Chapter 193 193- Music Palace (Part 2)

Name:Hitman x Wives Author:
Chapter 193 Chapter 193- Music Palace (Part 2)

"Your father has taken control over the organization known as Divinity."

Even though Kai had already expected those words, it still hit hard. The revelation was so simple yet so complicated at the same time that it even left Kai confused for a few seconds.

'So that man was the one behind all of this... I should've expected that. With his ego, he would never idle around without making a move. Dammit, I'm an idiot.' Cursing inwardly, Kai inhaled a deep breath before he looked at Aria.

If her words were the truth, then that all explains the sudden power that Divinity gained. The weird appearance of Temporary Origin and even the undead project and the Oirigin Society project. They were all aligned with what he knew would be something that bastard would do.

However, the question that needs to be posed at the moment is how he pulled off all of that off. All of the things that Kai discovered about Divinity were not simple at all. Hell, they even exceeded his own knowledge.

That man must've discovered something during these years. Something that pushed him for a great breakthrough.

"What is his goal?"

"I... don't know. He never told me anything apart... from what you already know." Aria said with a careful tone. Her body was starting to sway left and right because of her disorientation. However, Kia ignored that as he asked another question.

"Then, for what reason did he tell you that he did that?"

"He didn't tell me... I had my own sources." Aria said. "In fact, I didn't come in contact with him for years now." She said as her voice started to weaken and her body almost stumbled forward was it not for the fact that she used her cane for support.

Even then, Kai ignored her clear suffering as he thoughtfully contemplated her words.

"Do you still have access back to that place?" The boy was a little hopeful about that question.

However, Aria shook her head.

"No, I lost it long ago. I can't go back there."

Then, Aria turned around.

"Please... I can't stand for long. I will tell you everything I know. So can I sit down?" Aria repeated again.

"Shut up. You're lucky I didn't cut your head the moment I saw you. What else do you know about his plans?" Kai asked.

"That's almost everything I know. But, there is one more thing. He apparently started looking for you. He isn't prioritizing that but he certainly wants to find you."

Hearing that, Kai's eyes turned colder.

'He wants to find me?'

After all these years, he now tries to search for Kai. The latter didn't understand the logic behind that at all. But, either way, he wasn't going to let that bastard do whatever he wanted. However, from what Aria said -which can be a lie- that man is still unaware of the fact that Kai knows all of this.

'I still need to make sure she's not lying before I kill her.' He thought carefully about what to do next.

"Why did you decide to tell me all of this?"

"It's because of gui-"

"Cut the nonsense," Kai said.

"It's really the truth. I couldn't bear living with it anymore. So, I'm ready to die. However, can I request something? I know I have no right to ask anything from you. But, please, let me do the concert before you kill me."

"And why would I do that?" Kai's pressure increased, making Aria squint slightly before she answered.

"Since this is the last day of my life. I wanted to end it in the best way possible. This concert wasn't what I wanted to end my life with, but it's the second-best choice."

"You're really bold to ask for such a request."

"Please, Kai. I won't ask anything else from you."

"Your request is refused." He said.

"No, wait, please."

"Wait? Wait for what? I have no reason to give you what you want. You certainly have the foolishness of someone that that bastard would easily manipulate."

Just remembering how everything ended up, Kai's hand fidgeted a little. The sheer anger and hatred he harbored for this girl and his father were endless.

As Kai was about to swiftly cut her head, the door to the room suddenly knocked. Kai's movement stopped as he looked away.

"Kai? Are you inside?" Kaya's voice reached his ears and made him click his tongue.

'If Kaya realizes this woman is here, it would be annoying to explain. Tsk, although I wanted to kill her with my own hands.

Then, he quickly touched her nape again and said.

"I have injected your body with Origin. After the concert, you will die." He said.

Aria's mouth opened to speak before it closed again and looked away.


"Leave." He said as he turned around and walked toward the door.

Aria's face crunched visibly for a second before she walked toward the window and jumped out of it, vanishing in an instant.

"Oh, were you sleeping?" Kaya asked when she noticed that Kai took a while to open.

"No, I was washing my face," Kai said.

"Oh, I see. Can I come inside?"

Kai nodded his head before he moved to the side with a silent look.

'Hmm, he's still feeling under the weather, huh? Well, I'm here to make him feel better!' Kaya thought as she entered the room.

"It's similar to my room, isn't it?"

"Where is Eva?" Kai asked as he walked to the kitchen and pulled out two drinks from the fridge.

"Thank you, my love~ Mother's Milk is still taking a shower... I think?" Kaya said as she sat down and popped the can open before she drank a huge gulp from it.

"Haaaah! This hits right." She said.

Meanwhile, Kai rested his shoulder on the door frame as he took a sip from the drink. His eyes seemed to be lost as he was thinking about something else.

Seeing that, Kaya sighed before she put down the drink and stood up before she approached him.

"What's wrong, my love?" She asked as she cupped his cheeks.

"Nothing." He replied as his eyes finally focused on Kaya's face. The two stared at each other silently.

"There is something about this whole trip that's bothering you? We can go back if you want. I'm sure Kiddo won't mind either." She said.

"No, it's really nothing."

"Then, smile for me so I can feel assured," Kaya said with a grin as she closed the distance between them, threatening to kiss him. "Do it and I might give you a very delicious reward~"

"Have you ever seen me smile?" Kai asked daringly as he looked at her.

"No, and that's why I want to see it right now. Come on, baby, show it to me." She said as she licked her lips.

Silence prevailed between the two for a while before Kaya's seductive face shifted as she exploded in laughter.

"Hahahaha, I can't. I was really having a good win streak going on there."

"You didn't have one," Kai replied as he took a sip from his can. n/)OVelb1n

"Hey! I was! I'm sure you were swayed for a second there."

"No, I was not."

"Yes, you were, my love. I could see it all over your face. You were thinking 'Oh, she's so hot and attractive. I love her so much.'" Kaya said with a deeper voice, imitating how Kai speaks.

"I don't speak like that."

"'I don't speak like that.'" Kaya repeated after him with the same expression Kai had on his face.

"Now you're copying me?"

"'Now you're copying me?'"

Kai looked at Kaya who was certainly being mischievous before he approached her. She looked at him with a daring smile, thinking that he wouldn't do anything. But, shockingly enough, he suddenly leaned forward and licked her earlobe, making Kaya leak a small moan.

"Try to copy that." He whispered in her ear before he pulled away and walked toward the kitchen.

"Hey! That was unfair! You're playing dirty, Kai!" She protested with a blush as she touched her ear.

"There were no rules to begin with." He replied.

"Damn it!"

As the two continued bantering and flirting, Aria, who was still there listened to all of this from the outside. Her face, slightly hidden with that handkerchief in her eyes, seemed to have complicated emotions surge through it.

"I guess he finally found his happiness..." She murmured with a small, sad smile. "I'm glad... I'm truly glad... Now I can die in peace."

After that, she walked away from there. A small wet spot appeared on the red handkerchief. But, nobody was able to see that. Or, to be more precise, Aria didn't allow anyone to see that. Her feelings are hers and nobody is allowed to witness that side of her. Well, everyone except for one person.

However, that person had completely lost any affection he harbored for her and it was all because of her.

'It's fine like this. The truth should remain hidden. I must protect him from it.'