world and go undetected?." He chuckled, the sound a mixture of amusement and condescension. "We know what you are, the God of Darkness, the harbinger of chaos."

Michael's eyes flickered with a blend of surprise and unease. How did they know about him?

"We aren't as ignorant as you might believe," the elven angel continued, his voice low and measured. "We've observed your actions, seen your defiance. But do you truly comprehend the powers that reside within this realm?"

The eight angels shifted, their stance shifting to one of readiness. Michael could sense an aura around them, a resonance with their weapons. A growing energy that mirrored Rainar's essence.

"We are at the Elemental Attunement Realm," the elven angel explained, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "Rainar, the level 4 god of this realm, granted us a sliver of his power. It allows us to temporarily tap into his strength, to channel his dominion over nature and elements."

Michael's mind raced, piecing together the implications of their revelation. These angels weren't merely powerful on their own; they were empowered by Rainar himself. The fight ahead had just become infinitely more challenging.

"This is our world," the elven angel declared, his companions radiating an intense energy. "And you, stand alone."

Suddenly, as if in perfect synchronization, the eight angels surged forward, a deadly whirlwind of motion converging upon Michael from every angle. Their movements were a blur, their wings propelling them at astonishing speed, leaving streaks of light in their wake. The elven angel's voice taunted him, the words carrying on the wind like a venomous melody.

"Rogue god, did you think you could stand against us? You dare challenge the might of Rainar?"

Michael's instincts surged, his senses honed by years of training and countless battles. He reacted swiftly, his dark swords dancing in his hands as he deflected the first onslaught of attacks. But the angels were relentless, their strikes precise and coordinated.

A blow from a mace was intercepted by Michael's crossed blades, the impact reverberating through his arms. Before he could recover, a gust of wind signaled the elven angel's approach. The elf's fist met Michael's side, and the force sent him hurtling through the air, crashing into a tree that splintered upon impact.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Michael pushed off from the wreckage of the tree and met the next wave of assaults head-on. His movements were a dance of darkness, his swords weaving intricate patterns as he countered their attacks. But the angels' speed and power were undeniable, their elemental weapons lashing out with a potency that threatened to overwhelm him.

The clash of metal against metal echoed through the forest, a symphony of violence and determination. Michael's strikes were precise, his movements fluid as he parried and struck, seeking vulnerabilities amidst the storm of attacks. Yet, the angels' synchronized assault proved a formidable challenge, their seamless coordination closing off any openings.

With each exchange, Michael's body absorbed the impact of blows, bruises and cuts accumulating like badges of honor. The elven angel's laughter seemed to hang in the air, a constant reminder of the odds stacked against him.

The elven angel lunged again, his speed leaving trails of ethereal light. Michael anticipated the attack, sidestepping just in time. But the elf's feint masked his true intention. A gust of wind buffeted Michael from the side, followed by a powerful kick that sent him sprawling across the forest floor.

"Why are they so powerful?" Ayag's voice whispered from the depths of Michael's coat pocket, voicing the question that echoed in Michael's mind.

The strength of the angels wasn't solely derived from their own might. They shared an intricate connection with Rainar, their god, which bestowed upon them a portion of his power. If they were to fully harness Rainar's grace, it would allow them to temporarily emulate the prowess of a level 4 god.

As Michael rose from another brutal blow, his lips curled into an unexpected smile, his laughter ringing out amidst the fierce battle.

"It's been a while since I faced a challenge like this. Feels good to finally have formidable opponents," he admitted, his excitement palpable.

The elven angel's taunting words only fueled the fire within Michael.

"Why hesitate, God of Darkness? Unleash your divine powers and draw the pantheon to us," the elf sneered, his words carrying both mockery and a hint of curiosity.

The skirmish briefly halted as both sides exchanged words, a tense pause in the midst of chaos.

"Surprised, rogue god? We know your reluctance to unleash your full might. The pantheon would sense you the moment you do. Wouldn't it be simpler to surrender yourself?" The elf's smirk seemed to pierce through Michael's defenses.

But Michael's response was laced with defiance.

"Why offer surrender over death? Let me guess, you're incapable of killing a god," he retorted, hoping to glean any information from the angel about the intricacies of god-killing.

A pause hung in the air as Michael prodded the elven angel further.

"Perhaps you're unaware of how to kill a god?" Michael asked with a skeptical tone.

"There are far worse fates than death," the angel responded cryptically, leaving Michael to ponder the mysterious words.

"Like what?" Michael pressed, his curiosity evident.

The angel's response was a wicked grin, a clear indication that their intention wasn't to provide answers like Marli often did.

"We're not Marli, the goddess, here to answer to your inquiries, rogue god," the angel mocked, their words carrying a mix of amusement and taunt.

Anticipating another attack, Michael braced himself. However, the elven angel surprised him by pausing, appearing lost in thought as they stroked their chin.

"Speaking of Marli, wouldn't it be fitting to let her herself offer you a response one last time?"

In the midst of the tense standoff, a rustling sound caught Michael's attention. Suddenly, two armored angels emerged, dragging Marli between them. With a cold thud, they threw her to the ground at Michael's feet, causing her to emit a pained growl. Michael's heart clenched at the sight before him.

Marli's once-vibrant green hair was now disheveled and matted with dirt, her normally elegant robes reduced to tatters and shreds. Blood trickled from her mouth and nostrils, evidence of the brutal beating she had endured at the hands of the angels.

Without hesitation, Michael squatted down to check on Marli, his expression a mix of concern and anger. Her emerald eyes met his, and despite the pain she was clearly in, a fierce determination burned within them.

"Kill these bastards," Marli uttered, her voice ragged but filled with a steely resolve. Her words resonate with the very forest around them.

As if responding to her call, the atmosphere shifted. The once-sunlit forest began to darken, shadows lengthening and twisting as if alive. It was as though the forest itself shared Marli's anger and desire for retribution.

The angels, while momentarily taken aback, quickly regained their composure. The elf angel, now grinning wider, taunted Michael with a mocking tone, "Come on, rogue god. Use your powers and make this fight interesting. Show us the darkness that resides within you."

Michael's eyes, usually a vibrant blue, transformed before their very eyes. They turned pitch black, devoid of any light or emotion.

As Michael prepared to unleash his powers upon the angels, a sharp pain suddenly seared through his neck. He glanced downward, only to find Marli grinning at him, her hand firmly gripping a dagger that was embedded in his exposed neck. Shocked and betrayed, Michael clutched his neck as blood sprayed from the wound.

Marli's unexpected act left him vulnerable, and she swiftly withdrew the dagger, striking him again. In his dire situation, Ayag couldn't remain hidden any longer. The three-headed Hydra burst out of Michael's pocket, perching on his shoulder. Ayag's mouth opened, unleashing a powerful sonic wave that sent Marli hurtling through the air.

Amidst the chaos, the elven angel sneered, "A hydra." Meanwhile, despite the life-threatening wound that was bleeding from his neck, Michael fixed his gaze on Marli.

"Take him down assholes!"

Marli's command echoed through the air, and the ten angels lunged "You shouldn't... have done... this," he managed to utter, his voice strained.

"Take him down assholes!"

Marli's command echoed through the air, and the ten angels lunged toward Michael. Yet, at that critical moment, Cain shut his eyes tightly before snapping them open, emitting a resounding roar. His roar seemed to tear open a transient portal of teleportation around Michael, and the portal enveloped him.

Before the charging angels could reach him, Michael vanished completely from sight.

"What the fuck just happened?" Marli exclaimed in sheer astonishment as the hydra unleashed its unexpected power.

"You moron! Why did you lead me to him? That wasn't part of our agreement. Now we've lost him, and he's going to target me as well," Marli's voice roared at the elf, her frustration evident.

"The dagger you used bears a unique poison– a 'gift' from Rainar. We may not be able to outright kill a god, but it doesn't mean we can't harm them," the angel explained with an ominous tone.