Chapter 1269 Battle Prowess Of The Elder Vampires

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1269 Battle Prowess Of The Elder Vampires

Trista and Lenora landed beside Eve, their sudden appearance causing a momentary cessation in the hostilities. The army, witnessing the arrival of these Elder vampires, erupted in a cacophony of reactions.

"Holy shit, are those the Elder vampires from the rumors?" one soldier exclaimed, his voice laced with fear.

"Fuck me, I thought they were just scary bedtime stories!" another whispered, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Damn, the Dark Lord really has these monsters on his side?" a third grumbled, realization dawning.

On the other hand, the angels seethed in anger and disgust when they looked at the two beautiful elder vampires. Despite their beauty, the angels felt nothing but disgust. "Colluding with vampires, Eve? You and the Dark Lord are despicable!" one angel shouted, his voice seething with disgust.

However, Trista responded to the angel's remark with a smirk. Just as the angels felt disgusted at them, the two elder vampires, who were prouder than the angels, felt more disgusted at the winged guardians of the Skyjall.

"I prefer the term nightwalkers, but thanks to the Dark Lord, we can enjoy the daylight too," Trista responded with a smirk. Meanwhile, the generals of Noah's army regained composure and began to bark orders at their men.

"Attack! Don't let these night creatures intimidate you!"

As they barked orders, the battlefield reignited with fervor, and the angels divided into three groups: one targeted Eve, another engaged Trista, and the third confronted Lenora. Amidst the chaos, Trista and Lenora, laughing menacingly, vanished in a blur of motion, descending upon the Guardian's ranks.

Trista and Lenora tore through the soldiers effortlessly, their hands ripping through armor as if it were paper, their fangs sinking into necks and drawing blood with a gruesome efficiency that sent waves of terror through the ranks.

In the sky, the angels began to chant, casting formidable spells. "Heaven's Fury!" one angel bellowed, summoning a barrage of golden fire that scorched the earth. "Divine Storm!" another called, creating a swirling vortex of wind that tore through the battlefield, uprooting anything in its path.

These powerful spells reshaped the environment, turning the battlefield into a scene of apocalyptic destruction. "Celestial Judgement," One angel in the group that targeted Eve managed to finish casting the spell. It was a pure radiant beam that struck Eve directly, causing her to lose her grip on the cannon, which clattered to the ground, its threat momentarily neutralized.

The battle intensified, with the Elder vampires showcasing their terrifying prowess against the mortal soldiers. At the same time, the angels demonstrated their might against Eve, and each group was determined to overcome their opponents.

Meanwhile, the angels targeting Lenora and Trista flew above them with their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as they cast their spells. "Sacred Light Barrage!" one cried, unleashing a cascade of luminous, searing orbs that rained down like meteors. "Divine Wind Blades!" another called, generating slicing gusts of hallowed air that whirled violently toward the earth.

However, in the heat of the battle, the angels ignored something important, the elder vampires were completely immune to spells. Thus, Trista and Lenora merely laughed in the face of these assaults, their voices echoing across the battlefield. "Is that the best you've got?" Trista taunted, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Your spells tricks can't touch us, idiots!" Lenora added, smirking.

"They don't fucking die!" another exclaimed in despair, witnessing Lenora's swift recovery.

The four angels focused on Lenora and Trista recognized the futility of their current tactics and shifted their approach. "Aim for their heads!" one of the angels commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Decapitate them!"

As they battled, they noticed Eve was having a difficult time. So Trista and Lenora exchanged a knowing nod before swiftly pulling out smoke bombs crafted from the Dark Lord's special recipe. They slammed them into the ground, creating a thick veil of smoke that obscured even the angels' divine sight.

"Damn it," one soldier cursed, spinning around in the smoke-filled chaos.

"Fuck, can't see shit in this!" another yelled, his voice tinged with panic.

The angels, however, merely snickered at the temporary setback, their wings beginning to beat powerfully, generating gusts of wind aimed at dispersing the smoke. "This won't save you for long," one mocked, confident in their celestial prowess.

Within seconds, their vigorous flapping cleared the smoke, but to their shock, Trista and Lenora were nowhere to be seen.

"Where the fuck did they go?" the bewildered soldiers and angels exclaimed, scanning the clearing for any sign of the Elder vampires.

"There! Above!"

Then, a soldier pointed skyward as Lenora and Trista materialized behind the two angels who had been casting spells on Eve. In an instant, Lenora's nails transformed into lethal black claws, and Trista's beautiful visage twisted into a grotesque, fanged horror.

Lenora descended upon her target, brutally tearing away the wings and armor, her claws raking across the angel's back, sending blood spraying into the air. "Damn vampire bitch!" The angel cursed, howling in pain.

Targeting the leader, Trista lunged with deadly precision and went for the kill. Though the angel's instincts allowed him to avoid a fatal blow narrowly, Trista's fangs sank into his arm and neck, tearing away flesh and drawing a blood-curdling scream from the leader of the angels.

Using the opportunity provided by Trista and Lenora, Eve swung her hammer at the two angels who were engaged with her in close combat. The angels managed to evade the deadly strike, but the lightning bolts emitted from her hammer struck them, sending them reeling backward. Then, Eve charged at the angel leader.

"DIE!" Eve roared, leaping higher into the air, her hands gripping the hammer tightly. Trista, perceiving Eve's intent, once again attacked the leader of the angels. However, just as Eve's hammer was about to crash down on the angel's head, a powerful beam of pure light shot out of nowhere, hitting Eve squarely in the chest and sending her flying away.

Trista and Lenora felt a cold chill running down their spines when they sensed the power emanating from the beam. Turning towards the source of the attack, they saw a young man with fluttering black hair, wearing a long white coat over his white robes, descending slowly.

"Noah," Trista muttered.