Yi Fei’ang was knocked back several steps and grabbed by Qi Huai, who rushed out. Seeing Qi Huai’s fist about to come at him, Yi Fei’ang dodged and broke away from Qi Huai’s restraint. He ran behind Luo Buyu, pulling him to block Qi Huai: “Brother Luo! Help me block it! “

“Get out of the way, Brother Luo. I’ll beat him up today. ” Qi Huai’s eyes widened in anger.

Luo Buyu was pushed and shoved by the two men and said, “Alright, you two ……”

“Give me back my autograph!” Qi Huai said, angrily.

“I won’t give it back; just hit me.” Yi Feiang smiled meanly.


Luo Buyu: “…… No, Feiang, stop it. Our new mid laner… “

Yi Feiang shoved the sub with Wilful’s signature into his arms, “Hahahaha, you can’t grab it, you just can’t grab it.”

Qi Huai said viciously, “Get it out of my face!!!”

Nws Jwuw:”… usw twup pvsr kv qsa dso ……”

Mbl vos xld vwadle y elyq lya yde nsdvkdwle vs xyjl y pnldl.

Nws Jwuw: “……”

Nws Jwuw pweeldzu aykple bkp hsknl yd snvyhl yde asyale, “Cwklv vbl q*nj esod!”

Ck Twyk yde Zk Wlkydt olal pvyavzle, cwv obld vblu zssjle yv Nws Jwuw’p qynl, vblu kxxlekyvlzu pvsse pkel cu pkel, csokdt vblka blyep yde oykvkdt qsa vbl cyvnb.

Zw Ckdtbwyd sd vbl pkel pweeldzu wdelapvsse obu Nws Jwuw oyp vbl nyrvykd.

“Wlkydt, vyjl psxlvbkdt, alvwad kv vs Ck Twyk.” Wsa y plnsde, Nws Jwuw alhlavle vs bkp sze qyvbla’p xlzydnbszu qynl.

Zk Wlkydt alzwnvydvzu vssj swv bkp pktdyvwal yde alvwadle kv vs Ck Twyk: “Jasvbla Nws, usw’al vss xlyd. Ekzqwz nyxl yde usw eked’v vlzz xl. Zsw jdso bso xwnb R zkjl bkx.”

This was a bit ambiguous.


Yu Qinghuan couldn’t help but glance at Yi Feiang.

Luo Buyu scratched his head, “He came and left in a hurry, so we didn’t have time to call you.”

Yi Feiang asked, “Why would Wilful come to this shitty place?”

Luo Buyu got sad: “The crappy place… is at least our battle team base.”

Qi Huai answered for Luo Buyu: “The new mid laner knows Wilful, and they seem to be quite close.”

Yi Feiang: “!!!”

“Oh right.” Only then did Luo Buyu remember to introduce the two to each other. He took Yi Feiang with one hand and pulled Yu Qinghuan with the other, saying, “You two should get to know each other.”

Yi Feiang had actually noticed Yu Qinghuan on the sidelines. When he heard that this was the new mid laner, he greeted him loudly and excitedly, “Hello! My name is Yi Feiang! I’m our team’s jungler1! You’re the new mid laner! “

Yu Qinghuan introduced himself as he looked at Yi Feiang.

Yi Feiang’s face looked very boyish, as if he was not yet an adult, but his whole face was full of energy and enthusiasm. He had light in his eyes, and he was smiling all the time.

Luo Buyu pushed the three into the base, only to see Liu Man Man sitting in his place, fiddling with the handicrafts on the table. 

Luo Buyu: “Well, since everyone is here, let’s…”


Yi Feiang interrupted him excitedly, “Isn’t it time to find a place to drink a couple of drinks.”

Qi Huai: “Drink my ass, are you a f*cking adult?”

Yi Feiang: “I’ll drink. What do you care? “

Luo Buyu: “Ahem!!!”

Both of them shut up in a hurry.

Luo Buyu smiled slightly, “To celebrate Yu Qinghuan’s joining our team. Let’s celebrate by playing four hours of training in a row. “

The other four: “???”

Yi Feiang was confused, “Why do I feel like something is wrong?”

Luo Buyu’s face was dark: “What the hell is wrong? Just take your f*cking seats. There’s only half a month left before the competition. Why don’t you hurry up and train? I made a training plan yesterday. Now get in the game and get the f*ck out of here! “

The four of them were shocked by the roar and hurriedly sat back in their respective positions.

This time, Yu Qinghuan really understood why Luo Buyu was the captain.

The five of them boarded the game, and Yu Qinghuan stared at the progress bar of the game interface, a little panicked. He hadn’t played a training match for a long time. What if his reactions had dulled? What if he wasn’t fit to play anymore? What if he couldn’t keep up with his teammates’ pace?


“Qinghuan.” Luo Buyu’s voice pulled Yu Qinghuan’s thoughts back at once.

“Hm?” Yu Qinghuan lifted his head.

Luo Buyu was sitting on the first gaming chair. They were separated by Yi Feiang, who leaned back when he saw Luo Buyu calling out to Yu Qinghuan, so that they could see each other.

Luo Buyu said, “Don’t be formal. Even though it’s your first time playing with us, communicate as much as you should. “

“Okay.” Yu Qinghuan answered with his mouth, but still clutched the mouse nervously.

“Don’t be nervous.” Yi Feiang smiled cheekily and gave Yu Qinghuan a pep talk.

“Right, you’re the one Brother Luo found. I trust you. ” The always fierce Qi Huai surprisingly also said soothing words. He turned his head to Liu Manman, “You too, send me more signals.”

“Good …… good …… good.” Liu Manman responded.

Yu Qinghuan suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

The game interface readout ended and the screen popped up suddenly.

It was unknown whether it was because of nervousness or unfamiliarity with Yu Qinghuan, but at first everyone didn’t say a word.

However, three minutes later.


Yu Qinghuan: “Jungler2! Remember to gank3!!! The small map! Look at the small map, support4 follow the jungler; don’t hunker down in the lower lane with the ADC5 alone. Do your vision6! Don’t stay in the lower lane with the ADC. The top player7 is going to open the group! Open up! Let’s go! Carry the tower! Take the tower! Keep up the output! Control the dragon8! Scout the bushes! ADC pull back a bit! One wave after another! Nice!”

The other four: “……”

Damn, he talks a lot!

After the game was over, Yu Qinghuan then realised that his voice was a bit hoarse. In hindsight, he also realised that he had been shouting during the training. His heart thumped.

Oh no ……

He was obviously new to the team, yet he had been in command.

Will they get too annoyed?

The points calculation panel popped up and, unsurprisingly, Yu Qing Huan was the MVP9 of the field.

There was silence all around. Yu Qinghuan’s body grew stiff and tense as he swallowed dryly and spoke slowly, “So what, right ……”

“Brother!” Yi Feiang suddenly spoke out. He turned his head and looked at Yu Qinghuan adoringly, “You’re awesome!”

“Huh?” Yu Qinghuan was confused.

“You set the pace for several of our waves of group destruction. I don’t think our team has ever been so conscious, and you took three kills twice. If it weren’t for Qi Huai stealing your head, you would’ve almost had four kills just now! “

Qi Huai: “You f*cking..”

Yi Feiang: “Robbed is robbed! Don’t deny it.”

Qi Huai: “Snort.”

Liu Manman: “Qi, Qi Huai, you did, indeed, steal the mid laner’s head.”

Qi Huai: “……”

Yi Feiang is so excited: “Crap that made my blood boil. I think we can make it to nationals! We’ll make it to the Worlds! We’re in the Universe! “

Qi Huai: “What the hell is the Universe Tournament?”

Luo Buyu was also surprised: “Qinghuan, I thought you’d be rusty after not playing for so long, but you seem to be playing better than before. Have you been training consistently all these years?”

Yu Qinghuan was a little embarrassed: “Because everyone trusts me, right. Just now, with the few waves, everyone cooperated very well. “

Qi Huai and Liu Manman looked at each other.

Liu Man Man stammered, “The new mid, the mid laner is so strong. Maybe …… there …… is a possibility ……”

Qi Huai nodded: “Well, we’ll try it.”

Yi Feiang shouted out, “Come on, come on! Open another hand! Laofei10 wants to play one to five!!!”

TLN: Phew, this one was quite a chapter with the footnotes.