Chapter 1283 Michael Has No Plans

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1283 Michael Has No Plans

Unknown hours later, Michael slowly opened his eyes. His entire body ached in pain, and the events that transpired flashed across his mind. He found himself in a dark room, lying on a bed. Looking through the window, he could see the ocean raging around him, the sky darker than usual. Without a doubt, Michael knew he was in his castle in the Dark Ocean. However, something felt different; he felt stronger than ever before, and the darkness seemed thicker, devoid of any light. The only source of light was the flickering torches in the room.

"Argh," Michael growled before slowly rising from the bed. His body was covered in bandages, and his gut still ached after being punched by Andohr.

When his feet touched the cold ground, the door opened, and Azazel walked in. The demon butler was dressed as usual in his butler outfit with neatly combed hair. However, unlike always, his face was etched with anger and concern.

"My lord, you are awake," Azazel slightly bowed.

"How long was I out?" Michael asked.

"Four days, my lord," Azazel replied calmly, though his voice hid a storm of rage within. Hearing this, Michael sighed as he stood up. For a few moments, everything that happened flashed across his mind, causing his head to ache. Four days ago, he was about to return to the assassin's guild after killing the orc when he met Dagon and received a warning that Andohr planning something huge, followed by the news of Eve's death, which made Michael spend all his badass points to return to the mortal realm. Everything that happened afterward was engraved in Michael's brain, including Noah's death and Andohr's escape.

"You look worried, Azazel. That bad, huh?" Michael asked, noticing Azazel's unusual expression.

"Bad is an understatement, my lord," Azazel sighed. For a few moments, Michael didn't say anything as silence enveloped them.

"Where is her body?" Michael asked about Eve's body. Since he had the badass system, there was still a possibility of bringing Eve back to life. Of course, the amount of badass points required was staggering, but that had never stopped Michael before.

"Follow me, my lord," Azazel gestured for him to follow.

Azazel led Michael through a dimly lit corridor, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. They arrived at a heavy, dark metal door, its surface etched with intricate runes. Azazel placed his palm on the door, and the runes glowed briefly before the door clicked open.

Inside the room, darkness prevailed, broken only by a singular blue spotlight that illuminated the center. Under this light, a glass tube filled with a thick, clear liquid stood. Suspended within this fluid was Eve's body, her expression serene, almost as if she were merely sleeping. She held her hammer in her hand, positioned across her chest like a warrior laid to rest.

Michael approached the tube slowly, his heart heavy with a mix of sorrow and resolve. He placed his hand against the cool glass, his eyes tracing the peaceful expression on Eve's face.

"She looks peaceful," Michael murmured softly, his voice a whisper in the quiet room. "My lord, can you...can you bring her back?" Azazel's question hung heavy in the air, laden with hope and concern. He had unwavering faith in his Dark Lord's abilities, yet the notion of reversing death was daunting even for him.

"And not to mention the darkness outside. People can't even tell day from night anymore. It's all dark and gloomy out there. I never thought I'd see the day when people would fight over torches and glowing orbs," Daniel commented, reflecting on the dire situation.

Michael furrowed his brow, concern etching deeper into his features. "Tell me more about this darkness."

"Noah's death seems to be affecting the world in more ways than we anticipated, my lord. We should have anticipated something like this after the assassination of the God of Rain, Rainar, which resulted in a complete lack of rain everywhere." Adelia inhaled deeply before responding.

"Did you really kill a god, my lord?" Ricky, still grappling with the gravity of their actions, interjected.

"Yes, I did." Michael nodded. "There you go," Adelia continued. "If killing Rainar, the god of rain, results in no rain, then logically, killing Noah, the god of light, would lead to diminished light."

"But we haven't been completely robbed of light; we still have light from fires and spells, and the sun itself is still there—it's just that it's dimmed, and the darkness is thicker and more persistent." Daniel chimed in.

"That must be why I feel so strong," Michael mused, a realization dawning upon him.

"I did sense that, my lord. Your energy radiation is off the charts. You're at the Celestial stage, but your power feels much more potent than that of a typical Celestial stage being," Saber nodded.

For a few moments, the room fell into a deadly silence as they considered the implications of Michael's increased power and the ongoing environmental anomalies.

"But the silver lining is that most of Noah's Guardian Guild is in shambles, and the world is ripe for our taking. With no Salesi and Noah, we face no significant opposition," Trista pointed out.

"Except Nithroel," Lenora interjected, reminding them of the Empress of Awor continent and the Goddess of Hunt.

"Yeah, she's quite upset after what Gaya did. But I don't blame either of them. Gaya did what she had to do to save little Cindy, and Nithroel has every right to be angry, especially after what Zariel pulled off. I hate to say it, but the line between good and bad is blurring by the second," Adelia sighed.

"What's the plan, my lord?" Ricky asked, as everyone's gaze turned to Michael.

For the first time, Michael seemed distracted, his usual sharp focus dulled. His mind was at a breaking point after experiencing everything he had endured. Most significantly, the dream he had nearly two years ago—a world plunged into darkness, a vision he had fought so hard to prevent from becoming reality—had manifested itself by his own actions. He had played right into Andohr's hands by killing Noah, and now the whole world was paying the price.

"I don't know..." Michael admitted, closing his eyes and heaving a heavy sigh.