Chapter 1145 God of Darkness to the Rescue I

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1145 God of Darkness to the Rescue I

As the people slowly opened their eyes in the grand hall of the temple, they were met with the sight of Rainar floating before them. His commanding presence filled the room, a mix of divine majesty and intimidating power. The reactions among the worshippers varied, each person reflecting their own mix of emotions towards the god.

Some gasped in shock, unable to hide their surprise at the physical manifestation of their deity. "He's... he's really here," a woman whispered to her neighbor, her voice trembling with a mix of awe and fear.

Others, despite being forced to pray, couldn't help but express reverence in Rainar's presence. A man bowed his head even lower, murmuring, "Rainar, our great god, blesses us with his presence," his voice filled with a devoutness that seemed to transcend his earlier fear.

Yet, there were many who looked terrified, their faces pale as if they had seen a tyrant rather than a deity. A young girl clutched her mother's hand tightly, her voice barely audible as she said, "Mama, I'm scared. He looks so... scarry."

"This is no benevolent god. This is a ruler who demands fear and obedience." An elderly man, his eyes wide with fear, muttered under his breath.

The hall was a tapestry of emotions – shock, reverence, terror – all directed towards the imposing figure of Rainar. His appearance had brought to the surface the true feelings of the people, revealing the complex relationship between a deity and his worshippers.

Rainar, seemingly indifferent to the varied reactions of his subjects, gazed down at them with a sense of detached superiority.

Rainar's cold, imperious voice echoed through the hall, cutting through the mix of emotions like a knife. "Why are you not praying to me with more fervor?" he demanded, his tone devoid of warmth.

He continued, his voice growing colder with each word, "I have given you a place in my domain, food, everlasting rain, and now power to expand this domain. Yet, you do not pray to me as you should. Why?"

The energy in the hall thickened, becoming almost suffocating. It was as if Rainar's displeasure was a tangible force, pressing down on everyone present.

Frightened and terrified, the people began to knock their heads on the ground, begging for his mercy and forgiveness. Their voices were a chorus of desperation and fear.

"Forgive us, great Rainar," a man cried out, his forehead touching the floor. "We are but humble servants, unworthy of your grace."

"Please, have mercy on us," a woman pleaded, her voice breaking. "We will pray harder, more fervently. Please, spare us your wrath."

"Your greatness knows no bounds, we will dedicate our lives to your worship," another added, the fear in his voice palpable.

Children whimpered, clinging to their parents, their young minds unable to fully comprehend the situation but instinctively understanding the need to show subservience.

The scene was one of absolute submission, a demonstration of Rainar's power to instill fear and obedience in his subjects. As the atmosphere in the temple remained heavy with fear and submission, the same imposing orc who Michael had seen earlier, the one responsible for torturing the king of Nimbosia, entered the hall. His presence was as menacing as before, and his arrival caught the attention of everyone present.

(Read Chapter 1068 - Being the stealthy assassin once again to refresh your memories) n)-0Ve1b1n

Ayag, peeking out from Michael's coat pocket, whispered, "Isn't that the same orc who tortured the king using water droplets?"

Michael, observing from his hidden vantage point, confirmed quietly, "Yes, that's him."

Rainar, noticing the orc's entrance, turned around with the grace and authority befitting a tyrant. His voice, commanding and deep, filled the hall. "What brings you here?" he asked the orc.

The orc, with a posture that spoke of both respect and fear, responded, "My lord Rainar, I have received news from the front. Kranar's angels are retreating and falling behind in the battle."

Rainar chuckled, a sound that seemed to carry a dark undertone. "That is only the beginning," he declared confidently. "Soon, with no angels to support him, the people will lose faith in Kranar. And with not enough faith energy from his own kingdom, Kranar will be forced out of his kingdom by the pantheon. Then, I will take over Thunderdale."

The orc nodded in agreement, his expression one of admiration and reverence for Rainar's strategic acumen. Rainar's ambition was to not only maintain control over his subjects but to expand his power to other realms, capitalizing on the weakening of his adversaries.

As Michael listened to Rainar's declarations and observed the dynamics in the temple, he began to draw parallels between the politics of the Pantheon and the political parties of Earth. It was a game of power and influence, where faith and worship were the currencies of control. "They are just like the dirty politicians," Michael muttered under his breath.

The realization dawned on him that in this realm of gods, a god's power was directly tied to the faith energy they received from their domain in addition to the level of their Godhood. If a god failed to garner enough faith from their worshippers, they risked being ousted from their domain by the Pantheon.

This revelation shed light on the underlying mechanics of godly politics. It was intriguing yet unsettling to realize that the Pantheon, a body presumably of immense power and wisdom, had allowed two of their gods, Rainar and Kranar, to engage in such a fierce and destructive battle without intervening. This could either be a sign of negligence or an indication of deeper, more complex schemes at play.

Michael pondered over the situation, weighing the possibilities. He concluded that it was unlikely to be mere incompetence on the part of the Pantheon. Such powerful entities were not prone to overlooking conflicts that could potentially destabilize the balance of power among them. Therefore, it seemed more plausible that there were larger schemes at play, hidden agendas that were yet to be revealed.

(Sorry for the filler but I felt like it must be shared to fresh out the Pantheon and how they operate and how gods' domains worked)

The orc, after discussing the current situation, shifted the topic to another matter of importance. "My lord Rainar, the gala hosted by Goddess Fortuna is approaching. How would you like me to prepare for the journey?" he inquired, his tone indicating the significance of the event.

Rainar pondered for a moment, then began issuing instructions regarding the preparations. The gala, it seemed, was a notable event in the divine calendar, one that attracted the attention of various gods and goddesses.

As Michael listened to this exchange from his hidden perch, a realization struck him. The gala presented a unique opportunity, one that aligned with the specific requirements he recognized for killing a god. He recalled the conditions:

[The target God Rainar must be away from his domain...]

[The target must be in a place where his godly powers are useless]

[Finally, the target must be slain with a weapon made of the collar bone of an ancient beast...]

As Michael listened to the conversation below, he turned to Cain, the smartest among the three hydra heads, and began discussing the potential opportunity that presented itself.

"Rainar attending Fortuna's gala... This could be our chance," Michael mused, his voice low.

"Yes, but there are specific conditions to meet if you're thinking of... dealing with Rainar." Cain, with a hiss of interest, replied.

"First, Rainar must be away from his domain for our plan to work. The gala at Fortuna's provides just that opportunity." Michael nodded.

Cain flicked his tongue thoughtfully, "And secondly, the target must be in a place where his godly powers are limited or useless. These high-profile gatherings often enforce such neutral grounds."

"Exactly," Michael agreed. "And finally, the most challenging part. The target must be slain with a weapon made from the collar bone of an ancient beast. Finding such a weapon will be a task in itself."

The two of them pondered the situation, weighing the feasibility of each requirement. The gala, an event of neutrality and diplomacy, could be the perfect setting where Rainar's defenses and powers were diminished, meeting the first two conditions. However, the third condition, acquiring a weapon of such specific and rare make, remained a significant hurdle.

Rainar, with the air of one used to commanding and being obeyed, addressed the orc, "I will prepare to attend the Gala in three days. Meanwhile, continue to decimate Kranar's angels."

The orc nodded in agreement, his response firm and resolute, "As you command, my lord. The downfall of Kranar's angels will continue."

Rainar's expression then shifted to one of cunning.

"During the gala, I will also work to sway some fellow gods in the Pantheon to support our cause. It's time to expand our influence and power." Michael, listening from above, couldn't help but draw parallels between Rainar's tactics and those of a corrupt politician on Earth. He whispered to Cain, his voice laced with disdain, "Rainar is no different than a corrupted politician, currying favor and manipulating others for more power. He plays the game of gods like a political chessboard."

Cain responded, reflecting his agreement. "Hmm, in realms high or low, the thirst for power shapes actions and breeds deceit."

As Rainar vanished into thin air, Michael knew it was time to act. He cracked his neck, preparing himself for the confrontation ahead. Focused and determined, he readied to face the orc and execute his plan to save the people. His intention was clear; it was time to take down Rainar and save these poor people.