Chapter 1233 God Of Darkness vs God Of Thieves I

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1233 God Of Darkness vs God Of Thieves I

As Silvaris, now revealed to be Valorix, the god of thieves, slowly rose to his feet, his body mended itself before their very eyes. Then, he chuckled devilishly as the sound echoed through the brightly lit throne hall. The hole in his head, a wound that would have been fatal to any mortal, closed up seamlessly as he tilted his head, eyeing Michael with a mix of amusement and challenge.

"Well, that was a cheap shot, wasn't it?" Valorix taunted, wiping away the last trace of blood as if it were nothing more than an inconvenience. "Why can't you, the god of darkness, have a good old fight like mortals? No one appreciates the classics anymore."

Standing firm before Gaya, Michael remained the epitome of calm amidst the chaos. His expression was unreadable, betraying no hint of concern over Valorix's recovery. With three billion badass points refunded due to Marli's death at the hands of the minotaur before the system could decode the grimoire on how to kill her, Michael was more than prepared for this confrontation.

"Classics, you say?" Michael's voice was cool, almost detached.

"I find it amusing that you, of all gods, would go for the simplicity of mortal combat. But then again, underestimating your foes seems to be a classic mistake."

Meanwhile, Gaya stood slightly behind Michael and watched the exchange with a wary eye. Valorix straightened, his smile fading into a smirk. "Underestimating? No, I merely enjoy the game. And what's a game without a little... unpredictability?"

Hearing Valorix, Gaya couldn't help but snicker as her voice was laced with amusement and a hint of mockery. "Oh, Silvaris—or should I say, Valorix?—hiding behind another name and now preaching about the classics? You've spent this entire time urging us to think like thieves, and suddenly you want a head-on fight? How... thief-like of you."

Unfazed by the jab, Valorix just merely chuckled in response. Then, with a casual flick of his wrist, a suit of golden armor materialized out of thin air, wrapping around him in a display of godly power. Moments later, a long halberd appeared, landing smoothly in his grasp. "This," he declared, the smirk evident in his tone, "is the armor I pilfered from Luxor, the God of Wealth. Fitting, don't you think?"

As Valorix swung his halberd with practiced ease, Pink's voice suddenly crackled through Michael and Gaya's earpieces. "Heads up, you two. Just dug up something interesting. Valorix used to be a Level 4 Prime God but got knocked down a peg to Level 3 Greater God after tripping into one of Dagon's nasty traps about five millennia ago."

Michael and Gaya listened calmly to Pink's revelation, processing the strategic advantage it presented. "With the summoning bell we snagged from Elrion, we can call forth Valorix's avatar to fight alongside us." Gaya's voice vibrated with excitement.

She was aware that even though the avatar would manifest as a Level 2 Demigod when combined with Michael's prowess as a Greater God, they could beat the hell out of Valorix any day. However, Gaya did not dare to underestimate the God of Thieves.

"But let's not kid ourselves," she cautioned, her tone serious despite the adrenaline. "This asshole will likely has more tricks up his sleeve than there are grains in a sack of rice."

On the other hand, Silvaris, now fully embracing his identity as Valorix, held the halberd in one hand and with a swift flick of his other wrist, a bell eerily similar to the one Michael and Gaya had acquired from Elrion appeared in his grasp. With a taunting smile, he boasted, "This little beauty? Liberated it from Morbus, the God of Plagues. It can summon plague maidens, creatures you'd rather not have as adversaries."

Gaya, puzzled and wary, couldn't help but ask, "Plague maidens? What the hell are those?"

After Gaya left the throne hall, Valorix cracked his neck and smirked at Michael. "Since you're not up for a fair fight, I guess it's only right if I make it a bit more... crowded for you," he quipped, the menace in his voice thinly veiled.

"Come at me then. Let's see what you've got." Michael taunted back.

In response, Valorix raised his halberd, pointing it directly at Michael. The plague maidens reacted to his command with a piercing scream, teleporting instantly around Michael, ready to strike.

With no time to waste, Michael cast the Ring of Flames. Dark flames erupted from the ground, encircling him in a protective barrier that shot outwards, burning the plague maidens into gray dust. However, the victory was short-lived.

As the dust settled, the plague maidens reformed from the ashes, their figures reconstituting as if untouched by the flames. Valorix chuckled, the sound echoing mockingly around the hall. "You can kill them, but you can't keep them dead," he taunted, his amusement clear at Michael's temporary confusion.

If the plague maidens weren't enough of a challenge, Valorix, with a smirk, rang the bell in his hand once more, summoning an additional wave of plague maidens to surround Michael. The air thickened with a sense of impending doom as the numbers swelled against the god of darkness.

"I can do this all day," Michael retorted as dark flames raged around him.

"I know," Valorix replied with amusement. Then, he rang the bell a third time, and as the sound echoed through the hall, the bell itself faded away after fulfilling its purpose.

Michael's dark flames continued to burn through the plague maidens, reducing them to dust only for them to rise again. With each cycle, the air around him darkened further, taking on a foul stench that seemed to sap the very life from the room.

"Ever wonder why they're called 'plague maidens'? Even the weakest of gods fear them," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice. "It's not just about killing. it's about corrupting, decaying, everything they touch." he said before taking a step toward Michael.

"I might not be able to kill you permanently, but I can damn well trap your soul. Consider this castle your eternal tomb," ************************

Hi my wonderful readers,

For the first time, I decided to join WSA because the two writing themes this time happened to be my favorite - Kingdom Building with System and Villain Story with a System.

Your Power Stones, reviews, comments are precious and will help me win this thing.

So Please check out War Lord's Apocalyptic System and Demon King's Villain System. Please spare your Power Stones, gifts, reviews and comments to the stories to make it shine brightly!!!!