Chapter 19

Even if they said that they were Eirene’s “real family”, they left without even taking her belongings.

Irene put her hand under Eirene’s drawer and fumbled at a small drawer that was pasted on the bed floor. The craw that Eirene named Momo used to go after Eirene’s treasures whenever she had a chance, so she worked hard to make a secret treasure chest for her.

Out of all the treasures Eirene had, she loved the beautiful pocket watch the most, and Momo also coveted the gems embedded in the pocket watch. This treasure chest was made after Momo asked for the pocket watch from Eirene. Eirene repeatedly climbed the tree three or four times just to take it back.

Irene also treated Eirene’s belongings as the most precious treasure.

The pocket watch, which was coveted even with the crow’s brightest eyes, was of no importance to them. This pocket watch was a necessary item to confirm her identity, but there was a more accurate magic tool to be used, so it was not desperately needed.

Irene was fiddling with the pocket watch. If she had not been able to touch the traces that remained, she might have slowly forgotten Eirene like the villagers and regarded it like a dream.

“It’s so vivid…how…” It was summer when a small and lovely child left her side like a raging storm. Over the months, the villagers slowly forgot about Eirene. They weren’t pretending to be okay for Irene, who was still depressed.

As the season changed, and a new summer approached, everyone really forgot Eirene.

Aunt Zelda, who was restless next to her when her child was sick and had fever, and Philip, who had peculiar way of expressing his interest in a pretty child, and Jeniffer, who laughed, saying that she would like to have a daughter like that child when she get married, was curious. Uncle Victor, who ran out to find the child who was crying and lost on his way while being enthusiastic, and Helena, who brought a dress saying she just brought it on her way back from the capital, and remembered her mother everytime she looked at the child. Everyone, even Grandpa Smith, who teased her as a potential little witch, didn’t even mention Eirene. Name, eye color, hair color or anything.

Although he was still kind to Irene, the atmosphere of the villagers changed bizarrely, when they heard Irene calling out to Eirene’s name.

They were worried, believing that Irene’s mind was getting weird.

Irene, unable to understand their change, and just kept shouting into the air when she suddenly realized. Eirene’s biological parents are nobles with enough power to use magic to selectively erase the memories of the villagers.

Upon realizing this, Irene gave up trying to remind the villagers of the existence of her once sister eirene. When she no longer brings up Eirene’s name, the villagers begin to worry more about Irene.