Chapter 1231 Getting so many goodies

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
1231 Getting so many goodies

As Michael skillfully manipulated the potion, it flew into several vials and lined up neatly on the table before him. "Wonderful!" Gaya exclaimed with an air of satisfaction and clapped her hands together.

She then turned to the gathered crowd of adventurers, her voice firm yet playful. "Alright, line up in an orderly manner to buy your potion. We're here to save lives, after all." Some adventurers, still harboring resentment for being marked due to the actions of Michael and Gaya, couldn't hide their anger and shock, muttering about the irony of their saviors being the ones who cursed them in the first place. "What the fuck? These heartless monsters are talking like they had nothing to do with this,"

"Here to save lives my ass,"

On the other hand, some who were aware of Michael's identity, cursed under their breath.

"All gods are the same," convinced that the motives of deities were always self-serving.

Ignoring the mutters around him, Elrion stepped forward with a mix of skepticism and desperation. Although the potion looked legit, Elrion wanted to test the authenticity of the cure.

"How do we know it's the real deal?" asked Elrion.

"Why don't you be the first to try it out?" Michael invited him with a slight smirk, gesturing towards the table of potions.

However, Gaya interjected with a sharp caveat, "Hold your horses. If you want this cure, we need something valuable from you. And I'm not talking about your pocket change."

Elrion, slightly taken aback, attempted to negotiate, "Name your price then, in gold coins."

"We've got enough gold to last us a lifetime. What we want is something of real value to you. We're making it fair for everyone. If we went by gold, only the richest would get cured. This way, everyone's got a shot, as long as they're willing to part with something truly valuable." Gaya countered, shaking her head.

Elrion, understanding the futility of arguing with deities, reached into his space ring. With a subtle flick of his wrist, a golden bell materialized in his palm. Its appearance sparked curiosity and confusion among the other adventurers, who whispered among themselves, trying to decipher its significance.

"What is that?" one adventurer whispered to another, their curiosity piqued by the mysterious artifact now on display.

"Whatever it is, I bet it can do some cool shit,"

"What the fuck is this supposed to be?" Gaya asked, eyeing the small object with a mix of interest and skepticism.

Elrion took a few moments before explaining about the item which had become the center piece of all attention.

Once Elrion placed the bell on the table, Michael took it calmly and examined it for a moment.

"Pleasure doing business with you," he said as Elrion nodded in acknowledgment before stepping aside for the next in line.

Just as the orderly transaction seemed to be proceeding smoothly, an elf, shrouded in the subtlety of a teleportation spell, materialized behind Michael with a dagger aimed for his back, intending to seize the potions and their accumulated loot by force.

However, with his heightened senses and reflexes, Michael sidestepped effortlessly, avoiding the attack with a calmness that belied the danger. Without missing a beat, his eyes darkened ominously as he unleashed a pair of dark beams from them, striking the elf squarely in the head. The body crumpled to the ground, lifeless, in a matter of seconds.

Watching the scene unfold with a stern expression, Gaya issued a chilling warning with menace. "If anyone else tries anything stupid, I'll make you wish you were dead."

After witnessing the swift end of the would-be assassin, Elrion couldn't help but sigh, shaking his head at the reckless ambition that drove the elf to his doom. "Fools will always find a way to get themselves killed," he remarked, a hint of weariness in his tone.

Unperturbed by the recent attempt at his life, Michael nonchalantly kicked the elf's body aside, his demeanor as calm as if he had merely swatted away a bothersome insect. "Let's continue this, shall we?" With a calm smile playing on his lips, he turned back to the waiting adventurers and cheerfully proposed. His display of power had evidently sunk in, as the adventurers promptly shelved any thoughts of messing him further.

The next in line, an elf clad in the distinctive golden armor of Aurumvale, stepped forward with a certain dignity. The armor shimmered under the dim light, its intricate design speaking volumes of the elf's high status. Clutched in his hand was a medallion, its surface intricately carved with the depiction of a majestic tree, the craftsmanship so precise that it seemed almost alive.

"This medallion," the elf began, holding it up for inspection.

"Will teleport its wearer to safety immediately before a fatal blow is struck, up to three times before its magic is exhausted." His voice carried a mix of pride and reluctance, for parting with such an item was no small sacrifice.

A murmur of awe rippled through the crowd at the elf's explanation, with many adventurers gasping in disbelief. "It's like having three extra lives," whispered one, the envy clear in their voice as others nodded in agreement.

"We'll take it," Gaya, after scrutinizing the medallion for a moment, nodded in approval. Her agreement sealed the deal, and the elf, though somewhat hesitant to part with his precious medallion, knew the value of the potion far outweighed his attachment to the artifact.

Meanwhile, the adventurers watching this scene couldn't contain their whispers of jealousy and amazement at the turn of events. "Can you believe this shit?" one grumbled under their breath, eyes locked on the duo who had turned their dire predicament into a lucrative opportunity. "They've turned this godforsaken dungeon into their personal marketplace!"

"Yeah, and that damn mark of Morbus? It's just a marketing ploy for them," another added bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief. "Those cunning bastards," a dwarf spat, his eyes narrowed as he watched the transactions. Using our misfortune to fill their pockets. If I didn't need that potion so badly..."

"Well, at least they're offering a cure. Better than being left to die with this glowing curse on our foreheads. But damn, they're making a killing off our desperation." An elf, leaning on her staff, chimed in with a sarcastic laugh.

(In the next chapter, we will see the dungeon boss and get ready to read the battle between Michael and a God. Real badass fight to show OG Michael)