C455 – The Great Dao Space Communicated with the Chaotic Battlefield

Fang Qingcang and the others looked at each other when they saw Hu Shengquan. Almost at the same time, they stretched out their hands.

When the patriarchs of the various families saw their old ancestor making a move, they didn’t want to fall behind. They followed behind their old ancestor and attacked.

Seeing these people making their move, Kitten and Loong Linshuang rolled their eyes. They were all eager to give it a try.


The dog indicated it was about time. They came out long enough and didn’t have time to play anymore. They had to end the battle asap.

The two little fellows were dejected. This was such a good opportunity for them to train.

“I will give you two a chance. Kneel down and offer up your treasures. We’ll give you two a chance to live!”

Hu Shengquan said.

What was interesting was Fang Qingcang, who was about to attack, suddenly stopped and stood beside Zheng Meng.

The spectators knew this was to prevent Zheng Meng from suddenly joining the ranks of the treasure hunters.

It seemed like in this split second, the old ancestors of the few families had reached a consensus that Sun City would be excluded from this treasure hunt.

Zheng Meng wasn’t angry. Instead, he was chatting and laughing with Fang Qingcang, as if he didn’t see through Fang Qingcang’s intention.

Fang Qingcang thought Zheng Meng was scared when he saw their numbers, but he didn’t know Zheng Meng was cursing them for being stupid in his heart.

Since Zhang Changsheng knew about the relationship between these little fellows and Zhang Changxin, why did he leave so easily?

Was Zhang Changsheng the kind of person who would leave them to die?

Although he usually had a cool expression on his face, the people of Zhang family were hot-blooded and righteous.

The word “Yi” could be found in the bloodline of all the people of Zhang family, and it could be found in the depths of their souls.

Otherwise, their boss wouldn’t be willing to build a good relationship with the Zhang family.

The funny thing was these idiots thought they had an opportunity to take advantage of Zhang Changsheng when he left.

They were all a bunch of useless people whose hearts were filled with greed.

This was actually a very simple logic. One could understand it with just a slight thought, but at this moment, there was only the word “treasure” in their hearts.

Seeing Zheng Meng being so tactful, Hu Shengquan and the others were very satisfied.

Hu Shengquan and Lee Mingshan locked onto the dog almost at the same time.

This dog was a little demonic. They had to get rid of this dog first before they could completely relax.

Especially Hu Shengquan, the shadow of the dog already formed in his heart.

A single strike crushed him. The scene from before was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Brilliant light shot out from between their fingers, sealing off all paths of retreat for the dog. It even drowned the dog.

“Get away from me!”

The destruction caused by the exchange of blows between the powerhouses was still vivid in their minds. Some of the weaker people already began to retreat into the distance.

Even though they moved far away, those people still covered their ears together. Even so, they still felt their ears ringing and their souls trembling.

“How terrifying! Is this a Peak of the Great Tao warrior?”

“No wonder these families are able to survive for hundreds of millions of years. With such a powerful warrior, as long as it wasn’t Zhang Changsheng and Jiang Shengyang, who in the Chaotic Battlefield would be a match for these people?”

Those who were watching the battle shivered and walked further away. Only then did they feel slightly safe.

Zheng Meng felt uncomfortable for Hu Shengquan and Lee Mingshan. If they attacked that strange dog, it would probably become a tragedy.

Hu Shengquan’s Mountain Observation Seal appeared once again. At the same time, he shouted out loudly. A sound wave was launched at the dog, wanting to attack its soul at the same time.

The light in Lee Mingshan’s hand slashed towards the dog, intending to cut it into two.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz!”

Suddenly, something unbelievable happened.

A ten-thousand-meter Great Dao appeared with a loud bang, and it was three hundred meters wide. The vast and mighty Taoist Charm’s terrifying power stunned everyone in the Chaotic Battlefield.


The dog was stunned for a while, and then it started to back down.

This was bad luck! In the end, it was seen by its master!

This aura was definitely its master!


Nannan immediately hid inside the Divine Ship.

It was over. She was going to be caught by her father.

“Nannan, what’s wrong?”

Listening to what Nannan said, these people were no match for that dog. Hu Shuangshuang was no longer as frightened as before but when she saw this scene, she was somewhat stunned.


Hearing Hu Shuangshuang’s voice, Nannan’s gem-like big eyes rolled and her small mouth pursed.

Why did father scold her?

Father should be thanking her. She came to find grandma!

“Uncle Dog, grandma is here!”

Nannan immediately reminded!

Almost at the same time Nannan reminded, dog’s pair of big dog eyes lit up.

Hu Shengquan and Lee Mingshan immediately stopped and retreated to the side. They looked at the Great Dao with serious expressions.

Zheng Meng and Faang Qingcang who were talking also stopped talking.

Not only them, but also the people of Chaotic Battlefield were startled.

Zhang Changsheng, who already walked far away, stopped in his tracks. He looked at the Great Dao in the Void with a serious expression.

He frowned. What a terrifying strength!

Was this the Zhang Xuan that Chang Xin spoke of?

Ten thousand meters of Great Dao, even Jiang Shengyang wouldn’t be able to reach it.

Chang Xin mentioned it in the letter before. He thought Chang Xin was suspected of exaggerating, but he didn’t expect it to be true. There was actually someone in this world who cultivated to that level.

“If I have the chance, I must find this little guy and have a competition!”

Zhang Changsheng became excited.

Suddenly, something was wrong with his eyes. He looked at the Great Dao hesitantly.

“This… this isn’t right! Did he walk ten thousand meters, or did he expand the Great Dao by ten thousand meters?”

Although the Great Dao looked like it was 10,000 meters wide and 300 meters wide, Zhang Changsheng had a feeling that the Great Dao should be 300 meters wide and 10,000 meters wide.

This scene looked too strange. He started to doubt his own eyes.

Thinking about it, Zhang Changsheng smiled.

“Who cares? That old bastard Jiang is definitely more anxious than me!”

Sun City.

A strong man who was cultivating in seclusion suddenly appeared in City Lord’s Mansion.

“Big brother!”

Gao Dengming, who was on duty, appeared beside the strong man. He also fixed his eyes on the Great Dao.

“Big brother, I never thought someone in this world would actually walk that path!”

What was even more unbelievable was this person actually walked in front of his big brother.

One had to know even his big brother didn’t walk out ten thousand meters at this moment.


The burly man was the number one bandit in Sun City, Jiang Shengyang.

He made a faint sound of agreement and raised his head to stare at the Great Dao. The more he looked at it, the deeper his frown became.

“What’s wrong, big brother?”

Gao Dengming looked at his big brother strangely and asked.

“I’ll go and find out one thing. During this time, you guys were guarding Sun City well. This period of time wasn’t peaceful, and those people want to move again!”

As Jiang Shengyang spoke, he suddenly disappeared.

When Gao Dengming heard this, his expression became serious. He didn’t even know his big brother left.

In the mysterious space.

Zhang Xuan, who just gained complete control of the path, suddenly frowned. He used his spiritual energy to look at the darkness in front of him.

He didn’t know if it was his misconception, but he felt like he saw dog, Nannan, and the others confronting a group of people.