Chapter 139: 'Tapping”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 139: “Tapping”

Professor Slughorn, youre most welcome! Mr. Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks bar, greeted him with enthusiastic exaggeration.

The usual two glasses of mead? With a rotund belly resembling a chubby elephant, Professor Slughorn entered the bar.

Their familiarity was evident in their interactions. Professor Slughorn quickly led Miss Shafiq to a table, where they engaged in cordial conversation.

Hermione shot her two companions a fierce glare reminiscent of a lioness guarding her territory.

Neville quickly lowered his head, choosing not to speak.

Matthew didnt rush over to greet Professor Slughorn and Miss Shafiq with the enthusiasm Hermione had anticipated.

Instead, he squinted and glanced at the duo before lowering his head, deep in thought.

Although all three were members of the Slug Club and theoretically proud pupils of Professor Slughorn, none approached the Potions Professor in their current state.

Matthew raised his index finger to his lips in a hushing gesture, motioning his friends not to speak.

Then, discreetly pulling out his wand, he whispered, Mobiliarbus!

A potted plant on a nearby table gently rose a few inches off the ground, drifted about a foot to the side, and settled down in front of their table.

More precisely, it positioned itself between Professor Slughorn and them, acting as a barrier to prevent Professor Slughorn from spotting them.

Matthew was eager to know the content of Professor Slughorns conversation with Shafiq.

However, their hushed tones combined with the distance between their tables rendered their conversation inaudible, even with their ears strained.

Neville and Hermione observed Matthews actions with surprise, though they remained silent.

Do you want to eavesdrop, Matthew? Hermione whispered softly.

Professor Slughorn seemed momentarily startled but quickly recognized Neville, who had fallen before him.

Rushing to his aid, Professor Slughorn helped Neville to his feet. Neville, my boy, are you alright?

Apologies, Professor, Neville clung to Professor Slughorns assistance, struggling to stand with his support.

He appeared bruised and swollen.

I was looking for someone and didnt watch where I was going, Neville explained. Have you seen Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan? I came to Hogsmeade with them, but we got separated

No, I havent seen them. They likely arent here, Professor Slughorn shook his head. Would you care to join me for a drink?

No, Im off to Honeydukes to find them, Neville politely declined the offer.

After bidding farewell to Professor Slughorn, he exited the Three Broomsticks without glancing back.

Professor Slughorn didnt seem suspicious, instead sitting back down and resuming his conversation with Shafiq.

Behind the potted plant, Matthew and Hermione exchanged glances and nodded in agreement.

Silently, they left the bar.

Neville awaited their arrival at the entrance, his forehead still swollen from the fall.

Matthew and Hermione emerged, and Neville greeted them promptly.

Did anyone notice? Neville asked softly. I slipped the button behind Professor Slughorns bench.

I dont think so, Hermione reassured him. Lets find a quiet spot; I know of a place with no people.

Following Hermione, the three hurriedly left the Three Broomsticks bar, crossing the bustling Hogsmeade Avenue.

Were almost there, Hermione pointed to a small hill on Hogsmeades south side. Theres usually no one around on that hillside.