Chapter 185: 'This Is Our World”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 185: “This Is Our World”

Horace he unexpectedly Professor Rosiers voice quivered with disbelief.

Her astonishment mirrored the incredulity on the face of Gellert Grindelwald, who appeared visibly weary.

Yes, Grindelwalds voice was heavy with the weight of the revelation. He nodded, his expression laden with a mixture of grief and determination. Horace Slughorn was the last phoenix, the last safeguard the Order of the Phoenix had hidden among us. He is no more

Professor Rosiers usually composed visage displayed subtle emotions.

Having been colleagues with the former Potions Master and Slytherin Head for half a century, the news weighed on her heavily.

The last phoenix is gone, and the Orders key members are now in custody. The rebellions of centaurs, house-elves, and house-elves have been quelled, Grindelwald spoke with an air of finality.

Anything that stood in our way has vanished, he declared, the weariness giving way to a sense of triumph. Now, it is time to embark on our ultimate mission

His tone conveyed a sense of relief and anticipation, his gaze locking onto the horizon.

To realize our most cherished ambition!

Lord Grindelwald, Professor Rosiers eyes appeared to glisten with tears. For all these years, I have yearned for this day.

Grindelwalds stern countenance showed a hint of satisfaction. Yes, today is the day.

With a wave of his wand, a colossal, black, curtain-like entity descended from the sky, shrouding them beneath its immense shadow.

This dark, sprawling figure, seemingly thin as a half-inch, nevertheless stretched to nearly the size of Hogwarts Castle.

Rising to his feet, Grindelwald directed the colossal entity to ascend once more.

A profusion of pale blue beams radiated from its form into the sky.

These blue lights initially converged before scattering once they reached a certain height, fanning out in diverse directions as if extending to every corner of Europe.

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What is that? Neville squinted at the looming dark shape in the sky.

The sky above them was almost engulfed by the imposing, colossal figure.

An eerie chill emanated from the sky, almost causing the three young individuals to shiver.

Its a Voldebat, Hermione whispered, her voice trembling. I can hardly fathom its size There have been rumors that Grindelwald was harboring a giant Voldebat in secret. Could it be

Its possibly the most terrifying creature Ive ever laid eyes upon, barring perhaps the Dementors, Neville commented in a hushed tone.

Like Dementors, Voldebats exude fear Only an accomplished Patronus caster can confront them, Hermione explained, her voice quivering with unease.

We must leave, and quickly, she continued, I cant take much more of this.

Neville concurred swiftly, and they made for the Forbidden Forest with haste.

Fortunately, the immense Voldebats circling above Hogwarts didnt linger for long. After a few passes, they veered southward.

Once the trio reached the forests outskirts, they paused to catch their breath, inhaling the cool, refreshing air.

Students of all years! Professor Rosiers voice resonated across the sky. Hogwarts Castle is secure; the intruders and insurgents have been vanquished. Please assemble at the castle gate.

Neville and Hermione exchanged glances.

Lets return, Matthew, Neville proposed. It seems that weve witnessed nothing, and the danger has passed

But Matthew shook his head with unwavering determination.

No, he asserted resolutely, You two go ahead I must find something.

In truth, Matthews condition had been slightly off since the strange encounter with the Flor flower.

Neville considered arguing, but Hermione signaled for him to desist.

The two friends left Matthew behind and hastened toward the castle.

Five minutes later, Matthew reached his destination, guided by Flor Flower.

Close to the greenhouse, Matthew discovered a boulder that drew his attention.

The soil beneath the rock appeared softer than the surrounding ground, suggesting that someone had recently disturbed it.

Furrowing his brow, Matthew examined the Flor flower in his hand.

The rhizome of the Flor flower unmistakably indicated this location.

With no one in sight, he quietly removed the top layer of soil.

His digging was not deep, but he quickly unearthed a small wooden box.

Long live Lord Grindelwald!

Long live the wizard!

For the greater good!

The thunderous cheers drew the curiosity of nearby Muggles, causing them to cast sidelong glances, wondering about the commotion.

Grindelwald raised his hand again, restoring quiet to the rooftop.

Like you, I am filled with immense excitement very, very excited, Grindelwalds face radiated a smile.

One hundred years of unwavering resolve one hundred years of struggle at last, we have achieved it!

He took a deep breath, his voice suddenly becoming impassioned:

Now, I implore you to heed my commands Concentrate all your strengths!

It is time to shatter the barrier between the wizarding and Muggle worlds We must reveal the advanced might to the backward and ignorant Muggles!

From their highest echelons control them, mislead them, and silence those Muggles who oppose us

Let me witness what you have accomplished over these past fifty years Let me see how well you understand the Muggle world Let me see the extent of your magical prowess in manipulating a select few Muggle leaders, with thousands of Muggles at their mercy!

The wizard is the true master and the true ruler of this world!

At this moment, we shall no longer dwell in the shadows, and no longer have need to do so

We can openly manifest ourselves in any corner of this world We shall not tolerate Muggles insulting us and encroaching upon our domain!

The future of this world must be forged by wizards!

Grindelwald forcefully waved his hand toward the distance.

Apparate, and commence your journeys from this point, spreading this message throughout Europe!

The war between wizards and Muggles has begun!

No, this is not a war but a conquest!

Let all of Europe come under our dominion let them tremble!

For this is our world!

A series of dark whirlwinds surged from the ground.

The saints remained silent, obediently carrying out Grindelwalds precise instructions.

They Apparated away, returning to their homelands, and began dismantling the intricate schemes they had spent fifty years crafting.

This is our greatest triumph! Grindelwald shouted, his voice growing hoarse.

A few minutes later, he stood alone atop the Tower of London. The saints had all vanished.

They departed, each set their sights on realizing the grandest rewards.

A smile crept to the corner of Grindelwalds lips.

To this day, he had waited for almost a century. It had culminated in a perfect conclusion.

Struggling to his feet, he realized that, for the first time in decades, his appearance aligned with his true age, that of a man over a hundred years old.

In the distance, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace were shrouded in the ebb and flow of magic.

A new conflict, or perhaps a new conquest, had begun.

Yet Grindelwald had no concerns for these matters now because he had one final task to complete.

In a wisp of pale blue smoke, he disappeared, reemerging in Austria

Europes most heavily fortified prison is at the uppermost floor of Nurmengard Tower.

Grindelwald strode in, unreservedly entering the cell of the worlds most dangerous dark wizard.

The aged Dumbledore raised his head, his expression profoundly serious.

Grindelwald declared to him with pride:

I have won!