Chapter 1018: Passive compromise

With the continuous deployment of labor dispatch, the tide of unemployment has been effectively curbed, social security has gradually improved, and the situation in the European continent has gradually stabilized.

The facts have proved once again: the problem cannot be solved, and the person who solves the problem is the same.

Everything is developing for the better. With this result, except for careerists, all sectors of society are very satisfied.

Only the Japanese are not satisfied. The situation in Europe has stabilized, breaking all their illusions. Expecting Spain to explode has become a bubble.

Not only is Spain unable to explode, but there are signs of an explosion in Japan.

The "Mi Sao Movement" has spread from Tokyo to the whole country, with millions of people participating in this "grabbing rice" movement.

Although the Japanese government decisively sent troops to suppress and control the situation, blood can't stop hunger.

As long as the stomach problems of the people cannot be solved, the "Mi Sao Movement" cannot really stop.

It is not that the Japanese government has not made efforts to this end. The problem is that the economic blockade of the European Union has really begun. The Spaniards are pretending to be tigers and hunting "Japanese merchant ships" under the banner of the alliance.

In order to deter capitalists, the Spaniards even created a blacklist for reporting collaborators. Regardless of the country’s merchant shipping, as long as it is proven

This is not a momentary breath, but it is really recorded on a small book. If you don't meet it, forget it, if you meet it, wait for it to be in the newspaper!

The mystery of sea storms, pirates, and the disappearance of the Devil’s Sea can all be arranged. These routines were taught by the Spaniards as early as when the British and Western seas were fighting for supremacy.

Although a 300% profit can encourage capitalists to risk decapitation and commit any crime; the Japanese government must also be able to afford a 300% profit.

Other materials are nothing more, but grain is a commodity. If the profit is 300%, even if the grain is brought in, the Japanese people cannot afford it!

In this context, continuing to delay time is obviously not a good choice. Especially as the time for the final withdrawal given by the European Union is getting closer, Ito Bowen's pressure is even greater.

The bottom line is always used to break through.

At the beginning, the Tokyo government still wanted to leave a few small islands in the Nanyang area, and it did not go in vain.

Later, it was discovered that it was not possible, and the hatred between Japan and the West grew. Even if a few small islands are left behind, once the main force of the Japanese forces withdraws, don't even think about keeping them.

The land can’t be cut, and the Japanese government has set its goal on demanding compensation, that is, redemption fees.

Regrettably, the Spaniards are too poor, can't expect them to lend money to the Japanese as a ransom, right?

Even if the Madrid government is willing to compromise, the Vienna government, which is behind the scenes, is unwilling to lend this money.

The bottom line is the difference between only once and countless times. As long as you break through for the first time, you can continue to break through later.

By now, Ito Bowen no longer expects to claim compensation. As long as the Spaniards don't make trouble, let them smoothly transport the fortune they scoured back.

The Philippine Islands are rich and prosperous. The wealth that the Japanese army seized on the islands may not be able to fill the cost of the war, but there is hope for filling half of the holes.

There is no guarantee that at least the domestic food crisis can be passed safely. As for what the people on the island will eat after the raid, it is not within their consideration.

The more critical the moment, the heavier the smell of gunpowder on the negotiating table. Every concession is accompanied by a huge loss of interest, which is unwilling to accept both Japan and the West.

As for the countries participating in the mediation, although their respective positions have been expressed, everyone wants face. It is enough for the mediators to have a tendency. If they go directly to participate in the persecution, they will fall behind.

The interests of the countries involved in the Japanese-Spanish War are not many. Helping Spain is more out of political needs. It is impossible for everyone to do their best.

You get what you pay for, and the benefits that Spain can provide are only enough for everyone to help.

The ability to force Japan to abandon the Philippine Islands is the result of the Vienna government's mediation. If you want more benefits, Spain can only fight for it.

Britain's attitude is similar. It is enough to keep Japan's nominal little brother from being killed. As for other details, it has nothing to do with the London government.

In a sense, Britannia is very interesting to be able to do this.

The British government drew Japan to the south to relieve pressure on the French. The Austrian South Seas to deal with did not let the Japanese invade the Philippines.

Despite the established facts, the British government acquiesced in this result. But self-assertion is self-assertion. Although the British did not say anything, there must be dissatisfaction in their hearts.

In a sense, the Japanese government’s own assertions also disrupted Britain’s strategic deployment.

If it were not for the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, Spain would not have made up its determination to join the anti-French alliance; without Spain's participation, the anti-French alliance's four-sided siege strategy would not succeed.

Without converging the strategic trend, Napoleon IV would not despair, nor would he rush away.

If Napoleon IV does not run, France will not surrender so quickly.

If the French choose to smash to the end, even if they can't come back, it can drag on for a year or a half.

One and a half years may not seem long, but I can do a lot of things. Had it not been for the French surrender too quickly, the British government would not have been passive after the war.

Although this inference is somewhat idealistic, some people can't help but think so. At least in London newspapers, similar reports did not appear rarely.


Hirobumi Ito said solemnly: "If your country continues to attack our fleet, then we will not be able to guarantee the orderly transfer of the work, and all the consequences resulting from this will be borne by your country."

It's a showdown.

The biggest bargaining chip of the Japanese government now is: Japanese troops occupy most of the Philippine Islands.

If Spain wants to obtain a relatively complete Philippines, the cooperation of the Japanese is indispensable.

Destruction is always easier than construction. If the Japanese army is allowed to play freely, even if Spain retakes the Philippine Islands, it will be a piece of nothing.

Aside from infrastructure, the hundreds of thousands of Hispanic hostages in the hands of the Japanese army are enough to make the Spanish government throw a rat-in-the-mouse.

The European countries watched on the sidelines, and the Japanese naturally did not dare to play slaughter directly. Not dare to do anything, doesn't mean that they can't do anything wrong.

With the help of the European Union, the Japanese can be suppressed, but the indigenous tribes who have lived in the jungle for many years cannot be intimidated.

The ignorant is fearless, and the Japanese can use the hands of the indigenous people to play the massacre as long as they provoke and flicker.

As long as the hands and feet are clean, and the Japanese government can retreat from the massacre.

To put it bluntly, the European Union is still unwilling to initiate a war for Spain's interests. This is not in everyone's interest. As long as the face is good, no one will look into it.

There is also a deep-seated reason that cannot be investigated, and that is: on the issue of colonies, the hands and feet of countries are not very clean.

Regardless of whether the dead person is a native or Hispanic, there is no essential difference between European countries.

With the current situation in Spain, it is obvious that it cannot withstand such a toss. If more than two hundred years of painstaking efforts were destroyed, it would be very difficult to regain control of the Philippine Islands.

Once the natives are full of Hispanic blood, there is no room for relaxation. Even if it is just to give the people an explanation, the Spanish government must retaliate.

The slaughter of you and me continues, and the Philippine Islands, which were able to contribute millions of Aegis to the Spanish government every year, have become a heavy economic burden.

Not only the government finances can't stand it, but the Spanish aristocrats who have been cut off can not stand it either.

Of course, if there is a massacre, the Japanese government will not think about it.

Not only will it have to forge a death feud with Spain, but even the international image that has just improved will be destroyed. The notoriety of "cruel" and "barbaric" will make them politically "lonely and old."

Including the current boss, Britain, will abandon them without hesitation. No country in the European world will interact with them, at least for a short time.

In a sense, this is another big bet. Hirobumi Ito made a bet on the future national fortunes of the two countries, betting that the Spanish government would give in.

"This is impossible!"

"There has never been a reason why robbers robbed things in their own homes, and the master cannot stop them. Now every ship of goods your country transports is our wealth.

As a sovereign country, the great Spain will never tolerate such trampling of national sovereignty, and we will not accept this threat.

Likewise, righteous people all over the world will not tolerate this happening. "

From Federico's slightly trembling voice, you can hear that his heart is not calm at the moment.

The Japanese government is crazy and dare to gamble; but the Spanish government is very normal, and it is impossible for China to take such a big risk.

At least nobles and capitalists who are vested interests will not allow this to happen.

Federico, who lacks confidence, can only continue to talk about the tiger skin of the European Union. It is hoped that the interference of the countries of the alliance will prevent the Japanese from taking risks.

"Your Excellency has misunderstood. I am just stating the facts, not threatening.

Our military strength is limited. We have to guard against sneak attacks by your country and divide our forces to maintain security on the island.

In particular, your country’s navy continues to attack our merchant ships, causing prices on the island to soar, and social order is going to collapse.

As for plundering your country’s wealth, that is totally nonsense. We just transported our own luggage and supplies, and did not touch a single bit of your country.

Your country’s attack has seriously affected the progress of our army’s withdrawal and the peace and stability of the world.

For the safety of the people on the island, for the traditional friendship between the two countries, and for the early elimination of misunderstandings. Out of humanitarian considerations, I reminded you. "

Hirobumi Ito, who has entered the state, is obviously not a good master. Using sophistry, the Japanese government's responsibilities were completely eliminated.

In his words, the war of aggression determined by the international community has become an understatement of misunderstanding; blatant plunder of wealth has become a response to the withdrawal of the European Union; naked threats can become friendship between the two countries.

This kind of friendship is estimated to be unbearable to normal people. However, Ito Hirofumi said without changing his face.

British representative Klaus: "We are able to sit here today to solve the problem. The core of the Philippine war is actually the ownership of the Philippine Islands.

Now that an agreement has been reached on the ownership of the islands, the remaining controversial issues are just minor details.

In order to better advance the negotiation process and avoid another conflict, I propose that the two sides first sign a comprehensive ceasefire agreement. "

I have to admit that the charm of the pound is great. Even as the consul of Britain, Klaus still bent his waist for "500,000 buckets of rice."

Being thick-skinned does not mean being able to solve the problem. Aggressive sophistry can certainly prevail in the debate, but this is not a debate contest.

While suppressing the spirit of Spanish representatives, Ito Bowen also aroused dissatisfaction among representatives of European countries.

If there is a massacre, we will indeed close one eye, but you can't tell. Even if it's just a hint, we don't want face!

"There are only interests between countries" is not necessarily correct. The government of the dominant country is made up of people, who are not only rational but also emotional.

If the stimulus is too much and the representatives of various countries feel emotional, the Japanese government will be overwhelmed. From this perspective, Ito Hirobumi is playing with fire at this time.

In this context, Klaus's speech is very valuable. I clearly told the representatives of various countries: We have made concessions. The Philippine Islands are returned to Spain, and you can go back for business.

As for the details, that is the matter of Japan and Spain. It doesn't affect your interests, so don't mix things up for the sake of face.

Coupled with it, the great gift the Japanese government sent out before is even more convincing.

Although it is said to "eat home, eat home", it is also something to do. Don't ask for your support, it's okay to distract yourself at critical moments!

Seeing Federico cast a look for help, Governor Chandler frowned and slowly said: "There is no problem with signing an armistice treaty. However, Sir Federico raised the issue of the Japanese army's suspected looting of wealth.

I can't compare the number of ships navigable every day, and then everyone will send representatives to form a supervision team to ensure that vicious wealth plundering incidents really occur. "

There is no way, the Spaniards lack confidence and dare not go to the table like the Japanese. Putting all hopes on Shinra's interference, Governor Chandler can naturally only propose a compromise plan.

If not, Shinra can't go out to protect Spain. The Japanese government must not dare to kill the net, right?

International politics is not so fun. If you don't strive for it yourself, don't expect others to help it.

If the Spanish government is really courageous, it will bet that the Japanese government will not move at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives on the island and the destruction of the Philippine Islands.

If you win, you will earn blood. If you lose, you will suffer a financial loss, but you will make a strategic profit.

Even if the Philippine Islands are abolished, Spain is nothing more than a heavy economic loss. Anyway, the economic crisis has broken out. No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse.

It can be exchanged for Japan, the enemy to be rejected by the international community, and may even decline. Strategically, Spain does not lose.

A country that does not compromise and dares to work hard to defend its own interests can definitely make people look up to three points. It can also deter other countries that have ambitions for the Spanish colony.

Unfortunately, the Spaniards dare not bet. No matter how good the reason is, the final outcome is the same.

In the short term, this compromise may be more beneficial to Spain; but in the long term, this compromise has shaken the status of the Spanish empire.

The powers are at the bottom, and they are also powers. With the status of the great powers, Spain was able to flourish in international activities.

Once it loses its status as a power, it is still unknown whether the colonial empire can be maintained. Unlike the Netherlands and Portugal, the colonial empire can be maintained through diplomacy, and the country that spy on the Spanish colonies is not in Europe.