Chapter 1215 A way to reach level 3 Godhood instantly

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1215 A way to reach level 3 Godhood instantly

The battle within the golden house raged on. Gaya, with her bow drawn, was a whirlwind of lethal grace. She maneuvered through the adventurers, her arrows finding their marks with deadly accuracy.

"Come on, you slowpokes! Is that all you've got?" she taunted, dodging an axe swing from a burly dwarf. "I thought you lot were supposed to be tough!"

Her opponents, fueled by rage and desperation, responded with a barrage of attacks and a stream of curses.

"We're gonna tear you apart, you arrogant bitch!" shouted a human warrior, swinging his sword with fury.

"Get her! She can't take us all!" an elf yelled, firing arrows in rapid succession. Diiscover new stories at

Meanwhile, Michael and Elrion's duel had escalated. Michael, displaying exceptional combat skills, parried and countered Elrion's strikes with a fluidity that seemed almost supernatural.

"Nice try, but you're going to have to do better than that!" Michael taunted as he sidestepped a powerful thrust and retaliated with a series of fast punches.

Elrion, undeterred by Michael's prowess, responded with a blend of disciplined swordplay and tactical strikes. "I will not falter in the face of arrogance," he declared, his blade moving in swift, calculated arcs.

Despite Elrion's skill and determination, Michael's agility and combat expertise gave him the upper hand. Each exchange between them was a testament to their abilities, a dance of blades and fists that left the onlookers in awe.

Observing the chaos, Lysandra remained stoic, her eyes tracking every movement. She was ready to intervene if necessary but for now, she chose to watch, her expression unreadable amidst the battle.

The longer Michael fought and played with Elrion, the more badass points he received. On the other hand, the adventures who failed to even make Gaya and Michael shed even a drop of blood began to shout in frustration.

A tall, muscular human with a scarred face and heavy armor swung his sword in a wide arc, missing Gaya by inches. "Damn it! Stand still, you slippery bitch!" he bellowed, frustration clear in his voice.

An elf with sleek, dark hair and light leather armor loosed arrow after arrow, each missing its target. "Son of a... How can she dodge everything?" he cursed, his fingers moving swiftly to nock another arrow.

"By the stones, I'll chop you into pieces! Just let me land one good hit!" growled a stout dwarf, his beard braided and his face red with anger, swung his axe furiously.

But suddenly, Michael's casual smile on his face froze. Then, before Michael could even react, the rooftop of the golden house crashed down with a massive explosion that sent everyone flying away. The force of the explosion was big enough for even Michael to go flying like a kite without the anchor in the storm. At that moment, the smoke and debris shrouded the house, blocking the view of everything. Through the smoke, gaya growled and tried to stand up. However, a large chunk of debrief pinned her down. Despite her raw strength, she couldn't lift it up to escape. "Argh... get off..." she growled, exerting all her might to move the debris, but it wouldn't budge.

Around her, the aftermath of the explosion was grim and devastating. Gaya's eyes scanned the area, revealing a harrowing scene. Several adventurers lay motionless, their bodies twisted in unnatural angles, a testament to the explosion's brutal force. Some were barely recognizable, covered in dust and blood, their armor shattered and torn.

"You can't kill a god, Marli. Don't try to play games with me," Michael lied, trying to sow a seed of doubt in Raphael's heart.

"Is that so?" Marli replied, her smile turning seductive as she ran her hands down his chest provocatively.

"Then you have nothing to fear, darling. You could even strike a deal with the pantheon. It might be your only way out of Andohr's wrath," she suggested.

"We are not here to waste time, Goddess Marli," Raphael interjected, his patience wearing thin. However, Marli seemed more interested in toying with Michael.

"We both know there's no deal that can bring peace between me and Andohr," Michael replied calmly, his gaze locked with Marli's.

Marli sighed, a hint of disappointment in her demeanor. "Well, it was worth a try. You're as clever as always," she conceded.

"But the same can't be said for you, Marli. You played a dangerous game crossing me," Michael countered, his voice steady.

"A game I won, God of Darkness. Despite being trapped in your clever prison, Andohr still has some tricks up his sleeve. Siding with him allowed me to ascend to Level 3 Godhood, a feat many gods dream of achieving," Marli boasted, once again emphasizing her newfound power.

Raphael, meanwhile, remained silent, his expression unreadable.

[The quest "God Killer II" has commenced... Seek vengeance against Marli and avenge Marli's worshippers...]

[Upon completing the quest, the host will be able to instantly reach level 3 Godhood level - The Greater God.]

The sudden notifications and the quest from the system caught Michael offguard. At the same time, it also showed him the significance of killing Marli. Even the system seemed to hate Marli more than anything. However, to kill Marli, he needed to escape Raphael and Marli.

Fortunately for Michael, Marli and Raphael were unaware of Gaya's presence in the hall. While Marli enjoyed teasing Michael, Gaya was trying to find a way out and found the portal was still glowing in the corner.

"Cut the shit, Marli. Why are you really here? Something tells me you are here for more than gloating," Michael snickered.

"Perceptive as always. I am here for the remains of Vedora, honey. You see, Andohr has taken a special interest in your hydra," Marli exclaimed as she was confident that Raphael wouldn't let Michael escape. This confidence of her made her blurt out some crucial information to Michael.

Of course, Michael's special friend informed him about Andohr's little project of reanimating Vedora, who lived and died five thousand years ago. But Michael was glad to know Marli was here to reach the dungeon's center to retrieve the remains. "Believe me when I say this, honey, Andohr has plans that will make you shudder... He has plans for you, your family, and everything you care and love,"

"Enough of this," Finally, Raphael lost his patience and raised his voice. "It is time I finish my duty and bring him to the pantheon. You can have your little chat over there," Raphael said, preparing to teleport Michael to the pantheon.