Chapter 936: Who could survive

Chapter 936: Who could survive

There was only silence in the hall as Janus didn't reply. He didn't care about fate anymore. He had already lost everything, including his nephew, the last remnant of his brother's family. "I came here to free you," Ryder told Janus, breaking the absolute silence. "You should kill me while you can. Because I will never forgive you for what you did."

"Even though you were at fault for that?"

"If I was at fault for that, you should have killed me. But Caen did nothing wrong. She didn't even know about it. But you still killed him. I can never forgive you for that."

Janus didn't care about freedom anymore. There was no point in freedom for him. Even death was better, as he knew that if he was freed, he could never sleep in peace. His life's only purpose was going to become revenge. He was only going to think about hurting Ryder and his family, just like his own family was hurt. "Kill me. I am tired..."

"If I kill you, who will take care of Caen?" Ryder asked, looking at the lonely figure of Janus. "You are truly vile. If you take his name again, I will kill you!" Janus' clenched his fists. Caen was dead. He saw it happen with his own eyes. Ryder taking his name was no different than using the dead to hurt him. "Fine. I won't take his name. He can do that himself."

Ryder opened a portal. Through the portal, a silhouette appeared, which shocked Janus. It felt too familiar. Soon, the person stepped out of the portal, shocking Janus. The person was none other than his Nephew, Caen. The young boy was looking completely unharmed. If anything, he just looked like he had been sleeping for a long time. "No matter how bad I am, I could never have killed Chaos' son. Just like he is your nephew, he is also my nephew."

"But that night..." Janus tried to ask, but he couldn't even finish his sentence as he felt like he was choking with emotions. "That night, you tried to kill my son. So I just wanted to teach you a lesson. What I killed was just a clone I created. I never brought Caen with me that night." Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

Ryder opened the portal back to his home. "My son still thinks I killed you two. So isn't it only right for you to make things clear to him as well? I can't have him looking at me like a killer all this time."

"Also, my wife was quite upset that you left without eating last time. So we're going back. And this time, you'll be living with us."

"Oh, and one last thing. If you ever come across any such problems, don't take it all on your shoulders. Together, we could find solutions to any problems like we did in the starting days of our journey."

"You had been a friend since before I even started rising in this world. Without you, I might not be here. So I would always help you, no matter what."

Janus entered the portal with Caen, following after Ryder. He still felt guilty, but more than that, he felt relieved. It was as if he was given a second chance. And this time, he wanted to make sure he didn't make the same mistake. "Did you find the sword in which Chaos was sealed with the Ancient God?"

Janus stepped out on the other side of the portal, asking Ryder. Caen also grew interested in the topic. He had long heart stories about how his father was the strongest person in the world who won the great war of gods. His father had even stopped the God of Creation, sealing him in a sword with himself. The sword itself was a treasure as it was created using the Bracelet of Immortality, the greatest treasure of his father. But more than that, his father was inside. That was why his uncle had been looking for that sword all this time. Ryder shook his head. "If only it was that easy."

"The only clue I had was that it was in the Abyss, but I couldn't find it there either," Janus added. "Could it be that someone took it from the Abyss?"

"Who could even survive inside the Abyss except us? It's impossible."