Chapter 1307 Twist Of Irony

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1307 Twist Of Irony

"Shit," Michael cursed under his breath as he saw the Celestial Cannon slowly turning toward the floating mountain. He wasn't a fool. He had already examined the Celestial Cannon and knew it was indestructible by his current arsenal and dark flames. Even the system had confirmed he couldn't destroy it in his current state.

This wasn't some movie where the good guy always wins with a miraculous turn of events. This was real life, and he needed to find a way to save his castle and floating mountain.

Michael's mind raced. He knew there was no point in killing whoever was commanding the cannon; the weapon was operated remotely from Skyhall. Cutting the connection would drain all of his badass points, which he couldn't afford, especially with the enemies he had.

Meanwhile, the Celestial Cannon began to power up once again, its lines glowing brighter as the energy built up. The angels who had survived the first beam hovered around the floating mountain, panic evident in their voices.

"Holy shit, it's aiming at the mountain!" one angel screamed, his voice filled with terror.

"We've got injured down there! They'll be wiped out!" another shouted, desperation clear in his tone.

"Fuck, what do we do? We're sitting ducks here!" a third angel yelled, frantically looking for a way out.

The demons, demonstrating their cunning, flew higher and higher, ascending to the top of the cannon, leaving the angels, airships, and ocean behind. They knew the beam wouldn't target them if they stayed above the cannon.

In the ocean below, the Skyhall crew were panicking and crying. Most of them were not angels and couldn't fly away. Even if they jumped overboard, the beam's impact would kill them when it hit the mountain.

"We're screwed! We can't get away!" a sailor cried, tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck this, we're all gonna die!" another sailor screamed, his voice breaking with fear. Reêad latest novels at

"There's no way out! We're fucking doomed!" a crew member shouted, clinging to the ship's railing.

As the cannon continued to power up, the situation grew more dire by the second, and Michael knew he had to act fast.

"Yes! Blast that mountain to bits and pieces!" Elder Tarsus roared with evil glee, his voice filled with twisted delight. His eyes gleamed with the satisfaction of imminent destruction.

"Elder, stop this! You'll kill more of our angels than the Dark Lord ever did!" The elf who had confronted him earlier stepped forward and pleaded.

But Tarsus was too ruthless to care. With a swift motion, he drew his dagger and stabbed the elf in the neck before anyone could react. Blood spurted from the wound, splattering across the floor.

"Shit, he just killed him!" a dwarf cried out, his face going pale, hands shaking as he backed away.

Elder Tarsus stared at the rune on his palm, feeling the weight of the situation. He barked at the demons, "Kill the hydra! Do it now, damn it!"

Deep down, he knew the demons were strong, but not strong enough to take down Mugashuku. The demons moved forward at his command, but they halted in mid-air, trying to find a strategy. They were caught in a kind of stasis. The runes engraved on them forced them to obey the elder's orders, yet their innate strategic minds, even after death, told them there was no way to take down the hydra.

The demons growled and screamed, flying chaotically around. Their movements were erratic, a sign of their internal conflict between obeying the elder and their logical resistance to a suicide mission.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand and the impending doom becoming more and more clear, the hot-headed dwarves in the command hive tossed the robes and pads in their hands aside and bolted toward the door to escape.

"Fuck this, I'm not dying here!" one dwarf shouted, his eyes wide with fear as he sprinted towards the exit.

"To hell with the cannon, I'm getting out!" another dwarf yelled, his voice filled with panic as he followed suit.

"Stay and fight, or you'll be painted as traitors!" Elder Tarsus roared.

But the dwarves didn't listen, disappearing through the doorway in a frantic bid for survival. Soon, more and more minions, fearing for their lives, began to run toward the door, hoping to escape in time.

Meanwhile, Elder Tarsus roared at the command, "Stop the Celestial Cannon from charging up!"

The halfling who coordinated with the Skyhall branch controlling the Celestial Cannon turned pale. "Elder, once it starts to charge up, there's no stopping it. If we try, the cannon will explode."

Tarsus was shocked and furious. His eyes darted between the halfling and the door, seeing his escape slipping away. Fuming with anger and panic, he shouted at the halfling.

"Tell them to stop the Celestial Cannon so I can save my life!"

"This is Ganeria! Stop the Celestial Cannon immediately! Elder Tarsus demands it for his survival!" The halfling, trembling, relayed the command into the orb.

"The Celestial Cannon is far more important than your lives. Consider yourselves lucky to die for the glory of Skyhall. We are not initiating the teleportation sequence." A gruff man's voice came from the orb.

Moments ago, Elder Tarsus had let the Skyhall angels die in a desperate bid to stop the Dark Lord, believing their deaths were worth it if Skyhall could survive. Now, the same fate was befalling him. The very weapon he had pinned his hopes on was now a harbinger of his doom.

The command hub was a scene of pure chaos, with dwarves, elves, and humans alike scrambling to escape. Tarsus stood in the center, his mind reeling with the bitter taste of his own medicine. The same ruthless calculus he had applied to his soldiers was now being applied to him, and there was no escape.

"Fuck this," the halfling muttered, his face pale with terror. He bolted out of the room, not looking back, as Mugashuku finally turned the Celestial Cannon fully toward the command hub.

The red light from the cannon grew brighter and brighter, illuminating the hall with an eerie, ominous glow. Elder Tarsus stood there, alone, waiting as the blinding light filled the room.