Chapter 1310 Attack On Mazeroth Academy II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1310 Attack On Mazeroth Academy II

As they were strategizing, a golden-haired elven young woman with emerald eyes sparkling, came sprinting toward them. Clutching a stack of papers in her delicate hand, she adjusted her spectacles before delivering her urgent message.

"Your Highness, we have received reports from the Akilan realm that the Skyhall has dispatched its army and Half Celestial stage ancestors to safeguard the portal," the elven young woman reported. Despite the gravity of her words, her attention was drawn to the Dark Lord. The elves in the room, who had only glimpsed him on a few occasions, were captivated by his new, more rugged and imposing appearance in his dark armor. Rêạd new chapters at

Many couldn't believe the Dark Lord was so young and that they were in the presence of two gods. But they also noticed the way the Dark Lord's subordinates looked at him; there was no fear in their eyes, just pure loyalty.

"So the game begins," Nithroel chuckled, her voice cutting through the palpable tension in the room.

"Alright, Ghost...change of plans," Nithroel said, turning to Michael. "You spearhead the distraction attack and keep the Skyhall army from reaching the second squad led by Elidyr."

Michael knew this was a good plan and agreed with a nod. Despite all his training, he was very angry at the place that had ruined his life and affected him from the moment he was born. Thus, he knew the best option was to let Nithroel lead since she was not emotionally invested in this as much as he was.

"Prepare the portal to the Akilan realm..." Nithroel ordered, signaling the start of their war against the Skyhall.

The elves, hearing her order, didn't hesitate. They began to disperse like bees, and soon a tremor could be felt beneath their feet. Michael could feel the ship moving. From the outside, the massive warship they were in slowly began to ascend. After a few minutes, the ship's front cannon, which didn't look like a typical iron cannon but was built with silver metal and adorned with various glowing crimson red runes, came into view.

The cannon glowed before firing a beam of energy into the air before them. If Noah hadn't died, the beam would have been bright enough to flash across the sky. But now, it was only a dull energy beam. Yet, when the beam hit the air, it quickly tore through, opening a portal. This was a testament to the power of Nithroel, the Empress of Awor, and the resources she commanded.

The portal slowly grew wider and bigger, large enough for their ship to fly through. On the other side, the small team of Trista, Azazel, and Elidyr prepared to sneak out of the ship once the distraction began and take over the portal to Skyhall within Mazeroth Academy.

As the warship approached the portal's exit, Mazeroth Academy came into view. The academy, a grand structure with towering spires and vast courtyards, was surrounded by a shimmering shield. The shield pulsed with energy, a testament to the powerful spells protecting the academy. Hundreds of angels clad in silver armor with their metallic wings hovered around the academy, patrolling the dark sky.

On the ground, the forces of Skyhall were organized into various battalions. Archers stood ready with their bows drawn, mages with staffs and wands chanted incantations, and warriors in gleaming armor wielded swords and shields. The sight of the academy and its powerful defenses brought a flood of memories to Michael. He remembered the lecture halls, the dueling grounds, and the library where he spent countless hours. Now, this place was a battlefield.

As the warship drew closer, Nithroel turned to Michael. "This is it. Get ready," said Nithroel.

Inside the Alchemy classroom, the atmosphere was tense and filled with the scent of various potions bubbling away in cauldrons. Shelves lined the walls, filled with jars of strange ingredients, their contents floating in murky liquids. Wooden desks were arranged in neat rows, each with a cauldron and a set of alchemical tools.

Professor Lane stood at the window, his black robes billowing slightly as he observed the scene outside. His greasy black hair framed a perpetually severe face with piercing eyes that missed nothing.

Through the window, he saw the warship of Nithroel slowly entering through the portal, its massive form cutting through the darkened sky. The once bright sky was now a dull grey, a testament to Noah's death and the darkness that had engulfed the realm.

Lastly, there was a young human girl named Clara, wearing glasses that framed her intelligent eyes. She had a bookish appearance but carried herself with quiet strength, always ready to support her friends.

"Harry, what's happening?" Thrain asked, his voice gruff but filled with worry.

"It's about your father, isn't it?" Aric looked at Harry, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "

"Yes. We need to be ready for anything." Harry nodded as Lyria placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "We're with you, Harry. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

"We need a plan. We can't just sit here and wait." Clara said, adjusting her glasses.

Hearing his friends' words and feeling their supportive presence gave Harry the courage he needed. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders.

"We'll protect our friends and the academy. But I also need to find out the truth about my father. Why he's doing all this."

When they finally reached the courtyard, they saw the first spell being tossed at the warship. A powerful flame dragon roared in the sky, almost as big as the warship itself, and lunged towards it. For a moment, they halted their steps and looked on in awe. Clara, ever the bookworm, could tell that a spell of this caliber must have been cast by an immortal or even higher stage cultivator, possibly a half celestial.

"That spell... it's incredible," Clara muttered, her eyes wide with amazement.

"Whoever cast that must be one powerful son of a bitch," Thrain whistled.

As the dragon rushed forward, several black lightning bolts, visible even in the dark sky, shot out from the ship and struck the dragon. The group gasped, their awe turning to shock.

"Did you see that?!" Aric shouted, his hand instinctively going to the hilt of his sword.

The flame dragon, as though it were a living being, roared in defiance before shattering into countless specks of light and dissipating into the night sky. They stood there, stunned, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened. The sheer power of the flame dragon had been expected to cause massive damage, but it was obliterated by the dark lightning bolts.

"What in the god's name was that?" Lyria muttered, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Clara could only imagine the immense power behind those lightning bolts. "Whoever cast those bolts must be extraordinarily powerful," she said with awe.

Meanwhile, Harry, still reeling from the spectacle, looked in the direction the lightning bolts had come from. There, he saw a figure draped in dark armor, a cape billowing behind him as he hovered in the sky. The figure exuded an aura of undeniable power and darkness.

"Father..." Harry whispered, a mixture of emotions swirling within him as he recognized the Dark Lord.