Chapter 1265 Agra, The God Of Chaos

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
1265 Agra, The God Of Chaos

Michael hadn't forgotten Vedora's quest to unlock their full powers, but the pressing demands of the dungeon escapades had sidetracked him. The upgrade for his dark flames, a significant boost he needed, remained unclaimed, a task pending on his long to-do list.

Determined to set things right, Michael resolved to tackle this quest immediately after dealing with Torug. He knew that eliminating the orc would be just the beginning of fulfilling the broader responsibilities he had undertaken. While significant, the victory over Borgin Ironfist had opened his eyes to the complexities of Gaya's quest. It wasn't just about defeating a high-profile beast tamer; he needed to dismantle the entire network, freeing all the creatures held by the Beast Tamers Guild to complete her quest truly.

With so much at stake and tasks piling up, Michael felt the weight of his commitments. His plan was clear: first, he would eliminate Torug, a crucial step in disrupting the remnants of Rainar's forces. Following that, he intended to focus on freeing the captured beasts, an action that would not only fulfill Gaya's quest but also enable her to begin her cultivation and reach the first Godhood level - Fledgling God.

As Michael and Gaya surveyed their surroundings, Michael retrieved his portable divine portal, activating it with a practiced motion. A vortex shimmered into existence before them, a gateway back to their base of operations. Stepping through it, they found themselves in the familiar space within seconds.

Their base buzzed with activity. Pink was busy enhancing her workstation, surrounded by an ever-growing array of screens and wires, creating a tech haven in the midst of their mystical world. Vedora, the three-headed hydra, was perched on the table, their presence commanding yet serene.

Upon their arrival, Ayag could not contain her excitement "Finally!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with relief and joy.

"We missed you two," Sarba chimed in with a warm tone while Cain, more reserved, simply nodded in acknowledgment.

As Michael and Gaya approached, Gaya gently picked up the little hydra, embracing them softly. "What happened?" Sarba, observant as ever, detected a shadow in Gaya's demeanor and probed.

Gaya's response was a mix of anger and sorrow. "Everything was fucked up," she growled, her frustration evident. With a heavy sigh, she began recounting the events.

"The plan was for the griffin to play along, get caught, and then break out to kill Borgin..."

Ayag listened intently, interjecting, "But that dumbass griffin went rogue, huh?"

"Yeah," Gaya continued, "it charged into the city, attacked outright. It wasn't supposed to go down like that. The griffin... it died, and with its last breath, it asked me to look after its kids, to protect our kind."

Catching bits of the conversation, Pink glanced over at Michael, her expression a blend of sympathy and concern, but she remained silent, respecting the gravity of the moment.

After Gaya finished recounting the events, Ayag couldn't hold back her frustration and blurted out, cursing the situation. "Dammit, Gaya, you shouldn't be beating yourself up over this! If anyone's to blame, it's that damn griffin for going rogue," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger and concern.

In the midst of the heated discussion, Pink chimed in, redirecting their focus. "So, what's next?" she inquired, her gaze shifting to Michael.

"Are you sure about that?" Michael asked, his concern evident in his tone.

"Yes," Gaya responded with unwavering confidence. However, Ayag interjected, "We will go with her." This suggestion provided an extra layer of assurance for Gaya's safety.

After considering it for a moment, Michael decided to equip Gaya with a portable divine portal, a precautionary measure to ensure her safety. "Alright, but if anything goes south, you call me immediately," he instructed, emphasizing the need for caution.

Gaya, still brimming with confidence, reassured him, "Nothing will go south. You're forgetting I'm Gaya Wraith."

Michael gave her a supportive pat on the shoulder, signifying his trust in her abilities. "Then you go to Sagespire, and I'll head to Nimbosia to take out Torug," he concluded, setting their plans in motion and dividing their efforts to tackle the tasks at hand more efficiently.

Michael turned to Pink, giving her specific instructions, "You work with Gaya and focus on helping her. I'll manage on my own." Pink, familiar with Michael's skills and independence, nodded in understanding. "I'll take care of her, Ghost," she assured him.

Michael then retrieved the portable divine portal, initiating the sequence to transport them to Sagespire. As he and Gaya stepped into the swirling vortex, they were soon deposited in a shadowed alley of the city.

"Good luck," Michael said to Gaya in an earnest tone. He then looked at Ayag and added, "Take care of her."

Before stepping back into the portal to Nimbosia, Michael handed a device to Gaya. "Then how will you get back to us?" asked Gaya.

"I'll manage," Michael responded with a slight smile of confidence.

With that, he stepped into the portal, leaving Gaya with the device and a silent promise of his return, as he vanished to take out Torug.

Back in Nimbosia, Michael's strategy took shape, tailored to exploit Torug's obsession with finding the god of darkness. Given the orc's dangerous alliances, particularly with Agra, Michael knew a direct assault wouldn't suffice. The situation demanded cunning and misdirection.

Slipping into a disguise, Michael donned a wig and switched his attire to blend in with the locals. His aim was to stir the pot, to seed rumors among the populace about the god of darkness. This would serve a dual purpose: it would draw out Torug, who was desperate for any lead on his quarry, and it would also muddy the waters, making it harder for Torug and his allies to discern the truth.

"Now it's time to wait for the orc to hit the trap,"

After spreading the rumors through Nimbosia's bustling streets, Michael made his way outside the city walls. His destination was a set of ancient ruins nestled deep within the forest, a place shrouded in mystery and old tales, now chosen as the stage for his trap.

The ruins, remnants of a once-magnificent structure, stood solemnly amidst the wild embrace of nature. Overgrown with creeping vines and moss, the stone walls bore the scars of time, with weathered arches and collapsed pillars hinting at past grandeur. Tall trees, their branches weaving a canopy above, cast dappled shadows on the ground, while the occasional break in the foliage allowed shafts of sunlight to illuminate the ruines in the forest.