Faced with Yu Qinghuan’s embarrassment and nervousness, Mama Ren smiled kindly and changed to another topic, “Qinghuan, what major were you in college?”

Yu Qinghuan hurriedly replied, “Electronic engineering.” 

Papa Ren paused and looked towards Yu Qinghuan.

Mama Ren smiled and exclaimed, “Oh wow, it is the same major as my husband.”

“Oh! Mr. Ren also majored in electronic engineering?” Yu Qinghuan was surprised.

Papa Ren nodded. “Yes, but I changed my profession very early on. In my time, a major like electronic engineering was still very frontier, niche, and new. What is the direction of this major now?” 

Yu Qinghuan thought of this as a bonus question! So he must give a good answer! He replied on the beat, “Telecommunications, multimedia, microelectronics, digital electronic circuits, and a bunch more. Most of them are applied physics.”

Papa Ren asked, “Are digital electronic circuits MCU, digital electronics and what not?”

Yu Qinghuan answered, “Yes, they are. If you know how to write device drivers and underlying software, it is a good way to find work.”

Papa Ren requested, “Oh? Please tell me more about other directions.”

Yu Qinghuan quickly gave a detailed explanation.

Papa Ren kept nodding and asked questions from time to time.

Yu Qinghuan answered every question and began a heated discussion with Papa Ren. During a moment of excitement, Papa Ren actually raised a glass of champagne to toast Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan suddenly stood up and exclaimed, “Mr. Ren, I am your junior, please let me toast to you instead.” 

Ren Jian: “…”

Mama Ren: “…”

She huffed, “I chose a French restaurant, so why did those two bring in the drinking culture here?”

Ren Jian whispered, “Mother, I think if they continue to chat like this, they are going to swear brotherhood.” 

Mama Ren glanced at Ren Jian and said deeply, “Then the seniority in this family is going to be out of whack.”

Ren Jian admired his surroundings, looking busy.

In order to stop the situation from developing in an unpredictable direction, Mama Ren interjected just as Papa Ren was about to ask for information about software engineering, and promptly inserted her question, “Qinghuan, you are living with Ren Jian right?”

Ren Jian suddenly coughed in the middle of eating. “Pfff—cough, cough.” 

Good grief, so she wanted to bring up this kind of topic eventually.

Mama Ren gave Ren Jian a look. “Take your time eating.”

Yu Qinghuan turned to Mama Ren and answered with a smile, “Yes, Ms. Ren.”

“Are you two getting along, living together?” 


“Ktja lr ubbv, lo jcsatlcu mbwfr eq, ifa wf xcbk.”

“Ktjcx sbe Zr. Efc, sbe jgf nfgs xlcv.”

“Yt gluta.” Zjwj Efc’r fsfr revvfcis megnfv lcab akb mgfrmfca wbbcr. “Hlcutejc, tbk ibcu tjnf sbe yffc klat Efc Aljc?” 

Ren Jian was having a coughing fit. “Cough! Cough! Cough!!!”

Zjwj Efc mtlvfv, “…P jigfjvs abiv sbe ab ajxf sbeg alwf fjalcu, kts jgf sbe ralii mtbxlcu?”

Ren Jian thought: It would be better if I choke to death now. 

Yu Qinghuan also froze. Thinking that maybe Mama Ren was asking how long he and Ren Jian had known each other, he counted from the day they stayed together in the love suite. “Almost half a month.” 

Mama Ren was shocked. “Only half a month?”

Yu Qinghuan nodded firmly.

Mama Ren asked, “Except for competitions, Ren Jian typically likes to coop up in the gaming house. Did you two meet during a competition?”

“We didn’t.” 

“Then where did you two meet?”

Yu Qinghuan answered, “In a Lo—”

Ren Jian covered Yu Qinghuan’s mouth.

Mama Ren was puzzled. “Lo what? Gosh, Ren Jian, why are you covering Yu Qinghuan’s mouth? How could there possibly be anything that cannot be said?” 

Ren Jian was having a mental breakdown.

This is one of the fucking possible things that cannot be said!

It finally dawned on Yu Qinghuan how inappropriate it was to reveal his story of sharing a love suite with Ren Jian in front of the two seniors. He sent Ren Jian an eye signal that it was fine to uncover his mouth before finishing, “In a lovely afternoon at the park, that is where I met Ren Jian.”

“Is that so?” Mama Ren nodded. “Then…who chased who?” 

Ren Jian coughed thrice, “Cough!!!”

Mama Ren snapped, “…Ren Jian, what is wrong with you today?”

Yu Qinghuan looked at Ren Jian and turned to Mama Ren, looking very confused. “Chase?”

Ren Jian hurriedly misled, “I chased you, did I not give the document back to you? I have to chase you back into this city to return the document to you.” 

Yu Qinghuan’s eyes were complicated as he muttered, “Yes…”

Mama Ren gently covered her lips, looking at Ren Jian with a smile and exclaiming, “I could not tell that it was you who confessed first?”

Yu Qinghuan: “…”

Ren Jian: “…” 

Mama Ren doubted, “What’s wrong? Why has the talking stopped?”

Ren Jian knew that even with how dense Yu Qinghuan is, it was impossible for him not to detect anything unusual with all of these blunt questions. He sighed and decided to lay everything on the table. “Mother, actually, we are…”

“Yes! That is right!! He confessed first!!!” Yu Qinghuan suddenly interrupted Ren Jian and said with huge momentum.

Ren Jian: “…” 

Buddy, WTF?

Mama Ren looked at her own son and was moved into a smile. “Ren Jian was never one to yield even when he was a kid. Back then, when I bought toys for him, he never showed interest in them. It was not until he was alone that he played with them. To be honest, it truly surprised me that he confessed first. Qinghuan, please share with me how Ren Jian confessed.”

Yu Qinghuan thought for a moment and said in a dead serious voice, “He made a heart out of candles, stood in them and confessed to me with a bouquet of roses in his hand.”

Ren Jian: “…” 

Who the fuck would confess in such a primitive way! Do you take me for an unsophisticated student!!!

Why don’t you just go ahead and add that I had a stereo! With Still the Master of Love Songs playing!!

Yu Qinghuan added, “Oh right, he also had a boombox stereo beside him. It was playing one of the songs from Still the Master of Love Songs album.”

Ren Jian: “…” 

Mama Ren uttered, “…Qinghuan, you must really like our Ren Jian if you accepted this kind of confession.”

Yu Qinghuan blurted, “Yes, that is right. I like it! I like it very much!!”

Ren Jian: “…”

Ren Jian suddenly stood up, placed his hand on Yu Qinghuan’s shoulder and leaned over. “Come out for a moment, I would like to have a word with you.” 

Yu Qinghuan froze and glanced at Mama Ren and Papa Ren. “But the seniors are still here. Will leaving right now be…”

“No worries, go ahead.” Mama Ren smiled.

“All right.” Since they got Mama Ren’s consent, Yu Qinghuan put his mind at ease and went to find a quiet corner with Ren JIan.

In order to create an atmosphere, the light in the small courtyard of the garden tavern was dim, with melodious light music playing from hidden stereos. Ren Jian and Yu Qinghuan stood facing each other awkwardly. 

After a long silence, Ren Jian scratched his head and sighed, “I am sorry that I did not tell you earlier, but the second day I brought you home when you were drunk, my mother thought you were my boyfriend when she stumbled in.”

It finally crossed Yu Qinghuan’s mind as he patted his chest. “Oh, so that was it. I was scared to death just now. I totally forgot about your sexual orientation. When your mother asked me about confession, chase and what not, I kept thinking it was some kind of professional terminology.”

Ren Jian gawked. “…How could you forgot about my sexual orientation???”

Was this something that could be casually forgotten? Are you being way too nice! What kind of memories are you actually storing in your brain? 

In the face of Ren Jian’s shock, Yu Qinghuan was the opposite. “Of course, because it makes no difference.”

Ren Jian was stunned on the spot.

In an instant, he seemed to have returned to the playground during the sunset when he was young.

Scattering dead leaves as autumn welcomed the cool. 

He carefully asked the person in front of him. “I am almost well now, but why are you still avoiding walking home with me after school?”

The other person showed an awkward expression. “It just, it does not feel the same now.”