Chapter 1154 Fortuna's Feelings

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1154 Fortuna's Feelings


As the guests at the gala mingled and conversed, the clear sky once again underwent a dramatic transformation. This time, unlike Kranar's electrically charged storm clouds, the sky filled with ominous gray clouds, heavy and foreboding. Within moments, a torrential downpour began, the raindrops falling heavy and unrelenting, pattering against the grand glass dome.

Lathander, ever the observer of chaos and amusement, chuckled as he watched the sudden change in weather. "Ah, Rainar's grand entrance," he commented with a mischievous glint in his eye. "He never disappoints with his theatrics."

He turned to the others, his amusement evident in his voice. "Isn't it funny and rather amusing? Two gods at war, Kranar and Rainar, meeting under the same roof. And here we are, wondering if they can resist tearing each other's throats out." His laughter was light, finding humor in the tension that such a scenario presented.

The situation was indeed ironic – the gala, still three days away from its grand commencement, was already setting the stage for an intriguing gathering. As the guests at the gala watched, the rainclouds began to swirl and coalesce before them, taking on a more distinct form. The clouds slowly shaped themselves into the figure of Rainar, right before Kranar's eyes. Rainar's imposing form, as he materialized from the rainclouds, was a stark contrast to the electrifying entrance of Kranar.

Rainar stood tall and majestic, his long gray hair and beard giving him a regal and formidable appearance. His robes, the color of storm clouds, flowed around him like a mist, while his sharp gaze swept over the gathering with an air of undeniable authority.

Kranar's reaction was immediate and visceral. His anger was palpable, his body tensing as he faced Rainar. With a low growl, Kranar voiced his disdain. "Resorting to using mortal creations to win against me, Rainar?"

Rainar, unfazed by Kranar's anger, let out a devilish chuckle. "You should be ashamed, Kranar, getting defeated by what you call 'mortal creations'." His voice dripped with mockery, clearly enjoying the provocation.

The tension between the two gods was like a charged atmosphere, filled with rivalry and contempt.

Lathander, finding amusement in the escalating tension between Kranar and Rainar, leaned towards Fortuna and whispered in her ear, a playful grin on his face. "Look at them, like two storm clouds about to clash. I wonder if we should sell tickets to this show."

Fortuna, however, understood the gravity of the situation and the potential chaos it could bring to her event. Stepping in between the two feuding gods with a grace that commanded attention, she addressed them with a firm yet serene tone. "Gentlemen, this is my domain, and I will not permit any conflicts here."

Her eyes, reflecting a calm but unyielding resolve, met each of theirs in turn. Then, with a smile that was both charming and slightly threatening, she added, "And I'm sure neither of you would like to be stripped of your luck, especially not in my presence."

The underlying threat in Fortuna's words was clear – in the domain of the Goddess of Luck, it was unwise to provoke the hostess or disregard her rules. Fortuna's presence and authority momentarily diffused the tension, imposing a semblance of peace between the two gods. Her ability to maintain control and command respect was evident, a testament to her power and influence.

Understanding the severity of Fortuna's warning, both Rainar and Kranar recognized the precarious position they would be in if the Goddess of Luck turned her favor away from them. Their lives, heavily influenced by fortune and chance, could indeed be turned upside down without her blessing.

As they meandered along the garden paths, Fortuna broached a topic of concern. "I've been hearing rumors that the God of Darkness has returned to the realm of gods. What do you make of this, Seshat?"

Seshat's eyes reflected a deep understanding as she responded, "It appears to be true. His return is not an insignificant event."

"The Pantheon is already on edge dealing with Dagon. The arrival of the God of Darkness will only exacerbate the situation, pushing them to act against their better judgment." Fortuna's expression grew serious. Seshat, gazing thoughtfully at the garden around them, replied, "The Pantheon has indeed lost its way. Perhaps it's time for the universe to reset its balance. We've become too entangled in our own power struggles, forgetting our true purpose."

Fortuna, sensing the weight of their conversation, lightened the mood with a giggle and a playful inquiry. "I've heard rumors, Seshat, that the God of Darkness is quite a handsome specimen. Is there any truth to that?"

Seshat, maintaining her calm demeanor, replied with a hint of caution in her voice. "Handsome or not, it would be wise for you, or anyone for that matter, not to entertain such thoughts. His wife, the Goddess of Monsters, is not known for her mercy. Her devotion and love for the God of Darkness are as fierce as her wrath."

Fortuna's smile broadened at Seshat's response, acknowledging the sagacity of her words. The thought of the Goddess of Monsters' formidable reputation was enough to make anyone think twice about crossing paths with her, especially in matters of the heart.

Fortuna, her curiosity piqued, inquired further, "Gaya was it? The name of the Goddess of Monsters?"

Seshat let out a gentle giggle, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "One doesn't need to be a goddess of wisdom or information to know the name of the Goddess of Monsters, Gaya," she said with a light-hearted tone.

"It has been five thousand years since I last saw Gaya. I still find it hard to believe that the God of Darkness reset the entire universe just to save her, even at the cost of his godhood." Fortuna chuckled, her gaze distant as she reminisced. Seshat nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It was a calculated move, one that defeated the entire Pantheon's schemes. The God of Darkness, by being reborn in the mortal realm, not only saved his wife but also prevented the gods from entering the mortal realm. This act effectively shielded the mortals from our thirst for worshippers and worship energy." said Seshat.

The revelation of such a profound act by the God of Darkness added depth to his character and motives. His actions, though drastic, had far-reaching consequences that altered the dynamics between the realms of gods and mortals.

As they continued their walk, Fortuna's expression gradually shifted from playfulness to a more serious demeanor. The conversation's gravity seemed to weigh on her, and she eventually stopped walking, turning to face Seshat directly.

"I have this feeling," Fortuna began, her voice tinged with a rare seriousness, "that this gala... it's going to change the fate of the realm of gods. I can't explain why, but the feeling is there, deep within me."

Seshat observed Fortuna with a contemplative gaze. Her response was cryptic yet profound, reflective of her wisdom and understanding of the universe's mysterious ways. "Fortuna, in the grand tapestry of the universe, each thread has its purpose. Anything that happens, happens for a reason, though the reason may not always be clear to us."

Her words, while not providing a direct answer, hinted at the idea that the unfolding events were part of a larger, unseen plan.