Chapter 1186 New Armor for Gaya

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1186 New Armor for Gaya

"There's even a summons from the Kraken Clan to hunt for some Vedora remains in a dungeon recently discovered on the outskirts of Aurumvale," Borgin revealed, his voice laced with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Michael and Gaya exchanged a glance, their interest visibly piqued. "Can you tell us more about this dungeon?" Michael asked, leaning forward.

Enjoying the intrigue he had sparked, Bogin elaborated on the mysterious dungeon. "This dungeon is said to be one of the angels of Velarix, the God of Thieves," he began. "Velarix's angel, according to legends, hoarded all his treasures in this dungeon. And now, the summons say that this dungeon will open in four days from now."

The information sent a ripple of curiosity through the room. The prospect of exploring a dungeon linked to a deity, especially one as enigmatic as the God of Thieves, was an opportunity that was hard to ignore.

Excitement sparked in Michael and Gaya's eyes at the prospect of venturing into a dungeon filled with not just Vedora's remains but also untold treasures that could aid in their quest for strength. The allure of adventure and the potential to grow stronger was an irresistible call.

Borgin, noticing the glimmer of anticipation in their eyes, leaned in with a proposition. "Since you did me a favor by taking care of that griffin, I'm willing to let you tag along to Aurumvale," he offered generously. "I can introduce you to one of the elders of the Kraken Clan."

Michael immediately seized the opportunity, recognizing it as a chance to gain more experience points, earn badass points, and potentially unlock more of Vedora's powers. The unfolding quest seemed to align perfectly with his objectives.

"This is perfect," Michael thought to himself, a sense of resolve building within him. "Not only can we explore the dungeon and seek Vedora's remains, but this might also be the key to completing the quest," Michael said to himself.

Suddenly, the system's notification flashed in his mind, reminding him of the quest he received when he came to Goldspire looking for the beast tamers. [The quest "Unlocking Vedora's Powers" has commenced... Explore the Ironhand Beast Tamers' knowledge and techniques to enhance Vedora's capabilities and unlock latent abilities within each head - Ayag, Cain, and Sarba...]

[Upon completing the quest, the host will receive 5 million badass points]

With the stakes set and their course clear, Michael and Gaya prepared themselves for the journey to Aurumvale, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the dungeon and beyond. Borgin's eyes twinkled with a sense of adventure as he leaned forward. "We will depart tonight," he announced. "Take your time to think about it. If you're interested in learning more about hydras and getting your hands on some treasures, this is your chance."

He leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking under his weight. "Since you took care of that griffin, I can tell you can handle yourselves," he added with a nod of approval. "Brave souls always find damn good treasures in these dungeons."

Michael stood up, his decision already made. Extending his hand to shake Borgin's, he responded confidently, "We'll definitely think about it and meet you here tonight." The prospect of delving into a dungeon, uncovering secrets about hydras, and acquiring treasures was too enticing to pass up. It was an opportunity to grow stronger and unravel more mysteries of this realm.

After talking to Borgin, Gaya and Michael exited the Beast Tamers' building, stepping out into the bustling streets of the scholarly city. The streets were alive with activity; scholars in deep discussion walked alongside traders calling out their wares, and the air was filled with the scent of parchment and ink, mixed with the tantalizing aromas of street food.

Gaya stepped forward, her voice confident. "It's for me. Show us your best armor," she requested.

The elf nodded and guided them to a section where the most exquisite armors were displayed. She presented four different armors, each with its unique features and craftsmanship.

The first armor was a lightweight suit, shimmering with a silvery sheen. "This is made from the scales of a moon dragon," the elf explained. "It offers excellent mobility and is enchanted to provide resistance against magical attacks."

The second armor was bulkier, forged from a dark, almost impenetrable metal.

"This one is designed for maximum protection. It's made from the ore found in the deepest mines of the Underrealm, known for its durability against physical blows."

The third armor was a striking piece, adorned with intricate runes and glowing softly with an inner light. "This is a rune-enchanted armor, offering not only physical protection but also amplifying the wearer's magical abilities," the elf said, her eyes glowing with pride.

Lastly, the fourth armor was a blend of leather and metal, designed for stealth and agility. "Ideal for quick movements and not getting noticed. It's been treated with a shadow enchantment, making the wearer harder to detect," she concluded.

Each armor had its advantages, and Gaya carefully considered her options, weighing the need for protection against her own combat style and the challenges they would face in the dungeon.

Gaya's eyes settled on the last armor, the one designed for stealth and agility. She understood her current limitations; not yet strong enough to participate directly in open combat, she decided a more covert approach, striking from the shadows, would be best.

"How much for this one?" Gaya asked, her fingers tracing the intricate blend of leather and metal.

The young elf replied with a professional tone, "This armor costs three hundred thousand gold coins."

Gaya's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a low growl escaped her lips. "Do you come with the armor too at that price?" she half-joked, her eyes still fixed on the armor.

The elf chuckled slightly at Gaya's remark. "It's high quality," she responded, her voice gentle but firm, indicating the price was justified by the armor's craftsmanship and enchantments.

Assessing the situation and the necessity of the armor for their quest, Michael interjected decisively.

"We'll take it." He understood the importance of equipping Gaya adequately for their impending challenges and was prepared to invest in her safety and effectiveness.