CH 32

Name:Hollywood Secret Garden Author:
Angela is feeling troubled at the moment. Firstly, after returning from the film company that day, she called her unreliable uncle, Frank.

However, Frank seemed innocent and explained on the phone that he and her big sister were just ordinary friends. He mentioned that sending a postcard every week was nothing serious. This made the little girl itch with anger, but she had no way to do anything about it. Who Julia, her sister, made friends with had nothing to do with her, and she had no say in the matter either.

Well, if this matter was just a general annoyance, Jessica's actions were truly giving her a headache. Every time they kissed, Angela would end up feeling foolish, as Jessica would pout her lips and attempt to regain the upper hand in their playful interactions.

Angela cursed Jessica under her breath. Didn't Jessica understand the power of such actions? Wasn't she afraid that Angela would lose control and do something drastic? 

Frustrated, the little girl pouted her lips, placed a pen under her nose with her upper lip, and sat at the small table on the balcony. She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, realizing she hadn't written a single word of the script for the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" that had been sitting on the table for far too long.

In addition, there was a girl named Avril from distant Canada who had taken the time to write a heartfelt letter. The two-page letter revolved entirely around music. 

Avril mentioned that she had caught a snippet of a song Angela had sung and had found someone to help transcribe it. She expressed her eagerness to obtain the sheet music, the lyrics, and the title of the song, if possible.

At first, Angela was hesitant to respond, but the genuine passion for music conveyed in Avril's letter compelled her to take the young girl's words seriously. The name Avril struck a chord of familiarity, and the fact that she could recall and hum a portion of the song after just one listen greatly astonished Angela. Therefore, she decided to compose a reply when she was in a more favorable state of mind.

The one piece of positive news Angela could recall was that Kate had been accepted into a prestigious university. She was certain of that much, although a brief moment of uncertainty arose regarding whether it was Oxford or Cambridge. Nevertheless, she reassured herself that regardless of the university, it was undoubtedly good news.

The little girl sighed once again. Maybe her mom considered the conflict between her and Jessica as a simple quarrel, but Angela knew all too well that if Jessica called and she didn't answer, she would be punished even further next time! Wait, did she just use the term "punished"?

Angela suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine and swiftly halted her wandering thoughts, attempting to refocus her attention on the script before her.


As the end credits rolled on the expansive screen, the lights in the auditorium illuminated, and the audience began to depart in pairs or small groups, clutching empty popcorn containers. Most of the spectators consisted of teenagers, along with a significant number of young adults in their twenties. They engaged in animated conversations about the film they had just watched, their expressions clearly indicating their favorable impressions of it.

"Darling, let's go as well," Jared gently patted his daughter's side. "I must say, you did an amazing job."

"Yes, Chris, I thought you were incredibly natural," Elena chimed in with her praise.

However, they soon noticed that the little girl wasn't paying attention. She leaned over the edge of the box, gazing pensively at the departing crowd below. The parents exchanged a knowing glance and decided not to disturb Angela, allowing her to continue observing in her own way. Yet, after a mere few seconds, she seemed to have an epiphany. She swiftly turned around, grasped her parents' hands, and led them toward the exit. "Daddy, Mommy, let's leave right now."

Fortunately, Jared and Elena were prepared to leave, so they followed their daughter's lead. Elena asked, "Chris, what's the matter?"

On its premiere day, "The Parent Trap" had grossed over 3 million at the box office, a commendable feat for a mid-budget film. Considering the strength of the US dollar, it was a solid number. As long as it continued to perform well, the film's box office success wouldn't be an issue. Angela had also read through the reviews from critics, noting a mix of positive and negative opinions. However, at this moment, she was eager to hear what the audience had to say.

As she watched her own movie, Angela couldn't help but notice the differences from the original version. Yet, the romantic and heartwarming essence remained intact, making it a delightful light drama. The impeccable editing added to the overall appeal. However, these details seemed trivial compared to the most significant realization: Angela witnessed a transformed version of herself on the screen. 

She wasn't the "him" from her past life, nor was she the person she currently knew. Instead, she embodied a brand new character, as if she had been reborn or traversed through time, leading an entirely different life. This revelation, perhaps, was the enchantment of movies.

"Chris, let's go home," her dad walked up to her side and hugged her, whispering softly.

"Okay, Dad," Angela replied in a hushed tone. After a brief pause, she looked up and asked, "Dad, if I want to continue making movies, would you support me?"

"Of course, it's your choice. Do you remember our Q&A session that day?" Jared smiled and continued, "My daughter isn't the kind of child who would disregard her parents' words just because she's slightly successful. She won't indulge in drinking, staying out all night, or engaging in promiscuous behavior."

"Jared!" Elena reprimanded.

"Alright, alright, let's head home now," Jared chuckled heartily.

Angela shrugged and didn't say much. Since her dad had given his approval, perhaps she could start considering the next script. But wait! 

Even though she was still a child, she knew that some American movies featured nude scenes involving children. Even in "The Parent Trap," she had to jump over a lake wearing a revealing outfit. 

If she grew older, there might be kissing scenes, intimate moments, and bed scenes... that thought was downright terrifying!