Chapter 1090 Becoming filthy rich again

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1090 Becoming filthy rich again


"Brute strength beats rune strength," Elmer admitted, clearly surprised by Michael's raw power. He couldn't hide his astonishment at witnessing Michael's physical prowess.

"Get to work," Elmer commanded his orc comrades, and they eagerly obeyed, pulling out large sacks from their space rings and rushing to fill them with the precious loot from the vault.

Michael, however, furrowed his brow as he noticed the orcs packing their sacks instead of using their space rings to store the wealth. The treasure within the vault was protected by intricate runes, preventing it from being stored in a space ring.

"Leave thirty-five percent for our friend John here," Elmer stated with a hint of amusement.

"I wonder how you plan to carry all this wealth on you," Elmer mused, his snicker echoing in the room.

Michael remained silent, well aware that traditional means like space rings wouldn't work for this enchanted treasure. However, Michael had a trick up his sleeve - his system storage.

As the orcs filled their sacks and hurriedly dragged them outside of the vault, Michael calmly stepped inside. Elmer observed him closely, curious about what he might do next. To Elmer's astonishment, Michael simply waved his hand, causing a strange white light to envelop all the remaining gold coins, rubies, diamonds, and every valuable item in the vault. Within moments, the bright light vanished, taking the entire contents of the vault with it.

"What kind of space ring are you wearing?" Elmer asked, his voice revealing his shock at the incredible display of power.

"Working with you might not be a bad idea after all," Elmer admitted, recognizing the potential benefits of collaborating with John. In Elmer's eyes, Michael seemed resourceful, someone who could be used to gain advantages within the Vilnius gang. He contemplated using John as a contact to climb the ranks.

However, Elmer was completely unaware that Michael had his own motives and plans for exploiting the Vilnius gang to his advantage.

Once all the wealth within the vault had vanished, Michael turned to Elmer with a smile.

"Now, place the dagger against my throat and tell Barug to send the flying ships within half an hour," Michael instructed. He snatched a dagger from one of the orcs, causing them and Elmer to react with agitation, stepping back cautiously.

Michael smiled as he changed his robes back to the emerald green attire. With deliberate slowness, he ran the dagger across his chest, cutting his own flesh. Blood trickled down, staining his green robes crimson.

"This will give Barug the motivation he needs," Michael remarked confidently.

An orc stood firmly behind Michael, holding the dagger against his throat as they proceeded. Michael maintained his composure, not showing any signs of fear or discomfort.

Elmer led the way, and soon they reached the building's entrance. He pushed open the heavy doors, revealing the bustling scene outside. Barug and a contingent of soldiers were on the scene, trying to keep the curious citizens at bay, creating a perimeter around the Rideon Funds building.

Barug's expression turned grim as he noticed the blood staining Michael's body. His fists clenched in anger, and he approached Michael, his voice low and stern.

"What did you do?" Barug demanded, his eyes locked onto Michael's.

Elmer, however, remained calm and composed. He let out a chuckle before asking, "Where is the flying ship I asked for?"

"It's on its way," Barug replied, his gaze never leaving Michael.

Elmer's tone shifted as impatience crept in. "I don't like the ship being late," he said, then signaled to the orc standing behind Michael.

Without hesitation, the orc drew the dagger across Michael's shoulder. However, to his astonishment, it felt as if he was cutting into a solid stone wall.

"What in the world..." the orc muttered to himself, staring at Michael's seemingly invulnerable flesh in disbelief.

"Stop hurting the hostages, Elmer. You didn't want this robbery case to become murder," Barug growled, frustration evident in his voice. However, Elmer merely laughed, an eerie sound that hung in the air.

"Officer Barug, we are the Vilnius gang. We commit murders for breakfast and more murders for dinner. So, no, we don't give a damn. Unless you want this hero to die before your very eyes, I want the airship to arrive within ten seconds," Elmer responded with a cold grin.

The orc behind Michael pressed the dagger against his throat, keeping him in check. Barug and his soldiers seethed with anger, but they felt helpless in the face of the criminals.

Just in the nick of time, a large shadow loomed over them, casting darkness on the ground. All eyes turned upward, and they beheld a massive flying ship with green sails and a dark brown hull gracefully sailing through the sky.

"Damn good timing," Elmer clapped his hands in appreciation.

"Drop the ropes!" Barugh shouted, his voice laced with anger and impatience. The ship's crew swiftly obliged, lowering several ropes to the ground. They began descending using these ropes, aiming to assist with their escape.

"We will leave the ship and your precious hero far away from Durran with an emergency light. You can pick him up later," Elmer declared as he confidently made his way up the ropes to the ship.

The orcs followed, grasping the ropes tightly as Elmer activated a mechanism that hoisted them up to the ship. As they reached the ship's upper deck, Elmer took hold of the helm and expertly rotated the rudder. The massive airship began to turn slowly, its sails billowing as it adjusted course.

Michael observed the ship's sails filling with wind, propelling it forward as they escaped from DurranWhile they soared away from Durran, Michael couldn't help but notice the intricate runes etched into the sails and the glowing symbols that adorned the ship's hull. At the stern of the airship, there was a conspicuous large box, covered in an array of mysterious runes. With a sense of curiosity, he activated his X-ray vision, revealing a potent energy signature emanating from within the box.

"You can take the dagger away, my man," Michael spoke to the orc. The orc, under Elmer's watchful eye, reluctantly sheathed the dagger that had been pressed against Michael's throat moments earlier.

With the blade no longer a threat, Michael stretched his muscles, the tension slowly dissipating.

"Are you going to tell us your next move?" Elmer inquired, his hands steady on the rudder.

"I have a few matters to attend to in Durran," Michael began, his tone casual. "In the meantime, if you happen to identify a lucrative target, feel free to let me know. But I must emphasize I'm not interested in small-time scores. If I'm going to help you, it needs to be a big heist."

"Don't concern yourself with the targets. Durran's got plenty of fat fish to plunder," Elmer assured. "However, the real question is, how do we get in touch with you?"

"Meeting the rest of your Vilnius gang isn't on the table, I presume," Michael retorted, his skepticism clear.

"Let's be realistic here, John. Trust isn't something that flows easily between us at this point. So, it's a tad premature to disclose our hideout to you," Elmer explained. However, he tossed a blue crystal, intricately engraved with a rune, toward Michael, who deftly caught it in mid-air.

"It's a one-way communication crystal. When I've selected our next target, I'll get in touch," Elmer elucidated.

As the airship soared further away from the Durran Kingdom, they eventually arrived at a breathtaking sight: a vast white flower field that stretched endlessly across the land under a tumultuous, stormy sky. The field was a mesmerizing sight, the white blossoms contrasting starkly against the dark, brooding clouds above.

Elmer, still at the helm, turned to Michael, addressing him by the alias John, "This is where we part ways, John."

Michael gazed out at the expanse of white flowers, his curiosity piqued. "What are you planning to do with the airship?" he inquired.

Elmer couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "The Durran orcs believe they can track us using the runes embedded in this ship, but they're in for a surprise." He gestured to the orcs surrounding him, who were stifling laughter. "We'll strip this ship down and salvage the parts, then sell them for a handsome sum of gold coins."

The orcs accompanying Elmer burst into raucous laughter, their rough voices mocking the supposed ineptitude of the Durran orcs.

"Track us, my foot!" one of them guffawed.

"The Durran orcs always were a bit slow," another orc chimed in with a grin.

Elmer, still amused, added, "Exactly. They underestimate the Vilnius gang. Now, John, our paths diverge here. Keep that communication crystal close. When the time is right, I'll be in touch."

Michael nodded, and with a final glance at Elmer and his boisterous orc comrades, he stepped off the airship and onto the pristine, flower-covered land, ready for his next move.

Standing amidst the sprawling field of white flowers, Michael watched as the airship receded into the distant horizon, a mere speck in the expansive sky. With a deep breath, he activated the earpiece.

"Hello, Pink," he spoke softly.

Pink's voice crackled to life on the other end. "Ghost, what happened? Did you meet Gilrut?"

With a hint of amusement in his tone, Michael recounted every detail of the events that unfolded within Rideon Funds, painting a vivid picture of his encounter with Elmer and the Vilnius gang.

Pink's voice radiated excitement and disbelief. "So, we're robbing banks now? I never thought I'd see the day."

Michael replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "We need funds, Pink. This is the quickest way to amass the wealth we require."

Pink acknowledged the necessity of their actions. "True, we do need the funds. But are you sure about this? It sounds dangerous."

Michael reassured her, "Elmer has a Spyder on him. We'll have our eyes on him at all times."

Pink's response was filled with satisfaction. "That's wonderful."

Determined to assist Pink further, Michael proposed, "I'll help you connect Elmer's Spyder to one of the mirrors in your room so you can keep a close watch on him."

Curiosity piqued, Pink inquired, "What's your next move, Ghost?"

Michael's voice held a hint of anticipation as he revealed his plan. "Now, it's time to befriend Gilrut and forge a new medallion."