Chapter 1168 Death of someone important (New Arc Begins)

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1168 Death of someone important (New Arc Begins)

Curiosity glinted in Ayag's eyes as she leaned closer.

"So, what's next for us?" she inquired, her voice echoing the excitement of their newfound venture.

Michael's gaze shifted from the map to the horizon, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"First, we need to pick up Pink from the safehouse," he outlined their immediate plan.

"Then, we'll head straight to this new base of operation," said Michael. nOVe-lb/1n

Unfolding the map further, he examined it more closely, his finger tracing the lines and contours until it rested on a specific point. The name 'Kingdom Verdant Forest, ' the domain of the Goddess of Nature, Flora, caught his eye. A new realm, a new adventure.

With a chuckle, Michael looked up from the map, amusement evident in his tone. "Seems like we're going to meet another goddess," he said, the prospect of encountering the Goddess of Nature adding another layer of intrigue to their journey.

Ayag's smirk mirrored Michael's amusement. The idea of venturing into the domain of a goddess, especially one as significant as Flora, was thrilling.

Then, Michael activated his portable divine portal, stepping through the swirling vortex that opened up in the dimly lit room of Pink's safehouse. The sudden appearance of the portal startled Pink, who let out a surprised squeal.

"Ghost!" Pink exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and annoyance.

"A little warning next time, please?" she playfully complained.

Her reaction drew a laugh from Ayag, who couldn't resist poking fun.

"Scared you, didn't he?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Pink, not one to be easily flustered, responded with a playful smirk.

"Maybe just a bit," she admitted, her tone light and playful.

Her attention quickly shifted to the map in Michael's hand.

"What's that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's our new base of operation," Michael replied, a hint of pride in his voice. With a casual flick of his wrist, he tossed the map to her.

Catching the map deftly, Pink unfurled it, her eyes scanning the details.

"Where did you get this? And how?" she inquired, looking up at Michael with genuine curiosity.

"Yes, where did you get it?" Hearing Pink's question, even Sarba chimed in, echoing Pink's question.

Michael responded with his usual calm demeanor.

Elves in the crowd shook their heads in dismay. "Such a senseless loss. He was a friend to all races," one of them lamented.

Pink, overhearing the conversations, muttered "Murdered?" in a state of shock. The reality of Gilrut's untimely death was hard to grasp, especially under such violent circumstances.

Michael's expression turned into a frown as he listened to the whispers around him. The crowd spoke of hidden details and conspiracy theories, fueling a sense of unease and suspicion.

"I heard the Durran guards are hiding the truth about the murder," an orc said quietly to his neighbor.

"Ritualistic style, they said. It's frightening to think about," added another voice from the crowd.

"And they haven't shown Gilrut's body to anyone. Why the secrecy?" questioned a skeptical elf, her voice tinged with suspicion.

These conversations painted a picture of mystery and intrigue surrounding Gilrut's death, suggesting that there was more to the story than met the eye. The hidden details and the lack of transparency from the Durran guards only added to the growing sense of unease.

Pink's determination was evident in her voice as she spoke to Michael, known to her as Ghost.

"I want to get to the bottom of this murder, and I want you to kill the murderer," she said firmly, her eyes reflecting a rare intensity.

"This is the first time I'm asking you for a favor," Pink continued, her voice earnest.

"I haven't asked you for anything before, and I don't have anything to give you in return-"

Before she could finish, Michael stopped her, his expression serious yet understanding.

"You don't need to give me anything," he assured her. "Gilrut was a part of a greater plan of mine. Whoever killed him, they didn't just take his life; they interfered with my plans."

Michael's tone hardened as he concluded, "And anyone who messes with my plans will face the consequences. They will die."

His words carried a weight of finality and a promise of retribution for the wrongs done to Gilrut and the disruption of his larger strategy.

Pink nodded, her resolve strengthened by Michael's commitment. They both understood the gravity of the situation and the need for justice in the wake of such a heinous act.

(Read Chapter 1087 to refresh your memories)

After listening to the conversations, Michael and Pink discreetly slipped away from the crowd, blending into the shadows of Durran's bustling streets. They had a new purpose now: to infiltrate the Runemasters' Guild and speak with Officer Barug to gather more information about Gilrut's murder.

Sarba, ever observant, suggested, "We should also talk to our heist buddies and the Vilnius gang. They might have heard something about this murder."

"You're right," Michael agreed, his mind already strategizing their next moves.

"And I bet Elmer has some knowledge about this. He always has his ears to the ground."

As they moved through the city, Michael's expression was one of determination and killing intent.

"It looks like we'll need to extend our stay here in Durran," he stated, the implications of their extended mission clear in his voice.

Unbeknownst to Michael, this investigation would lead him down a path far more complex than just solving a murder.