Chapter 1198 A sudden twist in the battle

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1198 A sudden twist in the battle

The golden-armored elves from Aurumvale, not to be outdone, acted swiftly and decisively. One of them reached into their space ring, and with an air of nonchalance, they transferred a staggering one million gold coins as if it were a trivial amount and tossed the ring to Gaya. "Take this and help us first," one of the elves said, his voice laced with both urgency and entitlement.

Gaya caught the ring deftly, glancing into the shimmering silver space ring. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the substantial amount, and a sly grin formed on her lips. "Of course," she replied with a smile, her tone smooth and agreeable.

Turning to face the rest of the adventurers, Gaya's smile faded into a more stern expression. She scoffed at them, her gaze challenging. "Back off and step forward if you have gold coins for us," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "Or stand back in line and hope he doesn't get tired."

The onlookers exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of frustration, envy, and resignation.

"This isn't fair! They're buying their way to safety!" one adventurer protested, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Gold speaks louder than bravery in this dungeon, it seems," another murmured, shaking their head in dismay.

Yet another, realizing the reality of the situation, sighed and said, "We don't stand a chance against that kind of wealth. We'll just have to wait our turn."

Once filled with chaos and disarray, the hall had now transformed into a more organized queue dictated by wealth rather than need or skill. The golden-armored elves from Aurumvale moved to the front, their confidence bolstered by their financial advantage. Meanwhile, the other adventurers, lacking such resources, lined up behind them, each silently calculating their odds of survival and hoping that Michael would not tire before their turn came.

The elf from Aurumvale, having observed the previous encounters, prepared himself to face the pond's challenge. He followed the established protocol, confidently throwing his curved blade to the ground. Gaya took her position with the crossbow, her eyes focused on the pond, while Michael positioned himself strategically, his dark sword at the ready.

"I am ready," the elf declared, his voice steady. He touched the water with the tip of his boot, causing ripples to spread across the surface. The water began to stir, and soon, a doppelganger formed, mirroring the elf's appearance and stance.

As soon as the doppelganger fully materialized, Gaya acted. "Now!" she shouted, releasing an explosive bolt from her crossbow. The bolt whistled through the air, striking the doppelganger squarely in the back. The explosion caused the doppelganger to stagger momentarily, its movements disrupted by the force of the impact.

Seizing the moment, Michael lunged forward with incredible speed. "Watch this," he said, a hint of determination in his voice. He deftly maneuvered around the doppelganger, avoiding its attempts to mimic his moves. With a swift and precise strike, he aimed for the doppelganger's neck.

The doppelganger, still reeling from Gaya's attack, struggled to keep up with Michael's agility. It tried to counter, but Michael's speed and skill were overwhelming.

With a fluid motion, Michael's sword found its mark, slicing through the doppelganger's neck. The creature's head fell to the ground, and its body dissolved into water, returning to the pond.

The elf, who had remained still during the encounter, let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Incredible," he muttered, genuinely impressed.

The doppelgangers of Michael and Gaya stepped out of the pond, their movements eerily mirroring those of their real counterparts. They cracked their necks in unison, a menacing gesture that sent a chill down the spines of the onlookers.

After regaining his composure from the unexpected attack, Michael leaped up from the ground and stood ready. "This has gotten interesting," he said, a determined glint in his eye.

From his vantage point, Jin watched the unfolding scene with a keen interest. "Let's see how they fight themselves," he remarked, his voice laced with curiosity.

The situation took a somber turn as the halfling's doppelganger transformed back into water and merged back into the pond. This occurred simultaneously with the real halfling's death, a tragic result of the explosive arrow's impact. The halfling's friends, witnessing the horrific scene, cried out in despair. "He's gone," they shouted, their voices filled with grief and disbelief.

In the midst of this chaos, Michael and Gaya's doppelgangers locked their gazes with their real-life counterparts. There was a moment of eerie silence as they stood facing each other, a mirror image in appearance and stance. Then, simultaneously, both doppelgangers smiled, a chilling mimicry hinting at the imminent battle ahead.

In a swift and unexpected move, Gaya's doppelganger conjured a crossbow, eerily similar to the God Slayer, and took aim at a group of unsuspecting elves. Before anyone could react, the doppelganger released an exploding arrow, which hurtled toward the group with deadly precision.

The explosion that followed was massive and instantaneous. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the hall, and the elves caught in its path were obliterated. Screams of pain and fear echoed as the explosion tore through their ranks, leaving behind a scene of chaos and destruction.

Panic ensued among the adventurers as they witnessed the devastating power of Gaya's doppelganger. Weapons were drawn in haste, and the air filled with the sound of steel and magic being readied for battle.

"We need to fight back!" one adventurer shouted, rallying the others.

"Use everything we have!" another cried out, determination in their voice.

"Thudner strike!"

"Inferno Burst!"

"Frost Spear!"

Spells of various kinds were cast towards the doppelgangers. Many of them chanted incantations, releasing bolts of lightning, balls of fire , and shards of ice . However, Michael's doppelganger moved with a speed and agility that matched Michael's own. The doppelganger wielded swords identical to the dark swords, using them to slice through the incoming spells with ease. The blades cut through the magical attacks as if they were mere air, rendering the assaults ineffective.

Simultaneously, Gaya's doppelganger exhibited similar grace and speed, dodging and weaving through the spells with a dancer's finesse. The doppelgangers moved in sync, their movements a harmonious blend of evasion and attack, demonstrating a level of skill and coordination that was almost beautiful to witness, yet terrifying in its implications.

As the battle progressed, Michael and his doppelganger clashed, their swords meeting with a loud, resonant clang. The sound of metal on metal echoed through the hall, drawing the attention of all the adventurers. In the heat of the battle, a notable change occurred in Michael's doppelganger. Its eyes began to glow with an intense white light, a stark contrast to the dimly lit hall. Then, a sly, knowing smile crept across its face – a smile that was chillingly familiar to everyone who had seen Silvaris.

The resemblance to Silvaris' smile was uncanny, and it did not go unnoticed by Michael. "Silvaris?" Michael asked aloud, his voice tinged with suspicion and realization.