Chapter 1275 Eve vs Salesi II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1275 Eve vs Salesi II

Salesi noticed Eve approaching and ordered her soul army to attack her. Since she was Andohr's daughter and Andohr was in cahoots with Fourcrux, the God of Necromancy, Salesi had received a more powerful version of the Book of the Dead—far superior to the one Dular used to summon undead from the Nether realm. This book allowed Salesi to reanimate the bodies of those who had died in the previous battles between Noah and Michael, infusing harvested souls into these bodies, thus creating her army.

However, the true nature of these undead soldiers— their pale faces and peeling skin—was concealed beneath the armor they wore. To the outside world, this army appeared to be from Nagaland, with all soldiers assumed to be Nagas.

With Mugashuku's ability to absorb the arch and celestial energy in the atmosphere, no one could use spells or harness energy. Thus, they all dashed at Eve without the aid of magic. These undead soldiers, infused with souls, possessed slightly more intelligence than typical undead, strategically flanking Eve from all directions instead of mindlessly lunging at her.

"This ends today, bitch!" Eve roared as she swirled her hammer rapidly before throwing it with enough force to send the advancing soldiers flying.

Meanwhile, in the sky, Noah frantically searched for an energy source that could be used to widen the realm crack and send the three-headed hydra back to where it came from.

"Unless you want your world to turn to ashes, I suggest you find the energy source quickly. I can't hold this for long," one of Mugashuku's heads told Noah.

But when Noah saw Eve slaughtering her way toward Salesi, flashes of his wife's death and Xanali's broken state crossed his mind. He didn't want the same fate to befall his mother-in-law. So, he immediately tried to fly to her aid. However, just as Noah turned around, Vedora roared, breaking free from Mugashuku's grasp.

Meanwhile, the undead soldiers descended upon Eve at an unnatural speed. Driven by a mix of hunger and Salesi's will, they swung swords and axes, aiming for the vulnerable spots between her plated armor. Eve twisted and spun, her hammer a whirlwind of death. One skull shattered under its force, another undead warrior was hurled backward, bones snapping on impact.

Yet, they kept coming. Claws raked Eve's armor, teeth tearing at exposed flesh. Blood spattered, mingling with the sickly sweet stench of decay. A cry of pain tore from Eve's throat as a blade pierced her side, drawing a crimson river.

"Impressive," Salesi remarked coldly, calculating each of Eve's movements. "But even the legendary Eve Voldiguard has her limits."

Eve gritted her teeth, adrenaline masking the spreading ache of her wounds. She was fueled by rage, by the desperate need to end Salesi's reign of terror. Yet, each fallen foe seemed to be replaced by another, their numbers seemingly endless.

A heavy blow slammed into her ribs, sending her staggering. Another undead soldier lunged, its rotting teeth bared in a hideous grin. Eve surged forward, meeting it head-on. Her hammer crushed its ribcage with a sickening crack, but not before its rusty blade sliced across her forearm.

"You underestimate me, Salesi!" Eve snarled through bloodied lips. "Your precious army is but meat for my grinder!"

In the sky, Vedora's roar, laced with raw fury after being subdued, ripped through the sky. It twisted and thrashed, its three heads snapping in all directions as it unleashed a torrent of attacks. Golden lightning arced from the white head, searing Mugashuku's scales and sending up plumes of acrid smoke. Sonic blasts from the middle head shattered the air, disorienting its foe with waves of thunderous force.

Salesi scrambled back, her pristine armor now marred with dents and blood spatters. "Impulsive," she hissed, a sneer twisting her lips. "Now you pay for your arrogance!"

With a fluid motion, Salesi retrieved her halberd. A flicker of her hand, and the weapon ignited, flames licking along its length. Eve narrowed her eyes, the heat scorching her face even from a distance.

"Let's see if that rage of yours can withstand the fires of hell!" Salesi declared with a malicious laugh.

The duel took a deadly turn. Salesi's attacks were now swift and unpredictable, weaving a web of searing flames. Eve was forced onto the defensive, parried desperately, the relentless heat pushing her back.

"Damn, she is good," Salesi muttered under her breath. The rumors of the Dark Lord's brutal training seemed truer with each passing blow. She admired Eve's raw power, but she couldn't allow sentiment to cloud her judgment.

Salesi's halberd spun in a blazing arc, driving Eve back. A flicker of her wrist, and a gout of flame shot from the blade, forcing Eve to dodge. Yet, even as she retreated, Eve's eyes gleamed with defiant cunning. With a savage kick, she sent a spray of mud flying, momentarily obscuring Salesi's vision.

"Dirty bitch!" Salesi snarled, leaping back to scrub the grime from her eyes. The momentary lapse was all Eve needed. Closing the distance in a blur of motion, she slammed her hammer into Salesi's side with a sickening crunch.

A cry of pain escaped Salesi's lips as she staggered. White armor, moments ago pristine, was cracked and dented. However, the blow only seemed to fuel her fury. The flames of her halberd grew brighter, casting an infernal glow across her twisted features.

"You'll pay for that, you wretched cunt!" Salesi shrieked. The halberd swept towards Eve's legs, but Eve anticipated the move, leaping high. As she descended, her hammer came down in a brutal arc, aimed to split Salesi's skull.

Salesi brought her weapon up in a desperate parry. The impact reverberated through both women, sending tremors through the ground. For a heart-stopping moment, they were locked in a vicious stalemate, muscles straining, eyes blazing with unyielding determination.

Then, with a sickening crack, Salesi's halberd shaft shattered. Eve's hammer slammed into her shoulder, sending her tumbling backward. Salesi sprawled in the dirt, her breath ragged.

Yet, defeat didn't dim the fire in her eyes. "Impressive," she choked through a bloody grin. "But not enough to kill me," she said, picking herself up.

"We'll see about that. Say good night," Eve growled, a feral grin splitting her bloody face. She hurled her hammer with lethal force. It struck Salesi square in the gut before she could fully react, a sickening thud echoing across the battlefield. The impact sent Salesi sprawling, her breath knocked from her lungs.

Wasting no time, Eve lunged forward, snatching Salesi's discarded halberd from the mud. With a triumphant cry, she raised it high, poised to drive it through her enemy's heart.

But as the blade descended, a sudden, searing pain ripped through Eve's chest. Her hands trembled, the halberd slipping from her grasp. She looked down in horror to see a gleaming spear protruding from her body.