Chapter 1255 Meeting Phoenix

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1255 Meeting Phoenix

As Michael and Gaya entered the boundaries of the distillery district, they were met with a scene that starkly contrasted the vibrancy and meticulous care evident in the rest of Seshat's kingdom. The buildings around them stood neglected, their once proud structures now succumbing to the ravages of time and abandonment. Vines crept up the sides of stone walls, and the streets were littered with debris, a silent testament to years of disuse.

Michael, taking in the surroundings with a frown, couldn't hide his surprise. "It's odd," he mused aloud, "Seshat's realm is known for its beauty and tranquility. To see a part of it in such disrepair... It's unexpected."

Gaya, walking beside him, shared his sentiment. "It doesn't seem like Seshat, the goddess of wisdom, to neglect any part of her domain. There's always a purpose behind her actions, a reason for everything."

As they ventured deeper into the district, the foul stench mentioned by Pink became unmistakable, a pungent odor that seemed to permeate the air and cling to the decaying buildings. Michael paused, taking a moment to discern the source of the smell, his expression contemplative.

"There must be a reason why Seshat allows this place to remain as it is," he finally said, his voice carrying a note of realization. "Perhaps it's meant to serve as a reminder, or maybe it's part of a larger plan we're not privy to."

Gaya nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the Phoenix. "Either way, it works in our favor today. This place, with its stench and isolation, is the perfect setting for our trap."

As they ventured further into the heart of the distillery district, Michael's acute senses picked up on the presence of a subtle magical barrier enveloping the area. "There's a barrier here," he murmured, more to himself than to Gaya. "But if we were able to enter without issue, it's possible this barrier is designed to keep something—or someone—contained within."

Hearing this, Gaya didn't hesitate. She swiftly pulled the God Slayer crossbow from her back, loading it with a bolt. Her movements were precise, practiced—the actions of someone who had faced countless dangers before.

Michael turned to her, eyebrows raised in silent question. "What are you doing?"

Gaya met his gaze, her expression serious. "When did we ever get what we want without having to fight for it?" she asked rhetorically, her grip on the crossbow tightening. "There's always something standing in our way."

Michael let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging the truth in her words. "I just wonder what the Phoenix is doing here," he pondered aloud, his gaze scanning the derelict surroundings. "If it's trapped by the barrier, like us..."

Just as Michael was about to delve deeper, his earpiece buzzed with an incoming call from Pink. Her voice, tinged with urgency and shock, broke through. "You need to be prepared before finding the Phoenix."

With a glance at the Phoenix, Michael responded tersely, "It's too late for that warning, Pink. We've already found him."

Pink's next words came in a rushed whisper, "Shit. I was digging through the server crystals and found out that Phoenixes, when they rebirth, attract something called the wraiths. They're drawn to the ashes of the Phoenix."

The Phoenix, oblivious to the conversation, remained a picture of serenity, while Gaya, overhearing Pink's warning, couldn't contain her frustration. "Why does she always tell us the important stuff too late?" she growled, her annoyance palpable.

From the other end, Pink's voice carried a mix of apology and worry. "I'm sorry," she said meekly, her usual confidence shaken by the oversight.

Michael turned his gaze back to the Phoenix, his voice tinged with concern. "Do you know anything about wraiths?" he inquired, hoping for some insight into their next potential challenge.

The Phoenix merely shook his head, his expression one of serene cluelessness. It was clear that the prospect of wraiths, or any threat, for that matter, did little to perturb him. His nonchalance only served to deepen Gaya's frustration.

"I knew this was too easy," Gaya growled under her breath, her instincts having predicted that their quest wouldn't be without its complications.

In a moment that seemed out of place with the urgency of their situation, the Phoenix closed his eyes, prompting a silent, tense wait from Michael and Gaya. After a few long minutes that stretched into an uncomfortable silence, Gaya's patience wore thin. "Is something supposed to happen?" she asked, unable to hide her skepticism.

Michael shared her doubt, his eyes locked on the Phoenix, searching for any sign of what might come next.

Eventually, the Phoenix opened his eyes and delivered a revelation that caught them off guard. "Something is preventing me from transforming back to my original form," he stated, a hint of surprise in his voice for the first time.

Gaya, quick to connect the dots, rolled her eyes in realization. The Phoenix was oblivious to the magical barrier surrounding them, which likely interfered with his ability to complete his rebirth process. Her response dripped with sarcasm. "Oh, you noticed? Maybe it's the giant magical barrier we're all stuck in," she replied, her tone leaving no room for doubt about her feelings on the matter.