Chapter 1182 A quest from the Beast Tamers

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1182 A quest from the Beast Tamers

Back in the Ironfist Beast Tamers branch, the scene was one of recovery and repair. Amid the bustling activity, Michael and Gaya approached a tall, tattooed elven young man at the counter.

"Good day," the young man greeted with a polite nod. "How may I assist you?"

Michael glanced around at the remnants of chaos caused by the eagle bear, then back at the elf. "Pretty rough day you've had, huh?" he commented casually.

"Yes, indeed," the young man replied with a sigh. "An incident like today's is extremely rare. We're already taking steps to ensure it never happens again."

His eyes then shifted to Vedora perched on Gaya's shoulder. "That's a beautiful creature you have there," he remarked with genuine interest.

Gaya chuckled lightly, "They are as beautiful as they are troublesome."

Ayag hissed softly at Gaya's comment but remained quiet.

Michael offered a warm smile, "Thank you. We're actually here to meet Borgin Ironfist. Could you arrange that for us?"

The young elf's demeanor shifted slightly, betraying his surprise. "I'm afraid Borgin doesn't meet anyone without a prior appointment," he responded, maintaining his politeness.

"Is there any way to secure such an appointment with your guild leader?" Michael inquired about the process to secure an appointment with Borgin.

"Borgin Ironfist values strength and prowess. To gain his attention, you'll need to demonstrate these qualities." The young elf explained.

Then, he reached for a yellow parchment on the counter and unfolded it before them.

"Here's a request from Goddess Seshat's army," he began, pointing at the document. "They need help catching a rogue griffin terrorizing the forest outskirts. Completing this could certainly catch Borgin's interest."

As the elf spoke, his gaze lingered on Michael and Gaya, sensing there was more to them than meets the eye.

Gaya leaned in towards Michael, whispering, "This is a waste of time. Let's wait for nightfall, break into Borgin's chambers, and convince him our way if he refuses to cooperate."

Michael subtly shook his head, dismissing her suggestion, while the young elf, oblivious to their whispered strategy, waited expectantly for their response. "We'll take it," Michael nodded at the elf before taking the parchment from the elf's hand.

Walking away from the young elf, Michael voiced his decision to accept the quest. "Why are we playing these games? We could just confront Borgin directly." Gaya asked, clutching his hand.

Michael, with a light chuckle, appreciated her usual direct approach. "It's not just about meeting Borgin," he explained. "I noticed something earlier with the eagle bear. Your presence seemed to affect it. I want to explore this further, see if your influence extends to other creatures."

He continued, "This task gives us a chance to understand your powers as a goddess better. Plus, Borgin could be a valuable ally. Let's try diplomacy first."

Gaya let out a sigh, her features relaxing into a playful smirk. "Alright, your way first. But if it doesn't pan out, we're doing it my way," she said, cracking her knuckles with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Stepping out into the bustling street, Gaya suggested, "We can't fly there, so let's find some horses or something." They strolled down the busy avenue, their eyes scanning for a suitable mode of transport.

Gaya smirked, "Smart beast, but that's not foolproof." Her confidence was evident in her tone, hinting at the battle-readiness she felt.

As the carriage trundled along, the dense forest under the starlit sky enveloped them in its quiet embrace. Gaya, peering out at the darkening surroundings, turned to Michael, "Shouldn't we rest or camp for the night?"

The driver shook his head firmly, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. "We don't camp out here. Lighting a fire might draw the griffin's attention," he explained in a low voice.

"We need to reach the village while the griffin is still digesting its last meal. It's safer that way." Franki said..

Just then, Sarba tugged gently at Gaya's ear. "I'm hearing something," he whispered, his tone laced with urgency.

Gaya, understanding the seriousness of Sarba's enhanced senses, exchanged a quick, knowing glance with Michael, signaling him without alarming the driver and the boy.

Suddenly, a loud, echoing peal cut through the silence of the night. The driver's hands tightened on the reins, and the boy's face drained of color as he stuttered, "It can't be..."

Without hesitation, Michael instructed the driver to stop. Stepping out of the carriage, he approached the front and addressed the visibly shaken pair. "Go on without stopping," he said firmly. "We'll handle whatever comes our way."

As Michael and Gaya prepared to confront the unseen danger, the boy and driver hesitated, torn between fear and a sense of obligation. "Can't we help in some way?" the boy asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Gaya, with a mischievous glint in her eye, chuckled. "Yeah, we could use you as bait," she said, her tone darkly playful.

The boy's eyes widened in alarm. "What?" he exclaimed, taken aback.

"Just kidding," Gaya replied with a smirk, her laughter echoing in the quiet forest. Taking control of the situation, Michael turned to the driver. "Go as fast as you can," he instructed firmly. He then gave the horses a reassuring pat, sending them galloping down the path, away from the impending danger.

In his hand, Michael conjured a small orb of fire and used it to ignite a torch he had grabbed from the carriage. He held it aloft, its flickering light piercing the darkness around them, serving as a beacon to draw the griffin's attention.

The pealing sound grew louder and closer, resonating through the forest, signaling the imminent arrival of the griffin. Michael and Gaya stood ready, the torch's flame casting long, dancing shadows as they awaited the beast's approach.

Gaya, with a hint of annoyance in her voice, muttered about the inconvenience of hunting unprepared. "I hate going into a fight without knowing what I'm up against," she grumbled.

Ayag, always cautious, chimed in from her perch. "Remember, you need to stay safe and hidden since you haven't adapted to this world's cultivation or unlocked your godhood yet."

"I've faced off against worse in the Celestial Valley," she retorted, her voice laced with confidence.

Sarba, ever the voice of reason, interjected softly. "Those creatures held back, trying to figure out your power. This griffin might not be so considerate."

Acknowledging Sarba's wisdom, Gaya let out a resigned sigh. "Fine," she conceded, moving toward a nearby tree. "I'll provide some air support then," she declared, positioning herself strategically.

Meanwhile, Michael, ever ready for a challenge, stretched his neck from side to side, releasing the tension. A determined glint appeared in his eyes as he eyed the approaching shadow in the distance. "Come to papa," he murmured, a mixture of anticipation and readiness evident in his tone.
