CH 49

Name:Hollywood Secret Garden Author:
Buckingham Palace gleamed with vibrant illumination, its grandeur further enhanced as the reception hall showcased opulent ivory and gold decor, meticulously arranged to exude magnificence.

"God bless you, Your Majesty," Duke Albert gracefully dropped to one knee, executing a customary genuflection that would make many feel bashful. Despite his age, he upheld the significance of royal etiquette refusing to forgo this formal gesture.

"It has been quite some time since our last meeting, Duke," Queen Elizabeth II addressed him, her countenance adorned with a gentle smile, her gaze shifting towards Angela, who stood alongside her grandfather.

Confidently, the little girl performed a curtsy, this time ensuring she gracefully held her skirt. Thankfully, her grandfather didn't demand the same level of perfection from her as he did from himself.

"Chris, you've grown even taller since we last met," the Queen warmly remarked, her smile radiating kindness.

Despite Angela's surprise that Queen Elizabeth II remembered her name, she maintained a composed expression, concealing her astonishment. With a polite smile, she responded, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Curiosity ignited within her. Although the Albert family resided on the outskirts of the British royal family tree, Angela pondered why her grandfather was consistently invited to royal gatherings. Could there be some undisclosed secret shared between her grandfather and Queen Elizabeth II? Angela playfully speculated, indulging in her own whimsical thoughts.

Visiting Buckingham Palace proved to be quite the challenge. While modern etiquette had undergone simplification in many aspects, the royal family adhered to their own set of rules and traditions. For a young girl like Angela, conforming to these customs proved to be a rather arduous task, eliciting moments of discomfort.

However, Angela found solace in the presence of certain individuals within the royal family. It wasn't Prince Philip, who constantly accompanied Queen Elizabeth II, nor was it Crown Prince Charles, who perpetually wore a somber expression. Rather, it was the illustrious English rose by the side of the Crown Prince.

In her previous life, Angela had limited knowledge about Princess Diana, and her understanding of the conflicts within her relationship with Charles remained vague. The only distinct event she recalled was the tragic car accident that occurred six years later, which she had learned about through the movie《The Queen.》

In all honesty, Diana possessed a charm that went beyond conventional beauty. While she may not have been the epitome of stunning physical appearance, there was an allure about her that drew people's attention effortlessly. Her down-to-earth nature earned her the title of the "People's Princess." Although Angela didn't idolize her, she couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Despite her desire to engage in conversation with the princess after dinner—something she had done before—those two princes proved to be a hindrance. Look, those mischievous boys were now casting glances in their direction. Harry seemed friendly enough, offering a smile in her direction. William, however, held his head high, exuding an air of arrogance.

The New Year's family banquet had drawn almost a hundred non-direct members of the royal family. A grand table had been prepared by the attentive waiters, stretching out extensively with splendid decorations. Those seated at the far end may have struggled to catch a clear glimpse of the Queen, but for the children seated there, such a view held little significance.

Once settled into her seat, Angela maintained a tight-lipped composure. The dining etiquette within the royal family proved to be more intricate than those practiced in her grandfather's manor. Despite her mother's teachings on proper behavior, Angela recognized the need for spontaneity when it came to knowing what to say and when to say it.

The best strategy to avoid any missteps was to remain silent altogether. While most of the surrounding individuals were children, they were unfamiliar to her eliminating any need for socializing.

The grandeur and opulence of the banquet weighed heavily on Angela, creating a sense of oppression within her.

While Queen Elizabeth II's slightly unconventional New Year's toast provided a brief respite, the atmosphere quickly reverted to its customary state. Polite and subdued conversations permeated the air, accompanied by refined manners and painted smiles.

Yet, an intangible barrier seemed to persist, creating a noticeable distance between individuals, even among the children present. It was no wonder that the Princess felt a tinge of sadness. This environment was not conducive to those who cherished freedom; Angela couldn't help but lament over this fact.

Fortunately, the culinary skills of the chefs at Buckingham Palace proved to be exceptional. While British cuisine was often associated with staple dishes like bread and butter pudding, roast lamb, salmon, wild duck, and more, these familiar offerings took on remarkable and delicious transformations in their capable hands.

Even though Angela couldn't fully indulge in the feast, she still found immense pleasure in savoring each carefully crafted bite. Additionally, the prospect of seasonal delights such as ice cream in the summer added an extra touch of delight to the dining experience.

The banquet concluded swiftly, as Western customs typically favored shorter dining experiences. However, the true highlight of the evening awaited: the grand New Year's ball.

Taking place in Buckingham Palace's majestic Royal Ballroom, a space designed specifically for Queen Victoria in 1850, the ambiance exuded an air of elegance. The room was adorned with a captivating blend of white and gold decor. 

A magnificent crystal chandelier hung from the semi-circular ceiling, casting a dazzling glow upon the festivities. The walls, embellished with depictions of scenes from the fifteenth-century Wars of the Roses, added a touch of historical allure.

The evening commenced with a dance between Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, gracefully setting the tone for the event. Subsequently, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess took to the floor.

However, Charles displayed a distinct lack of enthusiasm, hastily bringing the dance to an end. Angela, attentively observing the proceedings, understood that the relationship between Charles and Diana had reached a low point in 1992, and this was merely a precursor to their eventual separation. 

Despite their brief performance, their expressions revealed no traces of emotion. It was likely that the direct members of the royal family possessed an exceptional skill for disguising their true feelings.

Following Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's seating, the ball officially commenced. Gentlemen gracefully extended invitations to their desired dance partners, yet Angela's grandfather remained steadfastly by her side, unbothered by the lack of invitations. 

Angela comprehended his intentions all too well. Since her grandmother's passing when she was merely six years old, her grandfather had never pursued another marriage. Their bond appeared ordinary on the surface, but its depths were immeasurable. Their connection held an extraordinary depth of love and understanding.

Hence, Angela resolved to position herself discreetly behind her beloved grandfather, ensuring that no other boys would extend invitations her way, particularly that conceited young lad. After all, she had developed a tendency of finding it difficult to refuse such offers, creating a habit of saying yes when she truly wished to decline. Alas, she anticipated that by the end of the ball, her feet would inevitably ache from the strain of dancing in high heels.

However, as the age-old saying goes, the more one strives to evade something, the more elusive it becomes.

"May I have the pleasure of this dance, beautiful young lady?" a voice emerged from behind, brimming with formality, yet laced with evident glee between the words.

Angela couldn't help but roll her eyes, exasperated by the tone, as she turned around to face Prince William, who had managed to sneak up on her unnoticed. Concealing her disdain, she clenched her teeth, realizing that refusing the young prince's request would be challenging with her grandfather present.

Inhale, exhale. 

With each step, the discomfort in her heels intensified ever so slightly. Fortunately, the heels weren't excessively high, allowing her to endure the discomfort. 

However, the incessant physical contact with William during the dance evoked a subtle sense of repulsion within her. 

It puzzled her because when she had brushed against Edward Furlong months ago, she hadn't experienced such discomfort. What could be the reason behind this strange reaction?

After a brief moment of contemplation, Angela decided to set aside her thoughts for the time being. She recognized that she couldn't spare the mental capacity to dwell on it at that moment. It would be wiser to endure this uncomfortable situation and address it later when she had the chance. 

Additionally, she found solace in the fact that the dance hadn't been overly intimate. If William had held her waist, the potential for an unforeseen mishap, like inadvertently executing a shoulder throw on the Crown Prince, was a distinct possibility if her excitement got the better of her.

At long last, the dance concluded, leaving the little girl's face flushed, her chest heaving, and perspiration trickling down her forehead. She glared at William, hissing in a low voice, "Are you content now, Your Highness?"

To Angela's surprise, there was no response from William, not even a few words. She furrowed her brows and stared intently, only to find the annoying brat gazing back at her without blinking. A sense of unease washed over her. 

Sensing that the band was on the verge of playing again, Angela swiftly lifted her skirt, intending to make her exit. However, in her haste, as she turned around, the heel of her right foot emitted a faint sound, causing her body to tilt to the right. 

Thankfully, before she could react or make any abrupt movements, a pair of hands reached out from behind and caught her.

"What a shame, Miss Genius. You executed the dance quite admirably, but regrettably, you couldn't maintain your composure until the very end," a teasing voice resonated, leaving no need to speculate on its source.

"I never expected the second in line to the throne to have such a narrow mind," Angela huffed, refusing to acknowledge him as she let go of his hand. The familiarity of the situation struck her, reminding her of a past encounter. Luck seemed to evade her once again.

"Hey, hey, it seems like you should be thanking me, shouldn't you? Otherwise, you would have made quite a spectacle of yourself just now!" William's voice carried a trace of annoyance.

"Very well, Your Highness, I express my sincere gratitude," the little girl retorted, turning her head to give him a disdainful eye-roll before striding away, not bothering to look back. She headed straight for her grandfather's side.