Chapter 1337 The Doombringer's Destruction

Name:Hitman with a Badass System Author:

1337 The Doombringer's Destruction

Michael surged forward, his Lightning Dash propelling him towards Malevolous in a blur of motion. Black lightning crackled in his wake, scorching the already devastated landscape.

As he closed in on the dragon, Michael swung the Doombringer in a wide arc. The hammer connected with Malevolous's scales with a resounding crack, frost energy exploding outward from the point of impact. Ice crystals formed instantly, creeping along the dragon's hide.

"How's that for a cool down?" Michael taunted, already moving for his next strike. VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)com for new novels

Malevolous roared, his echolocation pinpointing Michael's location. The dragon's tail whipped through the air, but Michael was ready. He ducked under the attack, the tail passing harmlessly overhead.

Seizing the opportunity, Michael brought the Doombringer down on one of Malevolous's legs. The impact sent shockwaves through the dragon's massive form, ice spreading rapidly from the point of contact. Malevolous's leg stiffened, mobility compromised by the creeping frost.

The dragon snapped its jaws, guided by sound rather than sight. Michael leapt upward, using the Doombringer's momentum to vault over Malevolous's head. As he sailed over, he brought the hammer down on the dragon's skull.

Frost exploded outward, encasing parts of Malevolous's head in a thick layer of ice. The dragon thrashed, trying to shake off the debilitating cold.

Michael didn't let up. He dashed around Malevolous, striking at vulnerable points - joints, wing membranes, the softer scales of the underbelly. Each hit from the Doombringer left a spreading patch of ice, slowly but surely restricting the dragon's movements.

Malevolous fought back fiercely, claws slashing through the air, tail lashing out, jaws snapping. But Michael's smaller size and superior agility, combined with the dragon's compromised vision, gave him the edge. He wove between attacks, always striking, always moving.

"What's wrong? Feeling a bit stiff?" Michael quipped as he landed another devastating blow, this time to Malevolous's flank.

As the battle raged on, Michael's keen analytical mind kicked into high gear. He began to notice a distinct pattern in Malevolous's attacks. With its dragon breath exhausted and Michael moving too swiftly for spell casting, the beast had resorted to brute force tactics.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Michael muttered to himself, a plan forming in his mind.

He observed that every fifth attack, like clockwork, Malevolous would open its massive jaws wide, attempting to snap Michael up in one devastating bite. Thanks to his Silenest spell and Lightning Dash, Michael had managed to avoid these potentially fatal chomps. He shuddered to think what those jaws could do to him, even with his godly body and enhanced armor.

"Predictable, aren't you, big guy?" Michael smirked, now easily sidestepping the jaw attacks he knew were coming.

As he ducked under another massive bite attempt, an idea struck Michael like a bolt of lightning. His eyes gleamed with a mix of anticipation and mischief.

"Time to turn your strength against you, lizard," he whispered, readying himself for the next cycle of attacks.

As he retreated, Michael's mind raced. His plan was a gamble, and he was only fifty-fifty on its success. He'd already formulated a backup strategy to reach Rowena and escape this realm if things went south. But for now, he'd bet on his original plan paying off.

Suddenly, a muffled explosion resonated from within Malevolous's body. The sound was unlike anything Michael had heard before - a mix of shattering ice and imploding energy.

"ARRRRGHHHH!" Malevolous roared, its voice a symphony of agony and shock.

The ancient ice core's detonation sent waves of intense cold radiating outward from the dragon's center. Frost spread rapidly across Malevolous's scales, transforming the beast into a living glacier. Steam hissed from its nostrils as its internal fire fought against the invasive cold.

The area around Malevolous transformed in an instant. The scorched earth from the earlier battle now crackled with a layer of rapidly forming ice. The air temperature plummeted, creating a localized blizzard as moisture in the air instantly crystallized.

Michael watched in awe as his plan unfolded before him. The dragon, once an unstoppable force of destruction, now stood paralyzed, its body a battleground between fire and ice. Icicles formed on its wings and horns, and its movements became sluggish and jerky.

"Now that's what I call an ice dragon," Michael knew he had to act fast. The dragon's internal heat was already battling the ice core's effects, and time was running out. He couldn't let the Doombringer's sacrifice be in vain.

As Malevolous stomped the ground violently, trying to shake off the frost, Michael sprang into action. He dashed towards the dragon, his movements a blur of speed and grace. Leaping over the thrashing tail, ducking under swiping claws, and weaving between stomping feet, Michael's agility was on full display.

Reaching the dragon's chest, Michael summoned all his power. Dark flames engulfed his fists as he drew back for a devastating punch. The impact was cataclysmic - intense heat met extreme cold, and the dragon's frozen scales shattered like glass.

But the force of the blow came at a cost. Michael's arm snapped like a twig, bone protruding grotesquely from his flesh. Yet, through the haze of pain, he saw his goal - the dragon's exposed heart.

There, amidst the icy innards, pulsed Malevolous's massive heart. It was a behemoth organ, easily the size of a small house, beating with slow, powerful thuds.

"Fuck... you..." Malevolous roared, his voice a mix of pain and fury.

Michael's APD kicked in, flooding his system with healing elixirs. But he couldn't wait. With his good arm, he unsheathed his dark sword.

"This ends now," Michael growled through gritted teeth.

Without hesitation, he plunged the blade into the dragon's exposed heart. The sword sank deep, dark energy pulsing along its length. Malevolous let out an earth-shattering scream, a sound of pure agony that echoed through the pocket dimension.

Michael twisted the blade, driving it deeper. "That's for Rowena, you sadistic bastard," he snarled, watching as the light in the dragon's eyes began to dim.