Chapter 1332 Rowena Winston's State Revealed

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1332 Rowena Winston's State Revealed

"Behold," Erael intoned, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air.

A shimmering portal materialized, revealing a soul floating in ethereal beauty. Golden hair flowed around delicate features, reminiscent of Eve. The sight stirred something in Michael's chest, but his face remained impassive.

As Michael gazed at the soul, a familiar voice echoed in his mind:

[Does the host wish to scan the soul for authenticity and find the location of the soul?] [The process requires 10 million badass points. Does the host wish to continue?]

Without hesitation, Michael mentally agreed. His badass points dropped from thirty million to twenty million, a price he deemed worth paying.

Meanwhile, the Skyhall elders who were watching Michael intently, mistook his silence for emotional turmoil. But they had no idea of the unseen process unfolding within his mind.

[The Scanning and finding location will be done in five minutes...]

Hearing the system's notification, Michael shifted his focus from the soul to the three elders before him. A hint of amusement played at the corners of his mouth as he broke the silence.

"Please, elaborate on this notion of wanting half the mortal realm," he said, his tone deceptively light.

The elders exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by his sudden shift in demeanor. Finally, Devdan cleared his throat.

"We propose a division," he stated, his voice steady. "Awor continent and Ozer continent for us, while you retain Elon, the Southern continent, and everything in between."

Michael's eyebrows shot up, momentarily caught off guard by the sheer audacity of their request. These bastards had some nerve, he thought, asking for the two most valuable pieces of the mortal realm pie.

Awor, the crown jewel of the continents, was Nithroel's domain - rich in resources, blessed with diverse climates, and fertile as hell. It wasn't even his to give away, and even if it were, he'd sooner eat his own shadow than hand it over to these conniving pricks.

Then there was Ozer, the beating heart of trade and commerce. Slapping those two continents together made for a landmass that dwarfed Elon and the Southern continent combined. It was like asking for a mansion and throwing in a cardboard box as a 'fair trade'. Michael almost snorted at their clever little ploy with the Southern continent. Home to Mugashuku, the colossal four-headed hydra that was sucking up Arch energy like a cosmic vacuum cleaner. The Skyhall elders were clearly not keen on tangling with that particular beast. Sneaky bastards.

And Elon? That tiny sliver of land barely qualified as a continent. It was the participation trophy of territorial negotiations.

As Michael processed this ridiculous proposition, he struggled to keep his face neutral. These elders were either delusional or had balls of steel. Either way, he was looking forward to crushing their absurd expectations.

After hearing their proposal, Lenora's patience snapped like a twig. She threw her hands in the air, her vampiric fangs bared in a snarl of anger and disbelief. It was rare to see her this riled up, but the sheer audacity of their request had her itching to leap forward and rip their throats out, maybe sample some celestial blood while she was at it.

Without hesitation, Michael mentally commanded the system to locate Rowena as well. The familiar notification popped up in his mind:

[Does the host wish to locate Rowena Winston in addition to Jasmine Voldiguard?]

[This additional process requires 20 million badass points. Current balance: 20 million. Does the host wish to proceed?]

"Do it," he thought, not giving a damn about wiping out his badass point balance. He'd earn it back tenfold when he crushed these smug bastards.

As the system began its work, Michael kept his face impassive, not letting on that he was about to turn the tables on these self-righteous pricks. They thought they had him cornered, but little did they know, they'd just handed him the key to their destruction.

Finally Michael tore his gaze away from Rowena's battered image, fixing the three elders with a cold stare. His mind raced through the losses he'd endured - Eve, his best friend, gone; his mother, a hostage to that bastard Andohr; Noah, his own brother, dead by his hand because of their manipulations. He'd be damned if he'd lose Rowena too.

Sure, they didn't have the typical sibling bond, but he remembered clear as day how she'd thrown herself in front of that Celestial cannon beam to save his ass. Everyone else feared and hated him as the Dark Lord, but she'd risked it all for him. He owed her, and he felt the weight of responsibility for her current state.

With a calm that belied the fury churning inside him, Michael spoke, his voice as cold as a midwinter night. "You're thinking I can't find her, right? But what if you're wrong? What if I've already found where she is?"

The shock on the elders' faces was almost comical. Their smug expressions crumbled, replaced by disbelief and a hint of fear.

"Bullshit!" Thorfinn, the dwarf, was the first to find his voice but the tremor in his voice betrayed his uncertainty. "You're bluffing, you have to be!"

Just as the tension in the room reached its peak, a familiar ping echoed in Michael's mind.

[Scan complete. Soul of Jasmine Voldiguard authenticated as Eve's younger sister. Location of Jasmine's soul and Rowena Winston marked on environmental map.]

As the information flooded his consciousness, a cold, predatory grin spread across Michael's face. The elders' expressions shifted from shock to dawning horror as they realized they'd miscalculated badly.

"Deal's off," Michael rose from his thronend menacingly he announced with dark promise. "And now... you're going to die."

Before the elders could react, Michael unleashed his power. The vast hall plunged into an impenetrable darkness, his Death Range engulfing everything. The elders' panicked curses were cut short as the oppressive blackness closed in around them.

"Fuck!" Thorfinn's muffled voice echoed in the void, tinged with terror.

Erael's attempt at a defensive spell fizzled out before it could form. Devdan's usually smooth voice cracked as he shouted, "Wait, we can still--"

But it was too late. The three elders knew, with bone-deep certainty, that their games and manipulations had finally caught up with them. They'd pushed the Dark Lord too far, and now they were about to pay the ultimate price.