Chapter 1050: A false creation

1050 Chapter 1050: A false creation

Karyk stood there, his hand lingering on the cold stone. He had faced countless enemies, conquered realms, and yet, here he was, unable to protect a single person.

He hadn't just failed in protecting that person but killed that person himself. The irony was not lost on him.

He had always been able to manipulate death, but this was different. The abyss had taken Zena's soul, and that was something even he couldn't counteract as it was a passive skill.

The worst part was that he didn't even feel that bad about it. That was the thing which hurt him the most. He had been fighting the Angels to protect Zena and Gabriel. He stayed behind in Elzeira to protect them.

Even everything else he did, it was with the intention of protecting them. When did his goals change? He couldn't even remember. It all felt so blurry that he could not even locate that long forgotten feeling.

He turned his gaze to the other tombstones, each bearing names of those who had fought alongside him, who had trusted him.

He had been so consumed by his own journey, his own battles, that he had forsaken the very people who had been like his family, especially Alion.

A sudden gust of wind rustled through the graveyard, bringing with it the faint scent of the fresh flower at Zena's grave that Gabriel had left behind. It was a stark contrast to the decay that surrounded him.

For a moment, he closed his eyes, letting the scent fill his senses, grounding him.

Looking at the tombstone, he couldn't help but remember the last time he had seen Zena. He couldn't even personally greet her.

Looking back at the situation, he couldn't help but laugh. "Little Sister, your brother has returned. It seems he is a little late though."

"I know there is no afterlife for you. Even though I barely feel anything, I know that it would be too cruel to bring you back. It would be selfish... But..."

He had promised himself that he was not going to return to that place but it was the place where his sister and friends were laid to eternal rest. He couldn't control himself and went to check.

The moment he appeared in the graveyard, he saw a bloody egg with the aura of death surrounding it. Still, it was different from Karyk's aura as there was purity of nature hiding inside the deathly aura.

The barrel land around the graveyard started changing as well. New grass started growing in the land of death where not even a single blade of grass had grown in the past.

Gabriel cautiously approached the egg. His instincts screamed danger, yet something deeply personal kept him moving forward.

The egg pulsated with essence that seemed almost alive, each beat echoing in the stillness of the graveyard.

He extended his hand, hesitating for a moment before touching the surface. It was warm, almost comforting, contrasting sharply with the aura of death that surrounded it.

As his fingers made contact, a surge of energy shot through him. Images flashed before his eyes—memories of Zena, of their childhood, of her learning her new skills.

This was all Zena had gone through. These were her memories that were being implanted inside this egg.

And then, he heard it. A faint heartbeat, coming from within the egg. Gabriel's eyes widened in realization. He took a step back.

"Karyk," he whispered, a mix of anger in his voice. "What have you done?"

It was clear that Zena was dead. It was impossible for her to return. Karyk was creating another Zena with a different soul but the same memories. It was no different than creating a fake Zena from the memories of the real person.

The egg began to crack, the lines spreading like spider webs across its surface. With each fracture, the aura of death seemed to recede, replaced by an energy that was both ancient and new.