Chapter 1244 Out of the dungeon

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1244 Out of the dungeon

Having no idea what was happening in the mortal realm, Michael and Gaya, along with Lysandra, Jin, and Elrion, found themselves standing at the entrance of the dungeon. Their predicament had taken a fortunate turn when the God of Wealth, Luxor, intervened, teleporting them out of the dungeon as a gesture of gratitude for the return of his favored armor.

"Phew...that was unexpected," Gaya remarked, a mix of relief and surprise evident in her voice.

Elrion, ever faithful, attributed their escape to divine intervention. "Praise Valorius, he must have sensed my prayers," he exclaimed, only to be met with Lysandra's gentle but firm disagreement.

"It wasn't Valorius," Lysandra corrected. She sensed that the golden energy that had enveloped them bore no resemblance to the aura typically associated with Valorius, suggesting another force at play.

Surveying their surroundings, Michael's attention was drawn to a fancy hut that had appeared in the near distance, marked by the Kraken Clan crest. It was clear they had been expected, but the adventurers who had entered the dungeon had not been so fortunate—all had been slaughtered except....

"The beast tamers," Gaya noted quietly, observing Borgin Ironfist and his companions emerging from the dungeon. Borgin's reaction upon spotting Michael and the group was a complex mix of fear, respect, and shock, revealing his awareness of Michael's true identity as the God of Darkness.

"Shit, how did they escape?" Gaya muttered as her voice was barely audible, reflecting her concern and disbelief.

"Keep it as a secret," Michael advised softly, his gaze following Borgin and his group as they made their way towards the Kraken Clan tent, signaling a silent acknowledgment of the delicate situation they found themselves in.

Borgin's subtle nod did nothing to ease Gaya's mistrust of the beast tamers, with whom she harbored unresolved grievances. Yet, before any scores could be settled, a discussion with Elrion and Lysandra was paramount.

"So, how about we all keep who we are and what we did inside the dungeon a secret? No point babbling about it to everyone, is there?" Gaya proposed, her stance firm yet open to consensus.

Elrion's response was a mixture of reluctance and gratitude. "Most of the things you did went against everything I stand for, but I am grateful for saving my life," he conceded, acknowledging the complexity of their actions.

Michael's attention then shifted to Jin, only for the latter to react promptly by deploying a smoke bomb, effectively obscuring their vision and facilitating his escape. As the smoke dissipated, Gaya's frustration was palpable.

"That sneaky son of a bitch," she growled, her annoyance clear.

"Let him go," Michael suggested calmly, recognizing the futility in pursuing Jin further and perhaps acknowledging the broader challenges that lay ahead.

"Is it true none of them except you survived the dungeon?" Derelius posed the question directly to Michael and Gaya, his tone indicating he was oblivious to their divine nature.

"Yes," Michael responded succinctly, opting not to delve into specifics given the uncertainty of what Borgin might have disclosed to Derelius.

Derelius's next question was more pointed. "So, did you manage to take Vedora's remains?" His gaze swept over them, searching for any hint of dishonesty.

Gaya was quick to answer, "We barely escaped, so no, we didn't take them. In fact, we hadn't even seen them," aiming to dispel any suspicions Derelius might harbor.

Without warning, Derelius retrieved a metal plate from a drawer, piquing their curiosity. "Then I hope you won't mind me using this," he announced, holding up the object.

"What is that?" Michael inquired, his interest piqued.

"Nothing. Just something that will sense Vedora's energy and point out if you have the bones," Derelius explained nonchalantly. Before either could object, he activated the plate, sending a wave of warm air sweeping past them.

Gaya's irritation was immediate, her annoyance at the lack of consent evident. Yet, Michael's discreet gesture urged caution; their innocence regarding the bones negated any need for confrontation with a powerful ally.

Following the brief and uneventful test, Derelius exhaled a sigh of relief. "Forgive me for that, but I needed to be sure. Now that we know you don't have the bones, I'm eager to hear your account of what transpired inside. Borgin here has claimed he and his companions chose not to enter the final level's castle, wary of any traps Silvaris might have set," he explained, casting occasional glances towards Borgin and his group of beast tamers.

After hearing Derelius, it became clear to Michael that Borgin had indeed shared a portion of the truth with Derelius. However, Borgin's account was missing critical details, such as the true identity of Silvaris as Valorix, the God of Thieves, and the events that unfolded within the castle's walls. This omission confirmed that Borgin and his beast tamers had refrained from engaging in the final level's challenges, sparing them the fate that befell the other adventurers who had ventured into the second castle, only to be caught in a lethal trap rigged with bombs.

Armed with this knowledge, Michael recognized an opportunity to shape the narrative in a way that would keep his and Gaya's god identities concealed, along with the details of their encounter with Rin and the truth about their confrontation with Valorix. This strategic omission would allow him to craft a version of events that served their interests without exposing the full extent of their powers or the complexities of their journey through the dungeon.

In the tense atmosphere of the Kraken Clan tent, Michael began to weave his version of the events. "As we entered the final level's castle, we were met not with treasure, but with Silvaris himself," Michael started, his voice steady, crafting a narrative that skirted around the truths he wished to keep hidden.

"He was there, boasting about his grand plan to kill us all from the start. Claimed he was the greatest thief in existence and wouldn't stand for anyone stealing from him," Michael continued, painting a picture of a nefarious Silvaris whose greed and ego drove him to deadly ends.

Gaya chimed in, adding depth to the story. "He bragged about rigging the place with bombs, intending to take out anyone daring enough to challenge him. Said no one could outsmart him in his own game," Michael nodded, driving the point home. "Luckily, the bombs in the castle we entered didn't go off. It seems even the greatest thief can slip up," he concluded, a wry smile touching his lips as he insinuated that their survival was more due to luck than Silvaris's intended design.

"Well, seems like Fortuna was smiling at all of you. This has been a disaster but the Kraken Clan will investigate this with Luxor's soldiers. Meanwhile, I hope you all will stay in Aurumvale for sometime to clarify some details. After all, more than eighty adventures has been killed and I doubt the adventures' guild will let this matter go to rest," Derelius sighed and said hinting the future conflicts that mau arise with the adventures guild.