Chapter 1293 Dark Armor 2.0 II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1293 Dark Armor 2.0 II

After Gaya ended the call, Michael found himself in a state of relative peace, or at least he savored the momentary calm. As the metal armor pieces and ingots melted, Michael took out the mold for his new armor and unsheathed his dark swords. Using the swords, he carefully carved the metal mold into the shape of his armor according to the schematics. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

As the furnace roared and the ingots dissolved into a glowing molten stream, Michael prepared the rest of his equipment, a smirk playing on his lips at the prospect of crafting something new, something deadly. He wiped the sweat from his brow and muttered under his breath.

"Let's make this fucker unstoppable."

He lined up the detailed schematics next to the mold, each line and curve a blueprint for destruction. The mold itself was a masterpiece of engineering, designed to interlock perfectly once the metal set. Michael knew the importance of precision here as even a millimeter off could mean a chink in his armor, quite literally.

Grabbing his tools, he worked meticulously, adjusting the edges of the mold with his dark swords. The blades, infused with dark flames, made smooth cuts through the metal, shaping it with more finesse than any regular tool could. "Damn, you'd think after all these years, I'd get tired of this shit. But here I am, forging another armor like I'm the fucking Iron man," he chuckled to himself, enjoying the manual part of this process as much as the battles it prepared him for.

The furnace signaled readiness, its contents now a seething pool of liquid metal that shimmered with potential. Michael donned his thick, heat-resistant gloves and face shield.

"All right, let's pour this out," he murmured, positioning the large crucible over the mold. The air filled with the acrid scent of heated metal as he carefully tilted the container, guiding the molten metal into the mold. It filled every cavity with a satisfying sizzle, the red-hot liquid finding its new form.

As he watched the metal settle into the intricacies of the mold, Michael leaned back, wiping the sweat from his forehead again. "Let's make something that can hold up against whatever fucked up thing the universe throws at me," he mused aloud, his eyes never leaving the bright, liquid fire that slowly turned into the next layer of his defense.

"But for now, let's stick with the cloth," he decided, setting aside the ambitious project for a future date when he could secure the exotic materials needed.

Turning his attention to the skull mask, Michael picked it up, its hollow eyes seeming to stare back at him. "Alright, you're up for an upgrade too, buddy." He already had an air purifier and an underwater breathing kit integrated into the mask, but it was time to add more utility.

"Let's throw in some new tricks. How about a gas ejector? Nothing fancy, just enough to surprise someone who gets too close." Michael chuckled at the thought, enjoying the idea of his enemies recoiling from an unexpected blast of noxious fumes.

Then he pulled up diagrams and notes, sketching out where a compact gas canister could be integrated without compromising the mask's fit or function. "Gotta keep it sleek, though. No use having a gas mask if it looks like a damn bulky snorkel."

Michael's workshop hummed with the energy of creativity and cursing as he laid out the plans for his upgraded gear. The prospect of enhancing his defense with a blend of magic and high-tech gadgetry fueled his resolve for the battles to come. "This is gonna be badass," he muttered with a grin, already anticipating the shocked faces of his foes.

The metal began to settle within the mold, the glowing red-hot liquid cooling to a dull, steely gray. Michael peered into the mold, inspecting the newly formed armor. "Not too shabby for a day's work, but this needs more before it's battle-ready."

Picking up a file, he began to smooth out the edges and joints. "Gotta make sure every piece fits like a damn glove. Can't have any shit snagging in the middle of a fight." Sparks flew as he worked, each stroke refining the armor's brutal aesthetic. As he worked, his mind raced with additional enhancements. "This armor needs to be more than tough, it needs to scare the living hell out of anyone who dares come close," He thought about the red linings he could add to the black armor. "Yeah, some slick red lines might give it a nice, menacing glow... like it's thirsty for some action."

Michael then recalled the fear toxin dispersal system from his previous armor. "That toxin was good, but it's time to crank that shit up. More range, more potency, let's make them piss their pants before they even get close." He jotted down notes for a more efficient delivery system, envisioning tiny, almost invisible nozzles integrated seamlessly into the armor's design.

"This isn't just armor, it's psychological warfare."

He placed the schematics for the toxin system next to the armor, planning the integration points. "Gotta make sure this stuff is undetectable until it's too late for the poor bastards facing me." Michael stepped back, admiring the raw form of the armor inside the mold. "With these upgrades, this armor won't just protect me but it'll be a weapon in its own right." He grinned, already anticipating his enemies' terror as he envisioned himself cloaked in his new, menacing suit, Dark Armor 2.0.