Chapter 12: Safe Haven

Name:HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi Author:
Chapter 12: Safe Haven

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2241

'My head is buzzing,' Nagi winced, holding his head as he closed the door behind him. Being punched into the concrete was far from a pleasant experience, but he was determined to ensure it wouldn't happen again.

Rei rushed over, her face filled with concern, gently holding Nagi's face to inspect his bandages and injuries. "Oh my god, Nagi! Are you alright? What happened to you?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Internally wincing at her touch, Nagi maintained his stoic demeanor, gently removing her hands from his face. "I'm fine, Rei. Just ran into some trouble along the way. Nothing to make a fuss about."

Takashi stepped forward, his tone annoyed and jealous, unable to hold back his frustration any longer. "Where were you, Nagi? You never told us where to meet up, and you just went your own way. And what do you mean by 'trouble'? Don't tell me you angered some people, and now they're after you."

Nagi's eyes flickered briefly, acknowledging Takashi's tone, but he remained composed. "First off, before you guys left, I made it clear that I would meet you at the police station by any means necessary. Second, this so-called trouble is nothing more than a misunderstanding."

Approaching Shizuka, Nagi drew closer to Takashi as time seemed to slow down. With a monotone voice, he uttered, "And finally, Takashi, don't accuse me without cause, for I won't hesitate to defend myself and prioritize survival over your insignificant emotions. Nod if you understand." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

With clenched fists and gritted teeth, Takashi slightly nodded, his hair draping over his face, concealing his expression. Without uttering another word, Nagi proceeded toward Shizuka and the rest of the group. Saya approached him, her expression a mix of irritation and concern.

"Where were you?! And why are you covered in those bruises and bandages?! What happened in the city?" Saya's voice carried frustration and concern as she fired her questions at Nagi.

She didn't believe a simple accident could account for his injuries. "Don't tell me 'it was an accident.' My father has bodyguards who regularly train with each other, so I know what a bruise looks like."

Saya's eyes bore into Nagi, her determination was evident. She wasn't going to let him evade the truth. Taking a moment to collect herself, she pressed on. "So I'll ask again: What happened to you?" Her tone softened slightly, a hint of worry seeping through her demanding words.

Nagi held his gaze on Saya for a moment before responding with a touch of sarcasm. "Who knew Miss Takagi cared for me so much?" His blank voice lacked emotional inflection, but his remark served its purpose as Saya turned away, her cheeks reddening with a blush.

Seizing the opportunity to divert attention, Nagi shifted his focus to Shizuka, seeking a different interaction. "Shizuka, do you think you could assist me with my patchwork? It seems my previous attempts were less than satisfactory, as you can see."

Shizuka's cheeks flushed with a tinge of pink as Nagi directed his request to her. With a slightly stuttering voice, she replied, "Y-Yes, of course, Nagi. I'd be happy to help you with your patchwork. But first, let's find someplace safe."

Perking up at that, Saeko inquired, "Can I assume you know of a place?" Shizuka nodded in response and replied, "Yes, my friend's flat is nearby. It's just a short walk from here."

Coming out of her initial embarrassment, Saya turned toward the group, placing her hand on her hip as she gazed at Shizuka and asked, "Your boyfriend's place?"

Startled, Shizuka instinctively took a step back, her hands waving in a quick manner. A light blush graced her face as she began explaining to the group, "Oh, no, no, no, no. It's nothing like that! It's just my friend's apartment."

"She's always busy with work and traveling for her job," Shizuka continued nervously, aware of the collective gaze upon her. "She gave me the key so I can go there and look after the place when she's away."

Cupping his chin in thought, Kohta began asking the important questions. "Is it a high-rise? Does it offer a good view of the surroundings?" Nagi nodded in agreement with his deductions, his gaze shifting to Shizuka as she provided the answers.

"Yeah, it's a duplex located along the river. There's a convenience store nearby as well. Oh, and there's a car! You know, the one that looks like a tank? The thing that drinks gas? Big! The big one!"

She exclaimed, her excitement evident as she jumped and spread her arms in the air. Without displaying any emotion, Nagi subtly averted his gaze from sight, closing his eyes and releasing a sigh.

Nagi silently agreed with her sentiment. The Humvee indeed resembled a tank, exuding durability and strength. It was undoubtedly a valuable asset given its substantial size.

"I doubt they can jump over the fence," Rei remarked while inspecting the sturdy barrier. Takashi let out a sigh before interjecting, "Let's not waste any time and"

His words trailed off as he heard the unsettling moans and groans emanating from the zombies, who stumbled through the open and broken windows and doors, aimlessly shuffling toward them.

"Here," Nagi commented, extending one of his knives to Takashi. "Although you seem to prefer longer-range weapons, this is all we have right now. Do you know how to use it?"

Takashi hesitated for a moment before taking the knife from Nagi's outstretched hand. He examined it carefully, feeling its weight and grip. "I'll manage," he replied, accepting the weapon. "Good. Because I wouldn't want to babysit you."

Takashi's irritation grew more apparent, his eyebrow twitching involuntarily as he forced a strained smile. The comment from Nagi had struck a nerve, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance.

As Saeko stood beside Nagi, her usually composed demeanor faltered briefly, her soft chuckle carrying a mischievous undertone that only served to amplify Takashi's irritation.

Unperturbed by Takashi's annoyance, Nagi remained composed as he approached the gate, opening it with a steady hand.

With mechanical precision, Nagi and Saeko assumed their positions at the front, their movements seamlessly synchronized as they efficiently eliminated the clusters of zombies.

Simultaneously, Kohta focused his attention on the distant and hidden undead, while Rei and Takashi diligently dealt with the scattered remnants. With the final lifeless body hitting the ground, a collective sigh of relief resonated through the vicinity.

Nagi made his way back towards the stairs, motioning for Shizuka and Saya to follow. As they approached the door, Shizuka retrieved her keys and unlocked them, her voice taking on a melodious tone as she announced, "It's open."

"Everyone inside," Nagi commanded. Stationed by the door, he observed as each person entered the building, one by one. Once the last person had crossed the threshold, Nagi followed suit, closing the door behind him and meticulously securing its locks, fortifying the building against any potential threats.

"We're finally safe," Kohta said, exhaling with relief as he settled onto the couch. Nagi turned his attention toward him and responded, "You're right, but we still have a task at hand."

"Takashi, Kohta, you're coming with me to scout the house for any useful items and explore the surrounding area. Meanwhile, ladies, you can freshen up. I'm certain you don't want to remain in that state any longer."

Saya expressed her contentment with a relieved groan, remarking, "A shower sounds perfect." She glanced at Nagi and added, "What about you, Nagi? Shouldn't you freshen up and clean yourself before allowing Nurse Marikawa to tend to your wounds?"

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Saeko chuckled softly and asked, "Are you suggesting that Nagi should join us? I didn't realize you were so bold, Saya."

Saya's face turned slightly pink as Saeko's remark played in her mind, and she stumbled over her words, trying to regain her composure. "I-I didn't mean it like that," she stammered, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I-I meant... N-Nagi should clean himself up before... uh, seeking medical attention from Nurse Marikawa," Saya stammered, her voice laced with flustered emotion. "W-We need to ensure our wounds are properly treated to avoid... i-infection."

Nagi, unfazed by the playful banter, interjected with a calm tone. "It's alright, Takagi. I've cleaned up and bandaged myself. You girls can go ahead and take a bath while we focus on our own tasks."

Saeko smirked, clearly relishing Saya's flustered state, but she didn't push the matter further. Instead, she shifted her attention to the immediate priority. "Let's prioritize taking care of ourselves," she suggested, rising from her seat.

The other girls followed suit, with Shizuka leading them to the bedroom on the lower floor. Turning towards the two, Nagi said, "Let's go upstairs. There might be valuable supplies worth taking, and it's also a good opportunity to survey the surroundings."

Nodding in agreement, Takashi and Kohta followed Nagi as they ascended the stairs.

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.

Firstly, the votes have determined that the story will have a harem rather than a single love interest. However, it's important to note that the development of this harem will progress at a slow to medium pace.

Rushing it would feel forced and insincere. If the harem begins to significantly derail the story, I will promptly halt the progress and rewrite it before uploading again. I value the enjoyment of readers, and I don't want to ruin the story with any foolish mistakes.