In a prestigious college known for its opulent students, a group of friends led by Brandon, the charismatic and wealthy leader, decided to plan a night picnic on the beach. Brandon, always looking for ways to impress his friends, offered to cover all the expenses. However, there was a condition – each of his friends had to bring the new girl, Elara, along.
Elara was mysterious and beautiful, but there was something unsettling about her that none of them could quite put their finger on.
Greedy for a night of fun and free indulgence, Brandon’s friends agreed to his strange request. They coaxed Elara into joining their beach outing, promising her a night of excitement and friendship. Elara, with a curious smile, accepted the invitation.
As the moonlight bathed the deserted beach in a silvery glow, the group settled in, lighting a bonfire and spreading out blankets. Laughter and music filled the air as they enjoyed their night. Brandon, however, had his eyes set on Elara. He waited for the perfect moment to lure her away from the group.
By the time the moon dipped below the horizon, the once vibrant group of college friends had all become part of Elara’s undead horde. The beach was silent, save for the low groans of the newly turned zombies.
Elara stood at the center, a dark queen among her minions. Her mission was complete. She had infiltrated the circle of the living, and with her newfound army, she would spread her dark curse further.
The next morning, the beach was deserted, with no trace of the night’s horrors save for the footprints in the sand leading to the water. The students’ disappearance remained a mystery, a dark tale whispered among the college halls. The legend of the Beach of the Undead grew, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurks beneath the surface of seemingly innocent fun.
And Elara, the zombie queen, continued her hunt, always looking for the next group of unsuspecting victims.