Chapter 631

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the rewards of "I am a small weapon", "my soul is sad, my soul is sad and my soul is crying", "you have a way to fall flowers" and "Pok é mon"

On the rooftop of the school building in Juwang academy, Noah opened the gate of the roof and went into the roof. After closing the door of the roof again, Noah came to the middle.

Looking down at his hand, Noah tightened his hand and closed his eyes.

In Noah's heart, the pattern of the red dragon appeared automatically.

"- - all those who are evil, be afraid of my power. Now I will get the power of ten mountains, the power of hundreds of rivers, and the strength of thousands of dragons. What I lift up is the ferocious power of killing dragons."

sing the words and spirits of getting the power of dragons.

In this moment, Noah uses the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor.

All the power that belonged to the Dragon burst out of Noah's body and flowed into his limbs and filled Noah's body.

Then Noah suddenly opened his eyes and stretched his hand forward.

"Red Dragon Emperor's caged hand"

As soon as the voice fell, Noah's hand suddenly flashed a dazzling light.

"Hum --!"

The red light gradually condensed into the essence, and turned into a ferocious hand armor like dragon claws.

It was a red hand covering all parts of Noah's elbow, with a green and bright jade hand armor on the back of his hand.

That's exactly the "boosted gear" of the Red Dragon Emperor.

As soon as he entered the use state of the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor and showed the "boosted gear" of the "Red Dragon Emperor", Noah Li even got two ways to use the "boosted gear" of the "Red Dragon Emperor".

1: Multiply.

Every ten seconds, he can double Noah's strength.

2: Assignment.

Be able to transfer the power of ascension to the rest and enhance the power of the rest.

two abilities are as like as two peas.

Now, Noah infused the magic power from his body into the "boosted gear" in his hand.


All of a sudden, on the "Red Dragon Emperor's booted gear," the green jade immediately flashed and issued a low voice.

that voice is as like as two peas, and it is slightly mechanized.

At the same time, Noah felt that the physical ability of his rival dragon, which had been possessed by using the incarnation of the Dragon Emperor, had been doubled in an instant.

Of course, this kind of promotion is only temporary and can be maintained for a very short time.

However, to be able to improve every 10 seconds, that is really quite a foul.

"I remember Wali said that if the" boosted gear "of the" Red Dragon Emperor "reached" balance breaker ", it would be able to multiply the strength at any time and in any proportion."

Feeling the strength of his own with the passage of ten seconds, again and again, Noah thought.

"If I can reach the balance breaker, then the strength is really terrible."

Every "sacred gear" has its own "balance breaker.".

However, out of 10% of the holders of the "sacred gear" that can achieve the "balance breaker", I'm afraid that even half of them can achieve it.

After all, reaching the "balance breaker" condition can make the yearning and desire so intense that it can reverse the flow of the world.

If anyone can do it, the holders of the "sacred gear" alone will be able to make demons, angels and fallen angels have no place to stand, and dare not look down upon human beings.

"Reverse the flow of the world Do you... "

Noah's eyes twinkled, and he didn't know what he thought, and his mouth was slowly raised.

"Maybe it's not difficult for me to reach" balance breaker. "

As soon as this sentence was said, Noah felt a sharp pain in all parts of his body.

Noah just seemed to think of something. He stopped the multiplication of "the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand" and began to smile bitterly.

"It's impossible to multiply infinitely."

Noah knew that for a long time.

It would be naive for anyone to think that there would be no upper limit to the increase in the ability to use the "Red Dragon Emperor's boosted gear".To take a simple example, once Noah's "giant" Avatar is used, the powerful divine power can't be reflected by Noah's human body. Only by calling for the manifestation of a giant can we show the great power of making the world.

For another example, if the avatar of Phoenix is used too long, Noah's body will not be able to bear the burden.

The truth is the same.

Like a truck, although it can carry a lot of goods, but if the truck carries far more than the load of goods, it is not to say that it can not move, and even overturn.

If the goods are compared to the doubling power, and Noah himself is compared to the truck, the goods will be doubled again and again, and Noah's truck will still be unable to run or even overturn.

That is to say, if the strength increases too much, it will only impose a burden on Noah's body.

Even if the multiplication of "Red Dragon Emperor's boosted gear" is indeed infinite, Noah's users are limited.

This is the limitation of "Red Dragon Emperor's boosted gear".

In addition, it will take time to do so, and the "boosted gear" of the "Red Dragon Emperor" has its weakness.

In addition, Noah, the "boosted gear" of the Red Dragon Emperor, has another limitation.

This limitation is limited to Noah.

The next second, Noah cancels the use of the avatar of the Dragon Emperor.

"Zheng --!"

On Noah's hand, "the red dragon's cage hand" flickered and disappeared.

"Sure enough..." Noah murmured.

"If the incarnation of" Dragon Emperor "is cancelled, will the" boosted gear "of" Red Dragon Emperor "not be used

After all, it is the power that is integrated into "power".

Once the use of "power" is cancelled, it will not be able to maintain.

This is the limit only Noah has.

"Although there are such restrictions, I also get the power that ordinary holders of" Red Dragon's boosted gear "do not have." Noah burst into a smile.

"To be able to summon Draeger and let a dragon fight for himself, in addition, the" Red Dragon Emperor's booted gear "has got rid of the control of the" system "and can be used even in other worlds. There are advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

So Noah was very satisfied.


Just then, in a corner of the School Park, a dull and subtle explosion sounded.

Although the sound was weakened by distance, Noah caught it.

"What's going on?"

Noah frowned and his face changed again when he looked at the sound source.

"It's the direction of the old school building!"

Without any hesitation, Noah jumped up, stepped on the fence on the roof, and rushed towards the old school building.


"Qiang --!"

When Noah came to the old school building, a sound of steel and steel hitting each other echoed.

Noah immediately stopped, looked ahead, and then froze.

"Qiang --!"

In front of the old school building, two people were holding a sword respectively. They slashed each other fiercely and aroused a lot of sparks.

The two men, one of them, is janova with the sword of destruction.

The other is the wooden field youdou with a gloomy face and a gloomy magic sword.

"How did the two fight?" Noah was surprised.

Then, the gate of the old school building was opened, and all the family members of Jimmy headed by lyas ran out.

"You dou!" Lyas cried out.

"Stop it

To Noah's surprise, the wood field youdou actually ignored lyas's words and continued to rush toward Genova.

Now, jenois was on fire.

"In that case, I won't keep my hand any more!"

With that, Genova set up his sword and rushed out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!