Chapter 1324 So many shocking truth bombs

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1324 So many shocking truth bombs

The room fell into a stunned silence, the only sound being the soft echo of Wulfric's confession. Don's face contorted into a picture of confusion, mirroring the shocked expressions that painted everyone else's faces.

For a moment, Elidyr stood frozen, the weight of the revelation sinking in. Then, anger flared up inside him. "You think this is some kind of sick joke?" he spat out, his voice seething with betrayal. "You're just screwing with me!" Discover new chapters at

But amidst the chaos of emotions, Michael's gaze remained fixed on Wulfric. In the old man's eyes, he saw something that confirmed the truth of his words. It wasn't a trick or a desperate attempt to manipulate; it was genuine.

"Shit, he's not lying..." Michael muttered under his breath, a rare flicker of surprise crossing his features. Even Lane, who usually had the emotional range of a dead turtle, couldn't hide his shock. His usual look of disdain was replaced by one of curiosity and shock.

"No, old friend... you are indeed my brother," Wulfric said with a heavy sigh. But Elidyr stood there, frozen, unable to comprehend how this could be true. He was a dark elf, and Wulfric was human. Moreover, Elidyr remembered his parents clearly—they were dark elves.

"He's lying, Ghost... He's just stalling to keep us from reaching the gateway to Skyhall. He wants to mess with our heads," Elidyr protested, refusing to believe Wulfric's words. However, Michael couldn't see any signs that Wulfric was lying.

"If what you are saying is true, give me a drop of your blood..." Michael calmly stated. It was not a request but a borderline order. Michael was done playing by their rules and being the good guy. Since Elidyr's original body had withered away and his current body didn't belong to him, conventional spells using blood to determine relationships wouldn't work. But fortunately, Michael had the system, that could determine their biological connection by comparing the soul energy of Elidyr and the soul energy traces in Wulfric's blood.

"Don't," Lane interjected, trying to stop Wulfric from giving a drop of his blood. As a seasoned alchemist, Lane knew of several rituals and potions that could be crafted to harm the owner of the blood.

However, Wulfric just raised his hand, silently signaling Lane to keep quiet. He then cast a spell summoning a glowing dagger and slicing his palm open. Without uttering a word, he willed the drops of blood to float toward Michael. The hall fell silent as everyone watched the blood drops drift toward the Dark Lord.

Michael collected the floating drops of blood in a glass vial and stored it in his system storage with a flick of his wrist.

"System, analyze the blood and Elidyr's soul. I want to know if they are truly brothers," Michael commanded the system.

"Why... why the hell would you do that? What kind of brother screws over his own kin, locking away his memories and leaving him to suffer for over two thousand years?" Elidyr growled, the pain and anger bubbling up, causing his eyes to well with tears. Even Michael couldn't maintain his usual composure, his gaze turning icy as he awaited Wulfric's explanation.

"Because, Elidyr, you asked me to lock away your memories and replace them with fabrications," Wulfric revealed, dropping a bombshell that stunned everyone even more than the initial revelation of their brotherhood.

"What? I... How could I... What?" Elidyr's words stumbled out in confusion and disbelief.

"The memories you have before the curse are only fragments of the truth, Elidyr. You weren't just at Skyhall, or involved in the ritual that banished Ghost to Earth. You did far more than that." Wulfric continued.

Each word Wulfric spoke seemed to hit Michael like a physical blow. He remembered the cruel fate Skyhall had imposed on Elidyr, pinning him to a tree, alive and awake for millennia, a punishment more severe than any torture he knew. Michael also recalled Elidyr's own account of his actions—how he had turned against Skyhall upon witnessing their genocides and atrocities committed under the guise of a greater good, how he had fled, leaving behind his work on the ritual that would eventually ensnare Michael, believing it was for the greater good at the time.

But after hearing Wulfric's words, it was clear to Michael that there was more to Elidyr's story.

"You believed in Skyhall's work and you created the ritual to send the unborn child of Harriet to Earth. But our parents, they tried to stop you. They worshipped the Dark Lord, his previous incarnation. But you believed in your work, convinced that the Dark Lord needed to be vanquished. You didn't leave Skyhall when they committed genocides and slaughtered innocents; no, the real reason you left was to destroy them... to avenge our parents who died at the hands of the Skyhall elders," Wulfric dropped another truth bomb.

"They tried to stop you from completing your work. But you were adamant. They followed you to Skyhall as you were about to finish the array, but those poor souls didn't realize they were walking into the lion's den... When the elders saw them trying to convince you to stop your work and their loyalty to the Dark Lord, they labeled our parents as traitors to the world... they..." Wulfric's voice choked up, unable to finish his sentence. Even after thousands of years, the pain of losing his parents was still raw.

"Tell me what happened," Elidyr growled, his voice thick with pain.

"The Skyhall burned them... burned their whole tribe alive after you kicked them out of your workshop. You didn't learn what Skyhall had done until it was too late... You blamed yourself for their deaths," Wulfric said, pausing as he recalled the last words Elidyr spoke to his parents.

"I wish you two dark lord-worshipping traitors would die," those were the final words Elidyr had said to his parents, Wulfric remembered, the weight of that memory heavy in the silence that followed.

"To enact your created the very weapon that became the Skyhall's most powerful weapon...the Celestial Cannon," Wulfric said, making even Michael raise his brows.