Chapter 1334 Rescuing Rowena II

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:
Chapter 1334 Rescuing Rowena II

Malevolous, despite his massive size, moved with shocking speed and agility. He darted through the air, his massive form twisting and turning with a grace that defied logic.

"Well, I'll be damned," Michael muttered, genuinely impressed. "For a big guy, you sure can move."

Michael unleashed a barrage of dark lightning bolts, aiming for the dragon's eyes. But Malevolous weaved through the air, dodging each bolt with precision. The dragon's serpentine neck twisted, allowing him to evade attacks that should have been impossible to avoid.

Suddenly, Malevolous swooped down, his enormous body casting a shadow over Michael. The dragon tucked in his wings, using his full mass as a weapon. Michael barely had time to react as tons of scales and muscle came crashing down towards him.

"Shit!" Michael exclaimed, rolling to the side at the last second. The ground shook with the impact of the dragon's landing, snow and debris exploding outward.

As the dust settled, Michael found himself trapped between the dragon's massive claws. Malevolous's hot breath washed over him as the beast's head lowered, jaws parting to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.

"Not bad for an overgrown lizard, huh?" Malevolous sneered, his voice rumbling with dark amusement.

Michael gritted his teeth, realizing he had underestimated the dragon's capabilities. This wasn't just a battle of brute strength - Malevolous was a cunning and experienced fighter, using every advantage at his disposal.

As the dragon's jaws descended, Michael knew he needed to change his strategy, and fast. Then, when Malevolous's massive jaws descended, Michael acted with lightning-fast reflexes. He stomped the snowy ground beneath him, his raw strength combined with dark flames erupting from his boots to create a sudden, deep hole.

"What the—" the dragon's surprised growl was cut short as its teeth slammed into the ground, Michael having narrowly escaped into the newly formed cavity.

Malevolous, enraged, tried to snap at Michael through the hole. But the Dark Lord was ready. He thrust both hands upward, unleashing twin plumes of pure dark flames directly into the dragon's mouth.

"Arrrgh!" Malevolous roared in pain, recoiling as the intense heat seared his tongue. "You little shit!"

Seizing the moment, Michael shot upward from the hole like a bullet, dark energy propelling him skyward. He swiftly put distance between himself and the dragon, hovering in the air while keeping a watchful eye on Rowena.

"Not so tough when you're the one getting burned, eh?" Michael taunted, his eyes darting between the dragon and Rowena. He knew he needed to find a way to free her while keeping Malevolous at bay. On the other hand, the dragon shook its massive head, smoke curling from its nostrils as it glared at Michael with renewed hatred. "I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart, piece by piece," Malevolous snarled.

Malevolous, keen-eyed despite his rage, noticed Michael's frequent glances towards Rowena. A cruel smirk played across his scaly features.

"Don't worry about her," the dragon sneered. "I pride myself on breaking my victims without resorting to such cheap tactics as blackmail or torturing others. This is between you and me,"

Suddenly, Malevolous dove towards the ground, his massive wings unfurling. With powerful strokes, he began to fly in a tight circle, gradually ascending. The air around him swirled and condensed, forming a monstrous vortex that grew with each beat of his wings.

"Let's see how you handle this, Dark Lord!" the dragon roared over the howling wind.

Malevolous hovered in the air, his head swiveling frantically as he searched for any sign of his opponent. "Where are you, you coward?" he bellowed, rage and frustration evident in every syllable.

Malevolous felt an ominous chill run down his spine, an unfamiliar sensation of dread creeping through his ancient bones. As he turned his massive head to look over his shoulder, his eyes widened in shock and fear.

High in the sky, three colossal meteors had materialized, their massive forms blazing with hellish fire as they plummeted towards the earth. The sight was both terrifying and awe-inspiring, a testament to the Dark Lord's immense power.

"No... This can't be!" the dragon roared, his wings unfurling as he prepared to flee from the meteors' destructive path.

But before Malevolous could take flight, a dark blur slammed into his chest with bone-crushing force. Michael, his hands wreathed in dark flames, drove his fingers deep into the dragon's scales, anchoring the beast in place.

"Going somewhere?" Michael growled, his voice dripping with dark satisfaction.

For the first time in the battle, Michael unleashed his full godly strength. The sheer power radiating from him was staggering, holding the massive dragon in place despite its frantic struggles.

Malevolous thrashed and roared, his wings beating furiously, but to no avail. Michael's grip was unbreakable, a force of nature made manifest.

"Let go, you insane bastard!" the dragon bellowed, genuine fear creeping into his voice. "You'll kill us both!"

But Michael's eyes blazed with determination and a hint of madness. The meteors drew ever closer, their heat already beginning to sear the air around them.

"What's wrong, Malevolous?" Michael taunted, his voice eerily calm amidst the chaos. "I thought you enjoyed breaking gods. Let's see how you handle being broken instead."

At that moment, Malevolous felt an ominous chill run down his spine, an unfamiliar sensation of dread creeping through his ancient bones. As he turned his massive head to look over his shoulder, his eyes widened in shock and fear. High in the sky, three colossal meteors had materialized, their massive forms blazing with hellish fire as they plummeted towards the earth.

"What in the—" Malevolous began, but his words were cut short.

With a thunderous impact, Michael slammed into the dragon's chest. His gloves, wreathed in dark flames, buried deep into Malevolous's scales as the Dark Lord exerted his full godly strength for the first time.

"Going somewhere?" Michael growled, his eyes blazing with power.

Malevolous found himself frozen in place, unable to escape the path of the oncoming meteors. For the first time in eons, the dragon felt a mixture of emotions he had long forgotten - excitement, thrill, and deep beneath it all, a flicker of fear.

"Well, well," Malevolous chuckled, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "You're full of surprises, aren't you, Dark Lord?"

Despite his bravado, Malevolous knew he was in trouble. He had never experienced such raw power before. While the ancient beast knew this spell might not kill him outright - beings like him were not so easily destroyed - he realized with growing dread that this was going to hurt. And pain... pain was something Malevolous hadn't truly felt in a very, very long time.

"You wanted a god?" Michael snarled, his grip tightening. "Well, you've got one. Let's see how you like being on the receiving end for once."