Chapter 1296 Armor Test Completed

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1296 Armor Test Completed

Eventually, the frenzied combat slowed as the number of creatures dwindled, leaving Michael standing, breathing heavily amidst the carnage. He climbed atop the pile of bodies, a makeshift throne of the fallen, and paused to catch his breath. As he sat, the system notifications rang relentlessly in his head, tallying the minuscule badass points and experience points he had earned from the skirmish.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the weak bat. The reward is 400 Experience points and 40 Badass points]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 50 Badass points] "Seriously? That's all the points these fuckers are worth?" Michael scoffed, glaring at the blinking numbers that seemed almost to mock him. "Feels like the damn system is messing with me."

He swiped the notifications away with his mind. The points were a pittance, hardly worth the effort, considering he was capable of taking on much more significant threats in the realm of gods.

"Stupid fucking system, think you're funny, huh?" he grumbled under his breath, his annoyance palpable. Michael cracked his neck, shifting his weight as he prepared to leave the mountain of bodies behind.

"Time to stop screwing around with these small fries. Got bigger fish to fry," he muttered as he stood, dusting off bits of debris and blood from his armor. The next step required a different kind of preparation, one that involved more brains than brawn.

Michael's mind was set determinedly on Stormville Mountain, where he was to meet Nithroel. They needed to finalize their plans for the assault on Skyhall—a mission that would truly test the limits of his new armor and his capabilities as a leader in war.

"Alright, Nithroel, let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up together," he said to himself, a sly grin creeping across his face as he envisioned their upcoming confrontation with Skyhall. With one last look at the battlefield, Michael turned and began his journey toward Stormville Mountain.

As Michael set his sights on Stormville Mountain, he activated the arch energy crystal absorption system built into his armor. Focusing his thoughts, he connected with the armor's runes, which seamlessly interfaced with his brain. It was a direct link, one that transformed thought into action without the need for physical triggers.

With a soft, mechanical click, the arch energy crystal nestled within the armor's hidden compartment began to drain. The red linings of his suit pulsed to life, glowing more intensely as the energy surged through the conduits, invigorating Michael with a palpable rush of power.

"Ah, that's the good shit," Michael grinned, feeling the familiar thrill of arch energy flooding his system, supercharging every nerve and fiber of his being. The world seemed to slow around him, details sharpening as his senses heightened.

"Evening, folks," Michael greeted with a nod as he made his way to his seat, the weight of the upcoming discussion evident in his stride. The others returned his greeting with various nods and murmurs, a mix of tension and anticipation hanging in the air.

Taking his seat, Michael was followed closely by Elidyr, who quietly took his place beside him. Without wasting a moment, Michael leaned forward, his hands clasped in front of him on the table, his gaze sweeping across his trusted council. "We're launching the attack as planned," he began, his voice firm and commanding. "Trista, Azazel, you're with me. We'll take a unit of the dark army. It's time to put an end to Skyhall."

"I will accompany you and handle all matters related to the runes. Their defenses won't know what hit them." Elidyr interjected smoothly. His tone was calm but underlined with a sharp confidence that bolstered the resolve of the room.

Michael nodded in approval at Elidyr's readiness, feeling a sense of reassurance in the solid plans they were laying down. His eyes then shifted to Azazel, who met his gaze with a determined look.

"We will be ready to meet Empress Nithroel at Stormville Mountain in two days," Azazel confirmed, his voice echoing slightly in the high-ceilinged hall.

As they were strategizing, the room suddenly shook with an unexpected tremor, the rumble of disturbance echoing through the stone walls of the Dark Castle. Before anyone could react, the doors to the hall burst open, and Ricky rushed in, his face pale and eyes wide with urgency.

"They're attacking us!" he shouted, breathless from his dash to the council room.

"It's the Skyhall, they are attacking us from all directions!"

Trista and Lenora quickly stood up, their chairs scraping loudly against the stone floor. "Who dares to?" Trista began, her voice fierce and demanding, ready to leap into action.

"It's the Skyhall," Ricky finally said, still catching his breath. Michael's frown deepened, but as he processed the information, a slow, knowing chuckle escaped him. He stood up smoothly, his expression turning from surprise to a sardonic amusement. The council members turned their attention toward him, sensing the shift in his demeanor.

"Skyhall wouldn't just sit around and wait for us to strike," Michael said, almost musing aloud. His voice carried a hint of admiration for the enemy's tactics mingled with a steely resolve. "They've decided to bring the fight to our doorstep after what Nithroel and I stirred up. Well, it seems like someone's eager to greet death."

His words hung in the air, laden with confidence and a dark promise. The tremor had stopped, but the air remained charged with tension, every member of the council now fully alert and ready for the confrontation that had found them sooner than expected. Michael's earlier amusement morphed into a fierce grin, his eyes gleaming with the anticipation of battle.

"Let's show them what happens when they dare to attack the Dark Lord," Michael declared before slowly rising from his throne.