Chapter 1257 Phoenix's Unique Quirk

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1257 Phoenix's Unique Quirk

As Michael reveled in the continuous downpour of experience points, the thrill of nearing his next cultivation stage energized him further. He was now just a mere 100,000 points away from reaching a significant milestone in his journey. Lost in the fervor of battle, he didn't notice Gaya and Phoenix observing him from a safe distance.

With each wraith that fell, their focus shifted entirely onto Michael, their attacks becoming more relentless, yet Michael met them with unwavering resilience. This left Gaya and Phoenix momentarily out of harm's way, granting Phoenix the opportunity to explore his surroundings with wide-eyed wonder.

"Whatever you're thinking, just don't," Gaya preemptively scolded, sensing Phoenix's growing curiosity.

"Why are they all attacking him, and why aren't you helping?" Phoenix's voice carried a note of innocence, unmarred by the chaos unfolding around them.

Gaya sighed, her gaze fixed on Michael's relentless fight. "This place was already saturated with death aura. Seshat probably erected a barrier around the distillery district to prevent that aura from spreading. But then you decided it was the ideal spot for your rebirth, releasing pure celestial energy into the mix. The clash of life and death energies birthed these wraiths. So, yeah, I'm pinning this one on you," she explained, frustration lacing her voice as she crossed her arms in disapproval.

Phoenix, his head tilted in confusion, mirrored the innocence of a bewildered puppy. "So, it's my fault?" he queried.

"Yeah, pretty much, genius," Gaya replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes at the absurdity of their situation.

However, Phoenix, taking her words more seriously than intended, felt a sudden urge to make amends. Driven by his pure-hearted desire to aid the Goddess of Monsters, he stepped away from the boulder that had been their shield and moved towards the death root.

"Hey, stop!" Gaya's attempt to halt his progress was immediate, but it also inadvertently redirected some of the wraiths' attention towards them.

"Do not touch that!" she cried out, diving to evade a red beam aimed in their direction, her warning echoing across the battlefield as she sought to protect both Phoenix from his naive bravery and Michael from any distraction that could jeopardize his progress.

In a flash that caught Gaya completely off guard, Phoenix surged forward with a speed that belied his earlier calm demeanor. His sudden dash towards the death root was so swift and unexpected that Gaya barely had time to process his movement before reacting.

"Don't touch that!" she shouted again, her voice a mix of desperation and command, trying to stop him from making what she perceived as a grave mistake.

However, Phoenix, in his innocence, misinterpreted Gaya's warning. He believed her concern was for his safety, that the death root might harm him. But Gaya's actual reason behind the warning was to adhere to Michael's directive, not out of any belief that the death root would harm Phoenix.

With a determined grace, Phoenix extended his hand towards the ground, his fingers enveloped in pure red flames that seemed to draw from the very essence of his being. The flames scorched the earth around him, revealing the death root—a dark, gnarled mass that pulsed with a malevolent energy, its tendrils writhing like the fingers of a desperate creature clinging to life.

"It cannot hurt me," Phoenix declared, his voice carrying a tone of confidence and a hint of innocence. Without waiting for any response, he plunged his flame-wrapped hand into the ground, grasping the sinister root.

"Don't worry about him. We'll take him out of here before Borgin can reach Phoenix. Besides, something tells me you're not going to let him out of your sight," Michael reassured her, well aware of Gaya's protective nature over those she considered under her care. He also recognized the power that Phoenix harbored, his yellow aura a testament to a strength they had yet to fully understand. Despite Phoenix's naivety, his innocence was matched by an innate power that, if harnessed correctly, could turn the tide in their favor.

"Now, Phoenix, let me be perfectly clear," Gaya began, fixing him with a stern gaze that left no room for misunderstanding. "You are to remain here until we come back and take you with us. Until then, just stay put and don't do anything stupid," she instructed, her tone brooking no argument.

Phoenix, ever the obedient if not overly literal being, nodded in agreement, his expression earnest.

"Good, now let's leave this place," Michael concluded, giving Phoenix an encouraging pat on the hand before turning to walk away.

As they made their way out, a minute's walk had Gaya casting a glance back at Phoenix. True to form, he hadn't budged an inch, standing as if rooted to the spot. It was then that the realization hit her.

"Fuck, he's really staying put," Gaya growled, her voice a mix of amazement and exasperation at Phoenix's literal interpretation of her words.

Michael couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, finding humor in Phoenix's unwavering compliance and Gaya's growing frustration. "Wow, seems like Phoenix takes everything literally, doing exactly as he's told without giving common sense a damn thought," he mused, shaking his head in amusement.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Gaya marched back to where Phoenix stood, an immovable figure in the midst of desolation. "What the fuck are you doing?" she demanded, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

"I am staying put," Phoenix replied simply, his voice carrying the weight of his literal interpretation of her earlier command.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Gaya exploded, her patience frayed at the edges. In a rare display of vexation, she reached out and gave Phoenix a slight smack on the back of his head.

"Not like this, you damn oaf! I meant don't wander off looking for trouble, not turn yourself into a bloody statue!"

Phoenix looked at her, slightly puzzled by her reaction but unharmed by the light hit. It was clear he was trying to do exactly as instructed, yet his understanding of the instruction was hilariously off-mark.

"Look, just go and hide in one of those buildings, alright?" Gaya said, pointing to the dilapidated structures nearby. "And for the love of god, use your head a little. 'Stay put' doesn't mean you have to stand in the open like an idiot waiting to be snatched or worse. Find a good spot where you can't be seen easily."

Phoenix's eyes lit up with understanding, a hint of an "ah-ha" moment crossing his features. "Oh, hide! Why didn't you say so?"

"Because I didn't think I had to be that specific!" Gaya shot back, throwing her hands up in a mix of frustration and resignation. "Now, go on. And be quiet about it."

As Phoenix nodded, finally grasping the concept and moving towards one of the buildings, Gaya couldn't help but mutter under her breath about the complexities of dealing with someone so literal. "Next time, I'll draw him a picture," she mumbled, shaking her head as she turned to catch up with Michael, her mood lightened despite herself by the absurdity of the situation.